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User guide and example for the Landlab SPACE_large_Scale_eroder component

This notebook provides a brief introduction and user’s guide for the Stream Power And Alluvial Conservation Equation large_Scale_eroder (SPACE_large_Scale_eroder) component for landscape evolution modeling. The SPACE_large_Scale_eroder is based on the SPACE component and is designed to be more robust against large time steps and coded in such a way that mass conservation is explicitly conserved during calculation.

This notebook combines two documents, a User’s Manual and a notebook-based example, written Charles M. Shobe to accompany the following publication:

Shobe, C. M., Tucker, G. E., & Barnhart, K. R. (2017). The SPACE 1.0 model: a Landlab component for 2-D calculation of sediment transport, bedrock erosion, and landscape evolution. Geoscientific Model Development, 10(12), 4577-4604,

This notebook is adjusted from the SAPCE notebook created by Greg Tucker in July 2021 and created to complement the development of the SPACE_large_Scale_eroder.

(User’s Manual and example notebook written by C.M. Shobe in July 2017; combined into a notebook, updated for compatibility with Landlab 2.x, and added to the Landlab tutorials collection by Greg Tucker, July 2021. Later adjusted to demonstrate the functionality of the SPACE_large_Scale_eroder by Benjamin Campforts in October 2021.)

Background on SPACE_large_Scale_eroder component

The Landlab SPACE_large_Scale_eroder (Stream Power with Alluvium Conservation and Entrainment) component computes sediment transport and bedrock erosion across two-dimensional model landscapes. The SPACE model provides advantages relative to many other fluvial erosion models in that it 1) allows simultaneous erosion of sediment and bedrock, 2) explicitly treats sediment fluxes rather than relying on a proxy for bed cover, and 3) is easily coupled with other surface process components in Landlab. The SPACE component enhances Landlab’s functionality by enabling modeling of bedrock-alluvial channels, rather than simply using parameterized sediment-flux-dependent incision models.

This user manual teaches users how to use the SPACE component using two examples provided in Shobe et al. (2017).

This user manual serves as a supplement to that manuscript. Prerequisites: A working knowledge of the Python programming language (SPACE and Landlab support Python 3.x) as well as the NumPy and MatPlotLib libraries. Basic familiarity with the Landlab modeling toolkit (see Hobley et al., 2017 GMD, and Barnhart et al., 2020 eSurf) is recommended.

Model description

Input parameters

  • Sediment erodibility \(K_s\): Governs the rate of sediment entrainment; may be specified as a single floating point number, an array of length equal to the number of grid nodes, or a string naming an existing grid field.

  • Bedrock erodibility \(K_r\): Governs the rate of bedrock erosion; may be specified as a single floating point number, an array of length equal to the number of grid nodes, or a string naming an existing grid field.

  • Fraction of fine sediment \(F_f\): The unitless fraction (0–1) of rock that does not get converted to sediment, but is assumed to exit the model domain as “fine sediment,” or wash load.

  • Sediment porosity \(\phi\): The unitless fraction (0–1) of sediment thickness caused by pore space.

  • Sediment entrainment length scale \(H_*\): Length scale governing the shape of the exponential sediment entrainment and bedrock erosion func- tions. \(H_*\) may be thought of as reflecting bedrock surface roughness, with larger \(H_*\) representing a rougher bedrock surface.

  • Effective settling velocity \(V\): Settling velocity of sediment after accounting for the upward effects of turbulence. For details, see discussion by Davy and Lague, 2009.

  • Stream power exponent \(m\): Exponent on drainage area or discharge in the stream power framework. Generally \(\approx 0.5\).

  • Stream power exponent \(n\): Exponent on channel slope in the stream power framework. Generally \(\approx 1\).

  • Sediment erosion threshold \(\omega_{cs}\): Threshold erosive power required to entrain sediment.

  • Bedrock erosion threshold \(\omega_{cr}\): Threshold erosive power required to erode bedrock.

  • Discharge field: The field name or array to use for water discharge. The default is to use the grid field surface_water__discharge, which is simply drainage area multiplied by the default rainfall rate (1 m/yr). To use custom spatially/temporally varying rainfall, use water__unit_flux_in to specify water input to the FlowAccumulator.

Model Variables

Variables listed here are updated by the component at the grid locations listed. NOTE: because flow routing, calculation of discharge, and calculation of flow depth (if applicable) are handled by other Landlab components, variables such as water discharge and flow depth are not altered by the SPACE model and are not listed here. Note that the SPACE_large_Scale_eroder does currently not support different numerical solvers. A ‘basic’ (default): explicit forward-time extrapolation is used. The implies that the solution will become unstable if time step is too large so care must be taken when selecting a timestep.

  • soil__depth, node, [m]: Thickness of soil (also called sediment or alluvium) at every node. The name “soil” was used to match existing Landlab components. Soil thickness is calculated at every node incorporating the effects of sediment entrainment and deposition and bedrock erosion.

  • sediment__flux, node, [m\(^3\)/yr]: The volumetric flux of sediment at each node. Sediment flux is used to calculate sediment deposition rates.

Steps of a SPACE_large_Scale_eroder model

Note: these steps are for a SPACE model that is not coupled to any other Landlab components. To see examples of how to couple Landlab components, please refer to the Landlab documentation:

Step 1: Import the necessary libraries

The SPACE_large_Scale_eroder component is required, as are the model grid component and a flow routing component. Here, we use the PriorityFloodFlowRouter component that takes care of routing the flow across flats or pits in the digital elevation model, calculates the flow direction as well as the flow accumulation.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # For plotting results; optional
import numpy as np
from tqdm.notebook import trange

from landlab import RasterModelGrid
from landlab.components import PriorityFloodFlowRouter, SpaceLargeScaleEroder

Two Landlab components are essential to running the SPACE model: the model itself, and the PriorityFloodFlowRouter, which calculates drainage pathways, topographic slopes, and surface water discharge across the grid.

In addition to the relevant process components, some Landlab utilities are required to generate the model grid (in this example RasterModelGrid).

Most Landlab functionality requires the Numpy package for scientific computing in python. The matplotlib plotting library has also been imported to aid visualization of results.

Step 2: Define the model domain and initial conditions

The SPACE component works on raster grids. For this example we will use a synthetic raster grid. An example and description of the Landlab raster model grid are given in (Shobe et al., 2017), with a more complete explanation offered in Hobley et al. (2017) and Barnhart et al. (2020). In addition to using user-defined, synthetic model grids, it is also possible to import digital elevation models for use as a model domain (see the tutorial reading_dem_into_landlab). In this example, we create a synthetic, square model domain by creating an instance of the RasterModelGrid. In this case, the domain will be a plane slightly tilted towards the lower-left (southwest) corner with random micro-scale topographic roughness to force flow convergence and channelization. The grid is composed of 20 rows and 20 columns for a total of 400 nodes, with user-defined spacing.

Once the grid has been created, the user defines a grid field to contain values of land surface elevation, and then imposes the desired initial condition topography on the model grid. In the case shown below, the field topographic__elevation is added to the model grid and given initial values of all zeros. After that, initial model topography is added to the field. To create a plane tilted to the southwest corner, which is referenced by \((x,y)\) coordinate pair (0,0), topographic elevation is modified to depend on the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates of each grid node. Then, randomized micro-scale topographic roughness is added to the model grid. While not strictly necessary for the SPACE_large_Scale_eroder model to run, the micro-roughness allows flow convergence, channelization, and the development of realistic landscapes.

In this example, we initialize the model domain with 2 meters of sediment thickness at every core (non-boundary) node. The sediment thickness will shrink over time as water mobilizes and removes sediment. To do this, the fields soil__depth and bedrock__elevation must be added to the model grid. If they are not added, the SPACE model will create them. In that case, however, the default sediment thickness is zero and the default bedrock topography is simply the provided topographic elevation.

rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=5000)

mg = RasterModelGrid((20, 20), xy_spacing=100.0)

# plane tilted towards the lower−left corner
mg.at_node["bedrock__elevation"] = (
    mg.y_of_node / 100000.0
    + mg.x_of_node / 100000.0
    + rng.uniform(0.0, 1e-3, size=mg.number_of_nodes)

# Set 2 m of initial soil depth at core nodes
mg.add_zeros("soil__depth", at="node")
mg.at_node["soil__depth"][mg.core_nodes] = 2.0  # meters

# Sum 'soil__depth' and 'bedrock__elevation'
# to yield 'topographic elevation'
mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"] = (
    mg.at_node["bedrock__elevation"] + mg.at_node["soil__depth"]

Step 3: Set the boundary conditions

The user must determine the boundary conditions of the model domain (i.e., determine across which boundaries water and sediment may flow). Boundary conditions are controlled by setting the status of individual nodes or grid edges (see Hobley et al., 2017). We will use a single corner node as an “open” boundary and all other boundary nodes will be “closed”. We first use set closed boundaries at grid edges to ensure that no mass (water or sediment) may cross the model boundaries. Then, set watershed boundary condition outlet id is used to open (allow flow through) the lower-left corner of the model domain.

# Close all model boundary edges
    bottom_is_closed=True, left_is_closed=True, right_is_closed=True, top_is_closed=True

# Set lower-left (southwest) corner as an open boundary
    0, mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"], -9999.0
mg.imshow("topographic__elevation", cmap="terrain")

In this configuration, the model domain is set to drain water and sediment out of the only open boundary on the grid, the lower-left corner. There are several options for changing boundary conditions in Landlab. See Hobley et al. (2017) or the Landlab online documentation.

Step 4: Initialize the SPACE_large_Scale_eroder component and any other components used

Like most Landlab components, SPACE is written as a Python class. The class was imported at the beginning of the driver script (step 1). In this step, the user declares the instance of the SPACE class and sets any relevant model parameters. The same must be done for any other components used.

# Instantiate flow router
fr = PriorityFloodFlowRouter(mg, flow_metric="D8")

# Instantiate SPACE model with chosen parameters
sp = SpaceLargeScaleEroder(

Step 5: Run the time loop

The SPACE_large_Scale_eroder component calculates sediment entrainment and deposition, bedrock erosion, and changes in land surface elevation over time. The code shown below is an example of how to run the SPACE_large_Scale_eroder model over several model timesteps. In the example below, SPACE is run in a loop that executes until elapsed model time has reached a user-defined run time. The user is also responsible for choosing the model timestep. Within the loop, the following steps occur:

  1. The flow router (PriorityFloodFlowRouter) runs first to determine topographic slopes and water discharge at all nodes on the model domain. Within this component, any nodes located in local topographic minima (i.e., nodes that water cannot drain out of) are mapped to establish flow paths across the surface of these “lakes”. Looking for depressions is optional. However, because the SPACE_large_Scale_eroder model may in certain situations create local minima, using the depression finder and router can prevent the development of fatal instabilities.

  2. The SPACE model runs for the duration of a single timestep, computing sediment transport, bedrock erosion, and topographic surface evolution.

  3. The elapsed time is updated.

n_steps = 500
dt = 1.0  # years

# track sediment flux at the node adjacent to the outlet at lower-left
node_next_to_outlet = mg.shape[0] + 1
sed_flux = []

for time in trange(n_steps):
    # Run the flow router

    # Run SPACE for one time step

    # Save sediment flux value to array

Visualization of results

Sediment flux map

    plot_name="Sediment flux",
    var_name="Sediment flux",
    grid_units=("m", "m"),

Elevation map

mg.imshow("topographic__elevation", cmap="terrain")


Once the data required for the time series has been saved during the time loop, the time series may be plotted using standard matplotlib plotting commands:

plt.plot(np.arange(len(sed_flux)) * dt, sed_flux, color="k", linewidth=3.0)

plt.gca().set_xlabel("Time [yr]")
plt.gca().set_ylabel(r"Sediment flux [m$^3$/yr]")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Sediment flux [m$^3$/yr]')

There is an initial increase in sediment flux from the model domain as the water reaches its equilibrium transport capacity. Over the long run, topographic gradients are reduced by the erosion of sediment, which results in lower and lower sediment fluxes from the domain over time.

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