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How to create and visualize a Landlab Icosphere Grid

(GE Tucker, CU Boulder, November 2023)

This notebook demonstrates how to create a spherical IcosphereGlobalGrid, and to visualize its geometric elements and related fields.

About IcosphereGlobal grid

IcosphereGlobalGrid represents a spherical surface as an icosphere, also known as a geodesic polyhedron: a convex polyhedron made of triangular faces. The icosphere allows a relatively even distribution of points across the surface.

The process of creating an IcosphereGlobalGrid starts with an icosahedron (a 20-sided polyhedron with 12 vertices). The initial icosahedron is then refined by iteratively subdividing each triangle into four smaller triangles. The user of IcosphereGlobalGrid specifies how many iterative levels of subdivision are applied, using the parameter mesh_densification_level.

An icosphere has the useful characteristic of having a dual geometry. The dual geometry for an icosahedron is a dodecahedron (12-sided polyhedron with 20 vertices). More generally, at any level of subdivision, an icosphere’s triangular patches and their vertices have a matching Goldberg Polyhedron, in which each triangle vertex lies within a corresponding pentagonal or (if densification level >0) hexagonal polygon.

In a Landlab IcosphereGlobalGrid, the icosphere comprises triangular patches with nodes as vertices and links as edges. The corresponding Goldberg Polyhedron is composed of pentagonal and hexagonal cells with corners as vertices and faces as the edges of the pentagons and hexagons.

Unlike the various 2D grid types, the nodes and corners in an IcosphereGlobalGrid have a \(z\) coordinate in addition to their \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates. The grid also provides the corresponding spherical coordinates \(r\), \(\phi\), and \(\theta\) (\(r\) being radial distance from the center of the sphere, \(\phi\) the longitude, and \(\theta\) the latitude angle measured from zero at the “south” pole (so the equator lies at \(\theta = \pi/2\) and the north pole lies at \(\theta = \pi\)).

Creating an IcosphereGlobalGrid

The following examples illustrate how to create an IcosphereGlobalGrid:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import as vtk
from landlab import IcosphereGlobalGrid
def plot_ico_grid(vtx_coords, verts_at_line, cmap="Blues", title=None):
    """Plot vertex and line elements of an icosphere grid."""
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")

    val_for_vertex_color = 0.25 * (vtx_coords[:, 0] + 1) + 0.25 * (1 - vtx_coords[:, 1])
    val_for_line_color = 0.25 * (1 - vtx_coords[verts_at_line[:, 0], 1]) + 0.25 * (
        1 + vtx_coords[verts_at_line[:, 0], 0]

        vtx_coords[:, 0],
        vtx_coords[:, 1],
        vtx_coords[:, 2],

    for i in range(grid.number_of_links):
            vtx_coords[verts_at_line[i, :], 0],
            vtx_coords[verts_at_line[i, :], 1],
            vtx_coords[verts_at_line[i, :], 2],

# No densification: icosahedron and dodecahedron
grid = IcosphereGlobalGrid()

# Icosahedron: nodes, patches, and links
    title="Icosahedron: nodes, links, and patches",

# Dodecahedron: corners, cells, and faces
    title="Dodecahedron: corners, faces, and cells",
# Densification level 1: soccer ball
grid = IcosphereGlobalGrid(radius=1.0, mesh_densification_level=1)

plot_ico_grid(grid.coords_of_corner, grid.corners_at_face, cmap="Reds")

Adding fields

Fields can be added using the same functions that are used with any other type of grid. The example below creates a grid and adds a node field called latitude, to which is assigned the latitude values in degrees. The example also illustrates the use of the radius parameter.

grid = IcosphereGlobalGrid(radius=6.37e6, mesh_densification_level=4)

lat = grid.add_zeros("latitude", at="node")
lat[:] = np.abs(np.degrees(grid.theta_of_node) - 90.0)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")

    c=(90.0 - lat),

_ = ax.axis("equal")

Saving output for external 3D visualization

An effective way to visualize Landlab global grids and fields is to use a 3D visualization package like ParaView. ParaView accepts a variety of input formats; one format that Landlab provides is Legacy VTK. Here’s the function signature for the dump() function of

Help on function dump in module

dump(grid, stream=None, include='*', exclude=None, z_coord=0.0, at='node')
    Format a grid in VTK legacy format.

    grid : ModelGrid
        A *Landlab* grid.
    stream : file_like, optional
        File-like object to write the formatted output. If not provided,
        return the formatted vtk as a string.
    include : str, or iterable of str, optional
        Glob-style pattern for field names to include.
    exclude : str, or iterable of str, optional
        Glob-style pattern for field names to exclude.
    z_coord : array_like or str, optional
        If the grid does not have a *z* coordinate, use this value. If
        a ``str``, use the corresponding field.
    at : 'node' or 'corner', optional
        Use either the grid's *node*s (and *patches*) or *corners* (and *cells*).

    str or ``None``
        The grid formatted as legacy VTK or ``None`` if an output stream
        was provided.

    >>> import os
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from landlab import HexModelGrid
    >>> import as vtk

    >>> grid = HexModelGrid((3, 2))

    >>> topo = np.arange(grid.number_of_nodes)
    >>> grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] = topo
    >>> grid.at_node["surface_water__depth"] = (7.0 - topo) / 10.0

    >>> lines = vtk.dump(grid, z_coord=topo).splitlines()
    >>> print(os.linesep.join(lines[:4]))
    # vtk DataFile Version 2.0
    Landlab output

    The x, y, and z coordinates of each grid node (VTK calls these

    >>> print(os.linesep.join(lines[5:13]))
    POINTS 7 float
    0.5 0.0 0.0
    1.5 0.0 1.0
    0.0 0.866025 2.0
    1.0 0.866025 3.0
    2.0 0.866025 4.0
    0.5 1.732051 5.0
    1.5 1.732051 6.0

    Grid nodes that form each patch (VTK calls these "cells").

    >>> print(os.linesep.join(lines[14:21]))
    CELLS 6 24
    3 3 0 1
    3 3 2 0
    3 4 3 1
    3 5 2 3
    3 6 3 4
    3 6 5 3

    The type of each patch. A value of 5 is VTK code for triangle.

    >>> print(os.linesep.join(lines[22:29]))

    The data fields at grid nodes.

    >>> print(os.linesep.join(lines[30:51]))
    SCALARS surface_water__depth float 1
    LOOKUP_TABLE default
    SCALARS topographic__elevation float 1
    LOOKUP_TABLE default

    To write the dual grid (i.e. corners and cells) use the ``at``

    >>> lines = vtk.dump(grid, at="corner").splitlines()
    >>> print(os.linesep.join(lines[5:12]))
    POINTS 6 float
    1.0 0.288675 0.0
    0.5 0.57735 0.0
    1.5 0.57735 0.0
    0.5 1.154701 0.0
    1.5 1.154701 0.0
    1.0 1.443376 0.0

The dump() function writes a Legacy VTK file for either nodes-links-patches (at="node"), or corners-faces-cells (at="corner"). By default this function will write all of the node and patch (or corner and face) fields. The fields that are written can be controled by the include and exclude keywords.

Output example 1: latitude and longitude values

This example writes output for the grid defined above, along with its field of latitude values. The field is defined on nodes, but it could just as easily have been defined on cells, since there’s a one-to-one relationship between nodes and cells for this grid type.

For the sake of illustration, we’ll also create a field for longitude values and assign it to patches. This also provides an opportunity to list one of the spherical geometry utility functions, cartesian_to_spherical(), which we’ll use to calculate the spherical coordinates of the grid corners. (In an IcosphereGlobalGrid, each corner lies within a corresponding triangular patch, and their numbering is the same, so it doesn’t really matter whether we assign the values to a corner-based field or a patch-based field.)

from landlab.utils.geometry.spherical import cartesian_to_spherical

# Get spherical coordinates for the corners
corner_r, corner_phi, corner_theta = cartesian_to_spherical(
    grid.x_of_corner, grid.y_of_corner, grid.z_of_corner

# Add a patch field for longitude
# lon = grid.add_field("longitude", np.degrees(corner_phi), at="patch")
grid.at_patch["longitude"] = np.degrees(corner_phi)
grid.at_cell["latitude"] = lat
with open("latlon_example-patches.vtk", "w") as fp:
    vtk.dump(grid, fp, at="node")

with open("latlon_example-cells.vtk", "w") as fp:
    vtk.dump(grid, fp, at="corner")

Here’s what these two files look like when rendered in ParaView:

paraview_lat_cells_example-2.jpg paraview_lat_cells_example.jpg

Output example 2: soccer ball

Just for fun, here’s an example in which we use a field to assign different values to pentagonal versus hexagonal cells, so that the rendering of cells looks like a soccer ball.

grid = IcosphereGlobalGrid(mesh_densification_level=1)

is_hexagon = np.amin(grid.corners_at_cell, axis=1) > -1

cell_code = grid.add_zeros("cell_code", at="cell")
cell_code[is_hexagon] = 1.0

with open("soccer_ball-patches.vtk", "w") as fp:
    vtk.dump(grid, fp, at="node")
with open("soccer_ball-cells.vtk", "w") as fp:
    vtk.dump(grid, fp, at="corner")

Paraview rendering (note that apparent triangle subdivisions are a ParaView thing):


Displaying both dual geometries illustrates how the two map onto one another. In this image, cells and their faces are outlined in red; their vertices are corners. Triangular patches are shown in solid teal; their edges are links and their vertices are nodes.


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