The Component Library

Landlab offers an ever-growing library of components that aim to describe individual or closely associated suites of surface processes. Components are designed to be “plug-and-play” and to interact with each other with the minimum of technical difficulties. Each component makes use of Landlab grid fields to enable the sharing of data between the components, and we aim to have a relatively standardized way of interacting with and using each different one.

Landlab components exist as classes, and can be imported from landlab.components.

To develop your own Landlab component, see this page and this tutorial.

Component Library Tutorial

For a tutorial introduction to using the component library, see here.

Available Landlab components

For the complete list of Landlab components type the following command in a command prompt:

landlab list

See the Components section of the Landlab reference manual for a list of all Landlab components currently available.

Landlab component classes, their import, and their instantiation

Almost all Landlab components exist as Python classes. This means that to use them, you must first import the class, then instantiate a Python instance of that class, then call a method from the class to run the component. The way this is done has now been almost totally standardised across Landlab.

A component class is imported from the library as

from landlab.components import NameOfComponentToImport

e.g., to get the linear diffusion component, we would do:

from landlab.components import LinearDiffuser

The available components are listed in the Components section of the Landlab Reference Manual.

Component classes always take a copy of the grid as their first argument. They then take a sequence of additional keyword arguments that set the actual parameters for the component. This means that the instantiation of a component looks something like this:

dfn = LinearDiffuser(grid, linear_diffusivity=0.01)

These keywords can also be set by passing a Python dictionary, or using a text input file (see below).

Here, dfn is now the component object—an “instance” of the component. We can run it by calling its run method. The component’s documentation will explain how to do this for each individual case, but typically a component will have a method called run_one_step, which can be called like this:

dt = 100.0  # the timestep

If the component describes a time-varying process, the first argument of run_one_step will be the duration for which to run the component in this timestep. (If the component is not time sensitive, e.g., the FlowRouter, it won’t take dt). Some components may also allow/require additional input parameters to their run method; see individual component documentation for more details.

Running one of these methods will update the fields held in common by the single grid object which you linked to all your components during component instantiation. If you look inside the grid fields having run one of these methods, you’ll see the new fields it has created and populated. The docstrings for the component should make it clear which fields the component needs to have in the grid as inputs, and which it modifies and/or creates as outputs.

It should probably be emphasized here to always read the documentation for the component you are using! You can get at this documentation either on this website, or in a dynamic Python session by getting help for either the imported class or the instantiated component object. i.e., in this case, any of the following would work:

.. code-block:: pycon
>>> help(LinearDiffuser)
>>> help(dfn)  # LinearDiffuser? or dfn? also works

Quit interactive help in iPython by pressing “q”.

Inputs to components

Landlab components are initialized by passing a copy of the grid, then by passing additional dynamic Python keyword arguments, almost all of which are set to default values if a value is not provided. This means all of the ways that you could call any other Python function using keywords also applies to our components.

Most simply, components can be initialized by passing only the keyword values that need to deviate from the defaults. So, for example, the default parameter values for the FastscapeEroder are K_sp=None, m_sp=0.5, n_sp=1., threshold_sp=0., rainfall_intensity=1.. So if I want to set the K_sp to, say, 1.e-6, but I am happy with these other parameters, I can simply do:

fsc = FastscapeEroder(grid, K_sp=1.0e-6)

Because Landlab components make use of Python’s native **kwargs argument syntax, we can also pass multiple keywords at once to a component using a Python dictionary:

sp_thresholds = grid.add_ones("node", "sp_thresholds")
myargs = {"K_sp": 1.0e-5, "rainfall_intensity": 0.5, "threshold_sp": sp_thresholds}
fsc = FastscapeEroder(grid, **myargs)

Note the “magic” ** decorator that is placed on the dictionary when it is passed to the component that makes this work. Also note that we can allow the component default values to continue to set any keywords we still don’t want to supply, and that as long as the component permits it, we can pass in arrays or field names like this too (see, e.g., threshold_sp above). You can have all of your input parameters for all components in one dictionary if you so wish; components will ignore any keywords they are passed that they don’t recognize.

Note that Landlab components will raise an error if they are passed keyword arguments that they do not need.

Landlab components always want to see a Python dictionary as their input, as illustrated above. However, Landlab does offer a native file reader called load_params that allows you to create dictionaries to pass to components from input files. This function recognizes both “yaml” formatted data files, e.g.,

K_sp: 0.3
m_sp: 0.5
n_sp: 1.
linear_diffusivity: 0.0001

The load_params method will figure out which to use by itself, and will do any necessary typecasting automatically (i.e., floats will be floats, not strings):

from landlab import load_params

my_input_dict = load_params("./mytextinputfile.txt")
dfn = FastscapeEroder(grid, **my_input_dict)

Component standard properties

All Landlab components offer a standardized interface. This provides automated information on the fields, units, etc. that the component works with, creates, and/or modifies. For a fully compliant component, you will find you can call the following methods and attributes.



a string


a tuple giving input field names


a tuple giving output field names


a tuple of (var_name, [‘node’, ‘link’, etc])


a tuple of pairs of (var_name, short description)


a tuple of (var_name, [‘m’, ‘Pa’, etc])


method to return the unit of ‘field’


method to return a short description of ‘field’


method to return the element of ‘field’ (e.g., ‘node’)


method to return dtype of ‘field’ (e.g., float)


a text summary of all of this information for ‘field’

See the tutorials for examples of use cases with one, two, and more coupled components.

You can also get an overview of field usage by all components through Landlab’s command line interface. See here for more information.

Landlab standard naming conventions

The Landlab component library attempts to make use of a relatively standardized set of names across the various components, in order to maximize ease of component coupling. If you’re familiar with the concept of the CSDMS standard naming conventions, note that we have tried to strike a balance between the rigor and uniqueness of those names and a more user-friendly, succinct approach. Nonetheless, you may recognize the basic style of the names:


e.g., topographic__elevation, water_surface__gradient, water__volume_flux

We compile three tables to assist users with the Landlab standard names.

  • First is a list of all names with their definitions.

  • Second is a table listing which components use each field.

  • Third is a table listing which components provide each field.

Dealing with nonstandard names

The large number of developers on Landlab and historical accident have meant that despite our best efforts you’ll inevitably find instances where different components use different names for the same thing. In these cases, you need to make equivalent two fields in the grid which have different names so that two components can talk to each other. This is actually easy; you can just do:

>>> mg.add_field("node", "second_name", mg.at_node["first_name"])

Note that we are making slow progress towards truly standardizing the component library, but these kind of idiosyncrasies might yet persist for a while!