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Diverse grid classes

We present the diversity of grid classes available in Landlab, put in their historical context and advantages. Creation and display of each class is indicated by a portion of code which produces the figures indicated in the text.

  1. Introduction

  2. NetworkModelGrid.

  3. RasterModelGrid.

  4. HexModelGrid.

  5. RadialModelGrid.

  6. VoronoiDelaunayGrid.

  7. FramedVoronoiGrid.

  8. IcosphereGlobalGrid.

e172549c8986442e97b722dcf8c61577 Fig. 1. Geometry and topology of grid elements on diverse Landlab grids (Hobley et al., 2017).


Modeling can be used to test the impact of a process on an object and its properties through time and space. For instance, we can model the impact of mass wasting (the process) on the earth surface (the object) and its topographic elevation (the property). To do this, we need to represent the surface and its elevation. We could represent this property by a continuous 2-D function, such as a sinusoidal or a polynomial envelope. This is not always simple and practicable (see Gerya, 2010, p. 37). Some processes are simulated by partial differential equations. These equations can’t always be solved analytically. That roughly means that they can’t be easily solved the way x^2 = y + 3 * 3 can be solved (x being the property value before the impact of the process, y the value after the impact of the process). We usually solve these equations numerically. This requires discretizing the values of the surface properties.

To discretize property values, we represent the surface in a grid of small cells (also called a mesh) and affect to each cell a value for the property. The value is considered as an average over the cell. This representation is called tessellation. It is also called tiling if the cells are regular. A tessellated space only contain cells that don’t overlap with each other, and that don’t have a gap between each other.

We can also represent the surface in a spatial grid of nodes and affect a property value to each of them. In this case, the surface is also tessellated in cells. A node is then the single point located at the center of each cell. Two nodes can have a link. Using nodes and links is convenient to represent the fluxes or moves between cells, or to ease computation, for instance of gradients.


Board games (review in Depaulis, 2020) are probably the oldest activity consisting in representing surfaces and properties. These games consist in moving pieces from a position to another on a surface, either to win a race or to win a war. The set of positions is limited, and the moves follow a set of rules: pieces can’t go where they want and the way they want. Then the simplest way to represent the surface and its rule is using a network grid. Positions are represented by points, also called nodes, and the possible paths are represented by links. The ancient board of the alquerque game, the ancestor of checkers, is an illustration of this class of grids.

In Landlab, this class is implemented by the NetworkModelGrid. A regular grid instance of this class is shown Fig. 2. Note that the implementation of the NetworkGrid allows irregular networks, where links are of variable lengths and directions. The NetworkModelGrid class is adapted for surfaces subject to fluxes of particles or agents which are constrained by the river or the road network (See the network_sediment_transporter notebook).

# Code to create and display a NetworkModelGrid similar to the alquerque board

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from landlab import NetworkModelGrid
from landlab.plot import graph

# nodes
x_n = 5  # number of nodes on a vertical line
y_n = 5  # number of nodes on a horizontal line
n = x_n * y_n  # number of nodes
# x-coordinates of nodes
x = np.array([])
for i in range(x_n):
    x = np.append(x, np.arange(x_n, dtype=float))
# y-coordinates of nodes
y = np.sort(np.repeat(np.arange(y_n, dtype=float), y_n))

# links
# horizontal links
lh = []
for j in range(y_n):
    lh += [(i + j * y_n, i + j * y_n + 1) for i in range(x_n - 1)]
# vertical
lv = [(i, i + y_n) for i in range(n - y_n)]
# diagonal 1
ld1 = []
for j in [0, 2]:
    ld1 += [(i + j * y_n, i + (j + 1) * y_n + 1) for i in [0, 2]]
for j in [0, 2]:
    ld1 += [(5 + 1 + i + j * y_n, 5 + 1 + i + (j + 1) * y_n + 1) for i in [0, 2]]
# diagonal 2
ld2 = []
for j in [0, 2]:
    ld2 += [(2 + i + j * y_n, 2 + 8 + i + j * y_n) for i in [0, 2]]
links = tuple(lh + lv + ld1 + ld2)

# grid
params = {"yx_of_node": (y, x), "links": links, "xy_axis_units": ""}

grid = NetworkModelGrid(**params)  # grid creation

print("\033[1mFig. 2A.\033[0m Node view.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="node")  # display
print("\033[1mFig. 2B.\033[0m Link view. The grid reproduces an alquerque board game.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="link", with_id=False)  # display
Fig. 2A. Node view.
Fig. 2B. Link view. The grid reproduces an alquerque board game.
<Axes: xlabel='x', ylabel='y'>


Board games can be more complex than checkers. For instance, chess splits pieces in a diverse family. Their members don’t follow the same rules to move, and these rules depend on the color property value of their initial position. The network grid has an inconvenient for this use, because visibility of the property values can be hindered by the pieces. Players rather use a grid of squares. Square and rectangular grids are implemented by the RasterModelGrid (Fig. 3). Note that NetworkModelGrid and RasterModelGrid can be combined (see the run_network_generator_OpenTopoDEM notebook).

Square grids are the most commonly used grids in modeling. Most probably, you will prototype your model with a square grid. Still, many clues, such as the chinese character for a field, 田, point to a justification of the square grid dating back to the beginning of agriculture and land and work division. Square grids are practical because many mathematical operations on them are simple. Still, links of square grids can complexify the computation of fluxes between cells, because these links can be orthogonal to faces and diagonal. Presently, with efficient algorithms and massive computer power, other classes of grids can have easy access to practical coordinate systems, resampling, combination of several grids.

Then, the RasterModelGrid should be preferred when the model use or produce rasters of remote sensing data or digital elevation models, which would be too time-expensive to convert in another class of grids (see the reading_dem_into_landlab notebook and the sections 1. to 3. using BMI Opentopography to download a SRTM DEM and convert it into a grid, within the run_network_generator_OpenTopoDEM notebook).

# Code to create and display a RasterModelGrid similar to a chessboard

# Libraries
import numpy as np

from landlab import RasterModelGrid, imshow_grid
from landlab.plot import graph

x_n = y_n = 8  # number of nodes on a horizontal and a vertical line
n = x_n * y_n  # number of nodes

# grid creation.
# Shape is a tuple of the number of rows y_n and the number of columns x_n.
grid = RasterModelGrid(shape=(y_n, x_n))

# creation of the color property and affectation of values for each node, using their id = i + j
color_array = np.array([(i + j) % 2 for i in range(x_n) for j in range(y_n)])
color = grid.add_field("color", color_array, at="node", dbtype=float)

# display
    "\033[1mFig. 3A.\033[0m Cell view with color property. The grid reproduces a chess board."
imshow_grid(grid, "color", cmap="Greys", limits=(0, 1), allow_colorbar=False)

print("\033[1mFig. 3B.\033[0m  Node view.")
    grid, at="node", with_id=True
)  # with_id=True allows the display of node ids

    "\033[1mFig. 3C.\033[0m  Link view. Note that diagonal links are not represented because of a bug of the method."
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="link", with_id=False)
Fig. 3A. Cell view with color property. The grid reproduces a chess board.
Fig. 3B.  Node view.
Fig. 3C.  Link view. Note that diagonal links are not represented because of a bug of the method.
<Axes: xlabel='x', ylabel='y'>


The most promissing type of regular grid is hexagonal like an Agon board game. It is implemented by the HexModelGrid (Fig. 3). This type of grid presents some advantages for modeling (Birch et al., 2007 and H3 by Uber. All links are orthogonal, which is favorable to study connections, least expensive paths, and fluxes. Hexagons have properties close to circles (tesselation can’t use circles because of the gaps or overlapping between cells). They are adapted to modeling on large areas of a planet, because they better fit curved surfaces. They also have a small perimeter/area ratio, which reduces the edge effects of the grid. And natural patterns are usually more curvilinear than rectilinear. Hexagons help to visually spot these patterns without rectilinear modeling artefacts.

The HexModelGrid is an interesting compromise between RasterModelGrid and irregular grids. The hex grid is used in the landlab-fault-scarp and the listric_kinematic_extender notebooks.

Comment: Another type of regular grid is the triangular grid, which is not implemented in Landlab. The applications of triangular grids in geomodeling might be limited. Contrary to square and hex grids, cells are oriented in two directions. Similar to the square grids, links can also be diagonal.

# Code to create and display a HexModelGrid

# Libraries
import numpy as np

from landlab import HexModelGrid, imshow_grid
from landlab.components import FlowDirectorSteepest
from landlab.plot import graph
from landlab.plot.drainage_plot import drainage_plot

x_n = 7  # number of nodes at the bottom edge of the hexagon
y_n = 13  # number of nodes at the left edge of the hexagon

# Shape is a tuple of the number of rows y_n and the number of columns x_n.
grid = HexModelGrid((y_n, x_n), node_layout="hex")
n = grid.number_of_nodes  # number of nodes

# creation of the color property and affectation to each node by using their ids (8, 16, etc ...)
color_array = np.ones(n)
for i in [
    color_array[i] = 0.0
color = grid.add_field("color", color_array, at="node", dbtype=float)
grid.at_node["color"][grid.boundary_nodes] = 0

# construction of a drainage network based on the color property values
dir = FlowDirectorSteepest(grid, surface="color")

# display
    "\033[1mFig. 4A.\033[0m Cell view with color property. The grid reproduce an agon game board."
    limits=(0, 1),
# show_elements allows to draw cell contour, except for RasterModelGrid

    "\033[1mFig. 4B.\033[0m Cell and node (dots and crosses) view. The boundary nodes don't have cells."
drainage_plot(grid, surface="color")
    limits=(0, 100),

print("\033[1mFig. 4C.\033[0m  Node view.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="node", with_id=True)

print("\033[1mFig. 4D.\033[0m  Link view.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="link", with_id=False)
Fig. 4A. Cell view with color property. The grid reproduce an agon game board.
Fig. 4B. Cell and node (dots and crosses) view. The boundary nodes don't have cells.
Fig. 4C.  Node view.
Fig. 4D.  Link view.
<Axes: xlabel='x', ylabel='y'>


While HexModelGrid helps to improve modeling of natural objects, it’s still not the panacea to investigate circular objects. Radial grids can be used to model the uplift and erosion of a volcano. It also can be used to model a cross-section of a cooling planetesimal. Radial grids can be structured as a series of rings of quadrilaterals, surrounding a circular set of triangles, with a size of cells varying with the distance from the center. In Landlab, radial grids are implemented by the RadialModelGrid (Fig. 5.) , which consists of rings of hexagonal cells, with a central heptagon cell. Cell areas are similar but their shapes differ according to their position.

# Code to create and display a RadialModelGrid

# Libraries
import numpy as np

from landlab import RadialModelGrid, imshow_grid
from landlab.components import FlowDirectorSteepest
from landlab.plot import graph
from landlab.plot.drainage_plot import drainage_plot

rings_n = 5  # number of rings
outer_nodes_n = 8  # number of nodes on the outer boundary of the grid

grid = RadialModelGrid(rings_n, outer_nodes_n)  # grid creation
n = grid.number_of_nodes  # number of nodes

# creation of the color property
# generation of random colors and set the boundary colors to 0
random_generator = np.random.Generator(np.random.PCG64(200))
color_array = random_generator.random(n)
color_array[grid.boundary_nodes] = 0

color = grid.add_field("color", color_array, at="node", dbtype=float)

# construction of a drainage network based on the color property values
dir = FlowDirectorSteepest(grid, surface="color")

# display
print("\033[1mFig. 5A.\033[0m Cell view with color property.")
    limits=(0, 1),

    "\033[1mFig. 5B.\033[0m Cell and node (dots and crosses) view. The boundary nodes don't have cells."
drainage_plot(grid, surface="color")
    limits=(0, 100),

print("\033[1mFig. 5C.\033[0m  Node view.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="node", with_id=False)

print("\033[1mFig. 5D.\033[0m  Link view.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="link", with_id=False)
Fig. 5A. Cell view with color property.
Fig. 5B. Cell and node (dots and crosses) view. The boundary nodes don't have cells.
Fig. 5C.  Node view.
Fig. 5D.  Link view.
<Axes: xlabel='x', ylabel='y'>


Irregular grids (Fig. 6-7) can be advantageous to model earth surface processes Braun & Sambridge, 1997. But they are still not commonly adopted. These grids are constructed from nodes that are not regularly organized on the surface. Their position can be random or link to a point of interest, for instance weather stations. Then, we construct Voronoi cells for the set of nodes. The Voronoi construction aims to make each node the closest node for all the points within its cell. Then, the links between the nodes are constructed following a Delaunay triangulation. This triangulation optimizes the construction so that no link cross another link and makes a network of triangles which edges are the links.

The landscapes generated using irregular grids appear more natural because of the absence of regularity. The drainage network forms without favoring specific directions, even when close to the grid boundaries, and has roughly similar patterns and properties whatever the resolution. Irregular grids can also tackle geomorphological objects with complex geometries.

In Landlab, irregular grids are implemented with the VoronoiDelaunayGrid (Fig. 6) and the FramedVoronoiGrid. In the VoronoiDelaunayGrid, the user has to input x-y coordinates of nodes. To carry out flow direction, the user has also to set up the boundary nodes.

# Code to create and display a VoronoiDelaunayGrid

# Libraries
import numpy as np

from landlab import VoronoiDelaunayGrid, imshow_grid
from landlab.components import FlowDirectorSteepest
from landlab.plot import graph
from landlab.plot.drainage_plot import drainage_plot

n = 49  # number of nodes
xy_lengths = [10, 10]  # dimensions of the grid

# generators of random numbers for x-y coordinates
seeds = [200, 500]
xy_random_generator = (
# generation of x-y coordinates
x = xy_random_generator[0].random(n) * xy_lengths[0]
y = xy_random_generator[1].random(n) * xy_lengths[1]

grid = VoronoiDelaunayGrid(x=x, y=y)  # grid creation

# Manual setting of the boundary nodes.
# Boundary is automatically set for other type of grids, except for the NetworkModelGrid
boundary_nodes = [0, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 14]
grid.status_at_node[boundary_nodes] = grid.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE

# creation of the color property
# generation of random colors and set the boundary colors to 0
color_array = xy_random_generator[0].random(n)
color = grid.add_field("color", color_array, at="node")
color[boundary_nodes] = 0.0

# construction of a drainage network based on the color property values
dir = FlowDirectorSteepest(grid, surface="color")

# display
print("\033[1mFig. 6A.\033[0m Cell view with color property.")
    limits=(0, 1),

    "\033[1mFig. 6B.\033[0m Cell and node (dots and crosses) view. The boundary nodes don't have cells."
drainage_plot(grid, surface="color")
    limits=(0, 100),

print("\033[1mFig. 6C.\033[0m  Node view.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="node", with_id=True)

print("\033[1mFig. 6D.\033[0m  Link view.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="link", with_id=False)
Fig. 6A. Cell view with color property.
Fig. 6B. Cell and node (dots and crosses) view. The boundary nodes don't have cells.
Fig. 6C.  Node view.
Fig. 6D.  Link view.
<Axes: xlabel='x', ylabel='y'>


The FramedVoronoiGrid (Fig. 7) is an elaborated version of the VoronoiDelaunayGrid. The user input parameters to automatically calculate the positions of the nodes. The boundary nodes are automatically fixed, in a not random way. The core nodes are first positioned in a regular, rectangular pattern, and then moved by a random distance in such a way that a minimal distance between nodes is respected. This minimal distance is convenient when we have to run diffusion or river incision processes on the grid, which can become unstable for two small distances between nodes (depending on the timestep of the run).

# Code to create and display a FramedVoronoiGrid

# Libraries
import numpy as np

from landlab import FramedVoronoiGrid, imshow_grid
from landlab.components import FlowDirectorSteepest
from landlab.plot import graph
from landlab.plot.drainage_plot import drainage_plot

x_n = y_n = 7  # number of nodes on a horizontal and a vertical line
n = x_n * y_n  # number of nodes

params = {
    "shape": (x_n, y_n),
    "xy_spacing": (1.0, 1.0),  # starting distance between nodes
    "xy_min_spacing": (0.25, 0.25),  # minimal x-y distance between nodes
    "seed": 200,  # the seed is
    # used to generate the pseudo-random x-y moves around the starting positions
    # (pseudo-randomness used for reproducibility)
    # set to None to generate really random moves.
    "xy_axis_units": "m",

grid = FramedVoronoiGrid(**params)  # grid creation

# creation of the color property
# generation of random colors and set the boundary colors to 0
random_generator = np.random.Generator(np.random.PCG64(200))
color_array = random_generator.random(n)
color_array[grid.boundary_nodes] = 0
color = grid.add_field("color", color_array, at="node")

# construction of a drainage network based on the color property values
dir = FlowDirectorSteepest(grid, surface="color")

# display
print("\033[1mFig. 6A.\033[0m Cell view with color property.")
    limits=(0, 1),

    "\033[1mFig. 6B.\033[0m Cell and node (dots and crosses) view. The boundary nodes don't have cells."
drainage_plot(grid, surface="color")
    limits=(0, 100),

print("\033[1mFig. 6C.\033[0m  Node view.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="node", with_id=False)

print("\033[1mFig. 6D.\033[0m  Link view.")
graph.plot_graph(grid, at="link", with_id=False)
Fig. 6A. Cell view with color property.
Fig. 6B. Cell and node (dots and crosses) view. The boundary nodes don't have cells.
Fig. 6C.  Node view.
Fig. 6D.  Link view.
<Axes: xlabel='x', ylabel='y'>


The earth is a planet, and planets are round. For global models of surface or near-surface processes, it is helpful to have grid types that represent the surface of a spherical or near-spherical body such as our own planet. IcosphereGlobalGrid (Fig. 8) is a grid type that represents a planetary surface as an icosphere, also known as a geodesic polyhedron. An icosphere is a convex polyhedron composed of triangular faces, and it has the characteristic of having a dual geometry consisting of Goldberg Polyhedra (mostly hexagons, rather like a soccer ball). A useful property of an icosphere is the ability to subdivide it to any arbirary level of resolution by subdividing each triangle into four smaller triangles. Landlab’s IcosphereGlobalGrid includes both elements of the dual geometry: an icosphere composed of triangular patches with nodes as vertices and links as edges, and a Goldberg Polyhedron composed of pentagonal and hexagonal cells with corners as vertices and faces as the edges of the pentagons and hexagons. The icosphere allows a relatively even distribution of points across the surface, as compared with a latitude-longitude grid, in which points bunch together around the poles.

Unlike the various 2D grid types, the nodes and corners in an IcosphereGlobalGrid has a \(z\) coordinate in addition to their \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates. The grid also provides the corresponding spherical coordinates \(r\), \(\phi\), and \(\theta\) (\(r\) being radial distance from the center of the sphere, \(\phi\) the longitude, and \(\theta\) the latitude angle measured from zero at the “south” pole (so the equator lies at \(\theta = \pi/2\) and the north pole lies at \(\theta = \pi\)).

To create an IcosphereGlobalGrid, the user specifies a radius (default is 1) and a level of mesh densification. The mesh densification level represents the number of times the mesh is subdivided.

A good way to visualize an IcosphereGlobalGrid is to use the function to output to a Legacy VTK file, and read that file into ParaView or an alternative 3D visualization package.

from landlab import IcosphereGlobalGrid

# Soccer ball!
grid = IcosphereGlobalGrid(radius=1.0, mesh_densification_level=1)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")
ax.set_title("Cells, corners, and faces (densification level = 1)")

val_for_vertex_color = 0.25 * (grid.x_of_corner + 1) + 0.25 * (1 - grid.y_of_corner)
val_for_line_color = 0.25 * (
    1 - grid.coords_of_corner[grid.corners_at_face[:, 0], 1]
) + 0.25 * (1 + grid.coords_of_corner[grid.corners_at_face[:, 0], 0])

    grid.coords_of_corner[:, 0],
    grid.coords_of_corner[:, 1],
    grid.coords_of_corner[:, 2],

for i in range(grid.number_of_faces):
        grid.coords_of_corner[grid.corners_at_face[i, :], 0],
        grid.coords_of_corner[grid.corners_at_face[i, :], 1],
        grid.coords_of_corner[grid.corners_at_face[i, :], 2],

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")
ax.set_title("Patches, nodes, and links (densification level = 1)")

val_for_vertex_color = 0.25 * (grid.x_of_node + 1) + 0.25 * (1 - grid.y_of_node)
val_for_line_color = 0.25 * (
    1 - grid.coords_of_node[grid.nodes_at_link[:, 0], 1]
) + 0.25 * (1 + grid.coords_of_node[grid.nodes_at_link[:, 0], 0])

    grid.coords_of_node[:, 0],
    grid.coords_of_node[:, 1],
    grid.coords_of_node[:, 2],

for i in range(grid.number_of_links):
        grid.coords_of_node[grid.nodes_at_link[i, :], 0],
        grid.coords_of_node[grid.nodes_at_link[i, :], 1],
        grid.coords_of_node[grid.nodes_at_link[i, :], 2],

# Denser mesh, highlighting nodes
grid = IcosphereGlobalGrid(radius=1.0, mesh_densification_level=4)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")

val_for_color = 0.25 * (grid.x_of_node + 1) + 0.25 * (1 - grid.y_of_node)
ax.set_title("Nodes (densification level = 4)")

_ = ax.axis("equal")

Author: Sebastien Lenard Date: 2022, Aug.

Edited by Greg Tucker (added IcosphereGlobalGrid), November 2023

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