Source code for landlab.utils.decorators

"""General decorators for the landlab library.

General Landlab decorators

.. autosummary::


import inspect
import os
import textwrap
import warnings
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np

from landlab import FieldError

[docs] class cache_result_in_object:
[docs] def __init__(self, cache_as=None): self._attr = cache_as
def __call__(self, func): name = self._attr or "_" + func.__name__ @wraps(func) def _wrapped(obj): if not hasattr(obj, name): setattr(obj, name, func(obj)) return getattr(obj, name) return _wrapped
[docs] class store_result_in_grid:
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None): self._attr = name
def __call__(self, func): @wraps(func) def _wrapped(grid): name = self._attr or "_" + func.__name__ try: getattr(grid, name) except AttributeError: setattr(grid, name, func(grid)) return getattr(grid, name) return _wrapped
[docs] class store_result_in_dataset:
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset=None, name=None): self._dataset = dataset self._attr = name
def __call__(self, func): @wraps(func) def _wrapped(grid): name = self._attr or func.__name__ if self._dataset: ds = getattr(grid, self._dataset) else: ds = grid if name not in ds: setattr(grid, self._dataset, ds.update({"name": func(grid)})) return getattr(grid, self._dataset)[name].values return _wrapped
[docs] def read_only_array(func): """Decorate a function so that its return array is read-only. Parameters ---------- func : function A function that returns a numpy array. Returns ------- func A wrapped function that returns a read-only numpy array. """ @wraps(func) def _wrapped(self, *args, **kwds): """Make the returned array read-only.""" array = func(self, *args, **kwds) array.flags.writeable = False return array return _wrapped
[docs] def add_signature_to_doc(func): """Add a function signature to the first line of a docstring. Add the signature of a function to the first line of its docstring. This is useful for functions that are decorated in such a way that its signature changes. Parameters ---------- func : function Function to add signature to. Returns ------- str The new docstring with the function signature on the first line. Examples -------- >>> from landlab.utils.decorators import add_signature_to_doc >>> def foo(arg1, kwd=None): ... '''Do something.''' ... pass ... >>> print(add_signature_to_doc(foo)) foo(arg1, kwd=None) <BLANKLINE> Do something. """ return """{name}{argspec} {body}""".format( name=func.__name__, argspec=str(inspect.signature(func)), body=inspect.getdoc(func), )
[docs] class use_field_name_or_array: """Decorate a function so that it accepts a field name or array. Parameters ---------- func : function A function that accepts a grid and array as arguments. at_element : str The element type that the field is defined on ('node', 'cell', etc.) Returns ------- func A wrapped function that accepts a grid and either a field name or a numpy array. Examples -------- >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> grid = RasterModelGrid((4, 5), xy_spacing=(1, 2)) >>> def my_func(grid, vals): ... return grid.area_of_cell * vals ... >>> my_func(grid, np.arange(grid.number_of_cells)) array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.]) Decorate the function so that the second argument can be array-like or the name of a field contained withing the grid. The decorator takes a single argument that is the name (as a `str`) of the grid element that the values are defined on ("node", "cell", etc.). >>> from landlab.utils.decorators import use_field_name_or_array >>> @use_field_name_or_array("cell") ... def my_func(grid, vals): ... return grid.area_of_cell * vals ... The array of values now can be list or anything that can be converted to a numpy array. >>> my_func(grid, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.]) The array of values doesn't have to be flat. >>> vals = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) >>> my_func(grid, vals) array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.]) The array of values can be a field name. >>> _ = grid.add_field("elevation", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], at="cell") >>> my_func(grid, "elevation") array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, at_element): """Initialize the decorator. Parameters ---------- at_element : str The element type that the field is defined on ('node', 'cell', etc.) """ self._at = at_element
[docs] def __call__(self, func): """Wrap the function.""" func.__doc__ = add_signature_to_doc(func) @wraps(func) def _wrapped(grid, vals, *args, **kwds): """Convert the second argument to an array.""" if isinstance(vals, str): if vals in grid[self._at]: vals = grid[self._at][vals] else: raise FieldError(vals) else: vals = np.asarray(vals).reshape(-1) return func(grid, vals, *args, **kwds) return _wrapped
[docs] class use_field_name_array_or_value: """Decorate a function so that it accepts a field name, array, or value. Parameters ---------- func : function A function that accepts a grid and array as arguments. at_element : str The element type that the field is defined on ('node', 'cell', etc.) Returns ------- func A wrapped function that accepts a grid and either a field name, a numpy array, or a value as arguments. Examples -------- >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> grid = RasterModelGrid((4, 5), xy_spacing=(1, 2)) >>> def my_func(grid, vals): ... return grid.area_of_cell * vals ... >>> my_func(grid, np.arange(grid.number_of_cells)) array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.]) Decorate the function so that the second argument can be array-like, the name of a field contained withing the grid, or a value (float, int, etc.). The decorator takes a single argument that is the name (as a `str`) of the grid element that the values are defined on ("node", "cell", etc.). >>> from landlab.utils.decorators import use_field_name_array_or_value >>> @use_field_name_array_or_value("cell") ... def my_func(grid, vals): ... return grid.area_of_cell * vals ... The array of values now can be list or anything that can be converted to a numpy array. >>> my_func(grid, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.]) The array of values doesn't have to be flat. >>> vals = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) >>> my_func(grid, vals) array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.]) The array of values can be a field name. >>> _ = grid.add_field("elevation", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], at="cell") >>> my_func(grid, "elevation") array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.]) The array of values can be a value (float, int, etc.). >>> my_func(grid, 4.0) array([8., 8., 8., 8., 8., 8.]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, at_element): """Initialize the decorator. Parameters ---------- at_element : str The element type that the field is defined on ('node', 'cell', etc.) """ self._at = at_element
[docs] def __call__(self, func): """Wrap the function.""" func.__doc__ = add_signature_to_doc(func) @wraps(func) def _wrapped(grid, vals, *args, **kwds): """Convert the second argument to an array.""" if isinstance(vals, str): if vals in grid[self._at]: vals = grid[self._at][vals] else: raise FieldError(vals) else: expected_size = grid.size(self._at) vals = np.asarray(vals).ravel() if vals.size == 1: vals = np.broadcast_to(vals, (expected_size,)) if vals.size != expected_size: raise ValueError( "Array passed to function decorated with " "use_field_name_array_or_value is not " "the size of fields at " + self._at ) return func(grid, vals, *args, **kwds) return _wrapped
[docs] def make_return_array_immutable(func): """Decorate a function so that its return array is read-only. Parameters ---------- func : function A function that returns a numpy array. Returns ------- func A wrapped function that returns a read-only view of an array. """ @wraps(func) def _wrapped(self, *args, **kwds): """Make the returned array read-only.""" array = func(self, *args, **kwds) immutable_array = array.view() immutable_array.flags.writeable = False return immutable_array return _wrapped
[docs] def deprecated(use, version): """Mark a function as deprecated. Parameters ---------- use : str Name of replacement function to use. version : str Version number when function was marked as deprecated. Returns ------- func A wrapped function that issues a deprecation warning. """ def real_decorator(func): warning_str = """ .. note:: This method is deprecated as of Landlab version {ver}. Use :func:`{use}` instead. """.format( ver=version, use=use ) doc_lines = (func.__doc__ or "").split(os.linesep) for _lineno, line in enumerate(doc_lines): if len(line.rstrip()) == 0: break head = doc_lines[:_lineno] body = doc_lines[_lineno:] head = textwrap.dedent(os.linesep.join(head)) body = textwrap.dedent(os.linesep.join(body)) func.__doc__ = os.linesep.join([head, warning_str, body]) @wraps(func) def _wrapped(*args, **kwargs): if func.__name__.startswith("_"): pass else: warnings.warn( message="Call to deprecated function {name}.".format( name=func.__name__ ), category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return func(*args, **kwargs) _wrapped.__dict__.update(func.__dict__) return _wrapped return real_decorator