How to create a Landlab release

The Release Checklist

  1. Go to GitHub and use it to create a pull request that brings the changes associated with landlab/landlab/master into landlab/landlab/release.

  2. Assuming the continuous integration from step 1 passes, merge the pull request into landlab/landlab/release.

  3. Next, decide what new version number is appropriate based on Semantic Versioning.

    This can either be done locally or on the GitHub website. Here are instructions to do this locally:

    In the landlab/landlab repository, checkout the release branch and tag it.

    $ git tag vX.X.X

    Then, push your tag on landlab/landlab/release to the remote.

    $ git push --tags
  4. This will trigger both standard Landlab CI and a deploy stage that uploads wheels to PyPI. A new PR will be autogenerated in the landlab-feedstock on conda-forge.

    • Assuming its tests pass, merge the PR autogenerated in the landlab-feedstock.

    • Verify the builds on PyPI and on conda-forge.

  5. Now tag the current version of master with a “-dev” and push the tag.

    $ git tag vX.X.X-dev
    $ git push --tags


  1. Although you can create such a tag on any branch, releases should only come from the release branch. Make sure that when you create a tag you are doing so on release (and all your changes are committed).

  2. Landlab follows Semantic Versioning rules for version assignment and formatting. Please stick to them.