List of Landlab Fields¶
The following tables list all of the field names used by landlab components. The Used By tab lists component that use a given field (i.e. it is an input for the component), while the Provided By tab lists components that provide the field as output.
advected__quantity |
Scalar quantity advected |
advection__flux |
Link-parallel advection flux |
advection__velocity |
Link-parallel advection velocity magnitude |
aquifer__thickness |
thickness of saturated zone |
aquifer_base__elevation |
elevation of impervious layer |
aquifer_base__gradient |
gradient of the aquifer base in the link direction |
area_coefficient |
Area coefficient to define channels. |
area_exponent |
Area exponent to define channels. |
average_surface_water__specific_discharge |
average surface water specific discharge over variable timesteps |
bedload_sediment__rate_of_loss_to_abrasion |
Rate of bedload sediment volume loss to abrasion per unit area |
bedload_sediment__volume_influx |
Volumetric incoming streamwise bedload sediment transport rate |
bedload_sediment__volume_outflux |
Volumetric outgoing streamwise bedload sediment transport rate |
bedrock__abrasion_rate |
rate of bedrock lowering by abrasion |
bedrock__elevation |
elevation of the bedrock surface |
bedrock__exposure_fraction |
fractional exposure of bedrock |
bedrock__lowering_rate |
Rate of lowering of bedrock surface |
bedrock__plucking_rate |
rate of bedrock lowering by plucking |
bedrock_property__concentration |
Mass concentration of property per unit volume of bedrock |
carbonate_production_rate |
Carbonate production rate |
carbonate_thickness |
Carbonate thickness |
channel__bed_shear_stress |
Shear exerted on the bed of the channel, assuming all discharge travels along a single, self-formed channel |
channel__chi_index |
the local steepness index |
channel__depth |
Depth of the a single channel carrying all runoff through the node |
channel__discharge |
Volumetric water flux of the a single channel carrying all runoff through the node |
channel__mask |
Logical map of at which grid nodes channels are present |
channel__steepness_index |
the local steepness index |
channel__width |
Width of the a single channel carrying all runoff through the node |
channel_bottom_sediment_grain__d50_diameter |
soil grain size average in stream segment |
channel_sediment__relative_flux |
The fluvial_sediment_flux_into_node divided by the fluvial_sediment_transport_capacity |
channel_sediment__volumetric_flux |
Total volumetric fluvial sediment flux brought into the node from upstream |
channel_sediment__volumetric_transport_capacity |
Volumetric transport capacity of a channel carrying all runoff through the node, assuming the Meyer-Peter Muller transport equation |
channel_slope |
Slope of the river channel through each reach |
channel_width |
Flow width of the channel, assuming constant width |
channelization_threshold |
Channelization threshold for use with area and slope coefficients and exponents. |
depression__depth |
Depth of depression below its spillway point |
depression__outlet_node |
If a depression, the id of the outlet node for that depression, otherwise grid.BAD_INDEX |
depression_free_elevation |
Filled land surface topographic elevation, at closed borders, value equals -1! |
dimensionless_discharge |
Dimensionless discharge value for a stream segment. |
dimensionless_discharge_above_threshold |
True if dimensionless discharge value is above threshold value, false otherwise. |
dimensionless_discharge_threshold |
Dimensionless discharge threshold for each stream segment. |
discharge_at_link |
Dominant/formative discharge at each link in the network |
distance_to_divide |
Distance from drainage divide. |
drainage_area |
Upstream accumulated surface area contributing to the node’s discharge |
drainage_area_coefficient |
Coefficient in a power law grain size-drainage area scaling relationship |
drainage_area_exponent |
Exponent in a power law grain size-drainage area scaling relationship. |
ebb_tide_flow__velocity |
Horizontal flow velocity along links during ebb tide |
fault_plane__elevation |
Elevation of fault plane |
flood_status_code |
Map of flood status (_PIT, _CURRENT_LAKE, _UNFLOODED, or _FLOODED). |
flood_tide_flow__velocity |
Horizontal flow velocity along links during flood tide |
flow__data_structure_delta |
Node array containing the elements delta[1:] of the data structure ‘delta’ used for construction of the downstream-to-upstream node array |
flow__link_direction |
Direction of flow on link. A value of -1 indicates that water flow goes from head node to tail node, while a value of 1 indicates that water flow goes from tail node to head node. |
flow__link_to_receiver_node |
ID of link downstream of each node, which carries the discharge |
flow__potential |
Value of the hypothetical field ‘K’, used to force water flux to flow downhill |
flow__receiver_node |
Node array of receivers (node that receives flow from current node) |
flow__receiver_proportions |
Node array of proportion of flow sent to each receiver. |
flow__sink_flag |
Boolean array, True at local lows |
flow__upstream_node_order |
Node array containing downstream-to-upstream ordered list of node IDs |
flow_depth |
Flow depth of the channel |
flow_depth_at_link |
Dominant/formative flow depth at each link in the network |
fracture_at_node |
presence (1) or absence (0) of fracture |
groundwater__specific_discharge |
discharge per width in link dir |
groundwater__velocity |
velocity of groundwater in link direction |
hangingwall__thickness |
Thickness of material in hangingwall block |
height_above_drainage__elevation |
Elevation above the nearest channel node |
hill_drainage_area |
Node array of proportion of flow sent to each receiver. |
hill_flow__receiver_node |
Node array of receivers (node that receives flow from current node) |
hill_flow__receiver_proportions |
Node array of proportion of flow sent to each receiver. |
hill_flow__upstream_node_order |
Node array containing downstream-to-upstream ordered list of node IDs |
hill_surface_water__discharge |
Node array of proportion of flow sent to each receiver. |
hill_topographic__steepest_slope |
The steepest downhill slope |
hillslope_sediment__unit_volume_flux |
Volume flux per unit width along links |
hydraulic__gradient |
gradient of water table in link direction |
is_pit |
Boolean flag indicating whether a node is a pit. |
landslide__deposition |
Total deposition of derived sediment |
landslide__erosion |
Total erosion caused by landsliding |
landslide__probability_of_failure |
number of times FS is <=1 out of number of iterations user selected |
landslide_sediment_point_source |
Landslide derived sediment, as point sources on all the critical nodes where landslides initiate, before landslide runout is calculated |
lateral_erosion__depth_increment |
Change in elevation at each node from lateral erosion during time step |
lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure |
Applied pressure to the lithosphere over a time step |
lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment |
Applied pressure to the lithosphere over a time step |
lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment |
The change in elevation of the top of the lithosphere (the land surface) in one timestep |
lithosphere_surface__increment_of_elevation |
The change in elevation of the top of the lithosphere (the land surface) in one timestep |
LS_sediment__flux |
Sediment flux originating from landslides (volume per unit time of sediment entering each node) |
mass__wasting_id |
interger or float id of each mass wasting area is assigned to all nodes representing the mass wasting area. |
mean_water__depth |
Tidal mean water depth |
particle__diameter |
representative particle diameter at each node, this might vary with underlying geology, contributing area or field observations |
plant__age |
Age of plant |
plant__live_index |
1 - vegetation__cumulative_water_stress |
radiation__clearsky_flux |
clearsky radiation |
radiation__extraterrestrial_flux |
extraterrestrial radiation |
radiation__incoming_shortwave_flux |
incident shortwave radiation |
radiation__net_flux |
net radiation |
radiation__net_longwave_flux |
net incident longwave radiation |
radiation__net_shortwave_flux |
net incident shortwave radiation |
radiation__ratio_to_flat_surface |
ratio of incident shortwave radiation on sloped surface to flat surface |
rainfall__daily_depth |
Rain in (mm) as a field, allowing spatio-temporal soil moisture saturation analysis. |
rainfall__flux |
Depth of water delivered per unit time in each storm |
rainfall__total_depth_per_year |
Depth of water delivered in total in each model year |
reach_length |
Length of each reach |
sea_level__elevation |
Sea level elevation |
sediment__deposition_coeff |
Fraction of incoming sediment that is deposited on the node |
sediment__deposition_rate |
Deposition rate on node |
sediment__discharge_in |
Sediment discharge into a node. |
sediment__erosion_rate |
Erosion rate on node |
sediment__flux_in |
Incoming sediment rate on node (=qs/dx) |
sediment__flux_out |
Outgoing sediment rate on node = sediment eroded on node + sediment transported across node from upstream |
sediment__influx |
Sediment flux (volume per unit time of sediment entering each node) |
sediment__outflux |
Sediment flux (volume per unit time of sediment leaving each node) |
sediment__rate_of_change |
Time rate of change of sediment thickness |
sediment__transfer_rate |
Rate of transferred sediment across a node (incoming sediment - deposited sediment on node) |
sediment__volume_influx |
Volumetric incoming streamwise sediment transport rate |
sediment__volume_outflux |
Volumetric outgoing streamwise sediment transport rate |
sediment_deposit__thickness |
Thickness of deposition or erosion in latest time step |
sediment_fill__depth |
Depth of sediment added at eachnode |
sediment_property__concentration |
Mass concentration of property per unit volume of sediment |
slope_coefficient |
Slope coefficient to define channels. |
slope_exponent |
Slope exponent to define channels. |
soil__density |
wet bulk density of soil |
soil__depth |
Depth of soil or weathered bedrock |
soil__flux |
flux of soil in direction of link |
soil__internal_friction_angle |
critical angle just before failure due to friction between particles |
soil__maximum_total_cohesion |
maximum of combined root and soil cohesion at node |
soil__mean_relative_wetness |
Indicator of soil wetness; relative depth perched water table within the soil layer |
soil__minimum_total_cohesion |
minimum of combined root and soil cohesion at node |
soil__mode_total_cohesion |
mode of combined root and soil cohesion at node |
soil__probability_of_saturation |
number of times relative wetness is >=1 out of number of iterations user selected |
soil__saturated_hydraulic_conductivity |
mode rate of water transmitted through soil - provided if transmissivity is NOT provided to calculate tranmissivity with soil depth |
soil__thickness |
soil depth to restrictive layer |
soil__transmissivity |
mode rate of water transmitted through a unit width of saturated soil - either provided or calculated with Ksat and soil depth |
soil_moisture__initial_saturation_fraction |
initial soil_moisture__saturation_fraction |
soil_moisture__root_zone_leakage |
leakage of water into deeper portions of the soil not accessible to the plant |
soil_moisture__saturation_fraction |
relative volumetric water content (theta) - limits=[0,1] |
soil_production__dt_produced_depth |
thickness of soil produced at nodes over time dt |
soil_production__dt_weathered_depth |
thickness of bedrock weathered at nodes over time dt |
soil_production__rate |
rate of soil production at nodes |
soil_water_infiltration__depth |
Water column height above the surface previously absorbed into the soil. Note that this is NOT the actual depth of the wetted front, which also depends on the porosity. |
squared_length_adjacent |
Length to adjacent nodes, squared (calcualted in advance to save time during calculation |
surface__evapotranspiration |
actual sum of evaporation and plant transpiration |
surface__potential_evapotranspiration_30day_mean |
30 day mean of surface__potential_evapotranspiration |
surface__potential_evapotranspiration_rate |
potential sum of evaporation and potential transpiration |
surface__runoff |
runoff from ground surface |
surface_load__stress |
Magnitude of stress exerted by surface load |
surface_to_channel__minimum_distance |
Distance from each node to the nearest channel |
surface_water__depth |
Depth of water on the surface |
surface_water__depth_at_link |
Depth of water on the surface at grid links |
surface_water__discharge |
Volumetric discharge of surface water |
surface_water__discharge_loss |
Total volume of water per second lost during all flow out of the node |
surface_water__elevation |
Water surface elevation at time N |
surface_water__specific_discharge |
rate of seepage to surface |
surface_water__unit_discharge |
Volumetric discharge of surface water per unit width |
surface_water__velocity |
Speed of water flow above the surface |
surface_water_inflow__discharge |
water volume inflow rate to the cell around each node |
taxa__richness |
The number of taxa at each node |
time |
The initial time to add to the record |
topographic__elevation |
Land surface topographic elevation |
topographic__gradient |
Gradient of the ground surface |
topographic__slope |
gradient of the ground surface |
topographic__specific_contributing_area |
specific contributing (upslope area/cell face ) that drains to node |
topographic__steepest_slope |
The steepest downhill slope |
user_d50 |
Median grain size of the bed sediment in each link |
vegetation__cover_fraction |
fraction of land covered by vegetation |
vegetation__cumulative_water_stress |
cumulative vegetation__water_stress over the growing season |
vegetation__dead_biomass |
weight of dead organic mass per unit area - measured in terms of dry matter |
vegetation__dead_leaf_area_index |
one-sided dead leaf area per unit ground surface area |
vegetation__live_biomass |
weight of green organic mass per unit area - measured in terms of dry matter |
vegetation__live_leaf_area_index |
one-sided green leaf area per unit ground surface area |
vegetation__plant_functional_type |
classification of plants (int), grass=0, shrub=1, tree=2, bare=3, shrub_seedling=4, tree_seedling=5 |
vegetation__water_stress |
parameter that represents nonlinear effects of water deficit on plants |
volume__lateral_erosion |
Array tracking volume eroded at each node from lateral erosion |
water__depth |
depth of water under current sea level |
water__discharge_in |
Incoming water discharge at node. |
water__specific_discharge |
flow discharge component in the direction of the link |
water__unit_flux_in |
External volume water per area per time input to each node (e.g., rainfall rate) |
water__velocity |
flow velocity component in the direction of the link |
water_depth |
Water depth |
water_surface__elevation |
Elevation of the water surface. |
water_surface__gradient |
Downstream gradient of the water surface. |
water_table__elevation |
elevation of water table |
advected__quantity |
advection__flux |
advection__velocity |
aquifer__thickness |
aquifer_base__elevation |
aquifer_base__gradient |
area_coefficient |
area_exponent |
average_surface_water__specific_discharge |
bedload_sediment__rate_of_loss_to_abrasion |
bedload_sediment__volume_influx |
bedload_sediment__volume_outflux |
bedrock__abrasion_rate |
bedrock__elevation |
bedrock__exposure_fraction |
bedrock__lowering_rate |
bedrock__plucking_rate |
bedrock_property__concentration |
carbonate_production_rate |
carbonate_thickness |
channel__bed_shear_stress |
channel__chi_index |
channel__depth |
channel__discharge |
channel__mask |
channel__steepness_index |
channel__width |
channel_bottom_sediment_grain__d50_diameter |
channel_sediment__relative_flux |
channel_sediment__volumetric_flux |
channel_sediment__volumetric_transport_capacity |
channel_slope |
channel_width |
channelization_threshold |
depression__depth |
depression__outlet_node |
depression_free_elevation |
dimensionless_discharge |
dimensionless_discharge_above_threshold |
dimensionless_discharge_threshold |
discharge_at_link |
distance_to_divide |
drainage_area |
drainage_area_coefficient |
drainage_area_exponent |
ebb_tide_flow__velocity |
fault_plane__elevation |
flood_status_code |
flood_tide_flow__velocity |
flow__data_structure_delta |
flow__link_direction |
flow__link_to_receiver_node |
flow__potential |
flow__receiver_node |
flow__receiver_proportions |
flow__sink_flag |
flow__upstream_node_order |
flow_depth |
flow_depth_at_link |
fracture_at_node |
groundwater__specific_discharge |
groundwater__velocity |
hangingwall__thickness |
height_above_drainage__elevation |
hill_drainage_area |
hill_flow__receiver_node |
hill_flow__receiver_proportions |
hill_flow__upstream_node_order |
hill_surface_water__discharge |
hill_topographic__steepest_slope |
hillslope_sediment__unit_volume_flux |
hydraulic__gradient |
is_pit |
landslide__deposition |
landslide__erosion |
landslide__probability_of_failure |
landslide_sediment_point_source |
lateral_erosion__depth_increment |
lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure |
lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment |
lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment |
lithosphere_surface__increment_of_elevation |
LS_sediment__flux |
mass__wasting_id |
mean_water__depth |
particle__diameter |
plant__age |
plant__live_index |
radiation__clearsky_flux |
radiation__extraterrestrial_flux |
radiation__incoming_shortwave_flux |
radiation__net_flux |
radiation__net_longwave_flux |
radiation__net_shortwave_flux |
radiation__ratio_to_flat_surface |
rainfall__daily_depth |
rainfall__flux |
rainfall__total_depth_per_year |
reach_length |
sea_level__elevation |
sediment__deposition_coeff |
sediment__deposition_rate |
sediment__discharge_in |
sediment__erosion_rate |
sediment__flux_in |
sediment__flux_out |
sediment__influx |
sediment__outflux |
sediment__rate_of_change |
sediment__transfer_rate |
sediment__volume_influx |
sediment__volume_outflux |
sediment_deposit__thickness |
sediment_fill__depth |
sediment_property__concentration |
slope_coefficient |
slope_exponent |
soil__density |
soil__depth |
soil__flux |
soil__internal_friction_angle |
soil__maximum_total_cohesion |
soil__mean_relative_wetness |
soil__minimum_total_cohesion |
soil__mode_total_cohesion |
soil__probability_of_saturation |
soil__saturated_hydraulic_conductivity |
soil__thickness |
soil__transmissivity |
soil_moisture__initial_saturation_fraction |
soil_moisture__root_zone_leakage |
soil_moisture__saturation_fraction |
soil_production__dt_produced_depth |
soil_production__dt_weathered_depth |
soil_production__rate |
soil_water_infiltration__depth |
squared_length_adjacent |
surface__evapotranspiration |
surface__potential_evapotranspiration_30day_mean |
surface__potential_evapotranspiration_rate |
surface__runoff |
surface_load__stress |
surface_to_channel__minimum_distance |
surface_water__depth |
surface_water__depth_at_link |
surface_water__discharge |
surface_water__discharge_loss |
surface_water__elevation |
surface_water__specific_discharge |
surface_water__unit_discharge |
surface_water__velocity |
surface_water_inflow__discharge |
taxa__richness |
time |
topographic__elevation |
topographic__gradient |
topographic__slope |
topographic__specific_contributing_area |
topographic__steepest_slope |
user_d50 |
vegetation__cover_fraction |
vegetation__cumulative_water_stress |
vegetation__dead_biomass |
vegetation__dead_leaf_area_index |
vegetation__live_biomass |
vegetation__live_leaf_area_index |
vegetation__plant_functional_type |
vegetation__water_stress |
volume__lateral_erosion |
water__depth |
water__discharge_in |
water__specific_discharge |
water__unit_flux_in |
water__velocity |
water_depth |
water_surface__elevation |
water_surface__gradient |
water_table__elevation |
advected__quantity |
advection__flux |
advection__velocity |
aquifer__thickness |
aquifer_base__elevation |
aquifer_base__gradient |
area_coefficient |
area_exponent |
average_surface_water__specific_discharge |
bedload_sediment__rate_of_loss_to_abrasion |
bedload_sediment__volume_influx |
bedload_sediment__volume_outflux |
bedrock__abrasion_rate |
bedrock__elevation |
bedrock__exposure_fraction |
bedrock__lowering_rate |
bedrock__plucking_rate |
bedrock_property__concentration |
carbonate_production_rate |
carbonate_thickness |
channel__bed_shear_stress |
channel__chi_index |
channel__depth |
channel__discharge |
channel__mask |
channel__steepness_index |
channel__width |
channel_bottom_sediment_grain__d50_diameter |
channel_sediment__relative_flux |
channel_sediment__volumetric_flux |
channel_sediment__volumetric_transport_capacity |
channel_slope |
channel_width |
channelization_threshold |
depression__depth |
depression__outlet_node |
depression_free_elevation |
dimensionless_discharge |
dimensionless_discharge_above_threshold |
dimensionless_discharge_threshold |
discharge_at_link |
distance_to_divide |
drainage_area |
drainage_area_coefficient |
drainage_area_exponent |
ebb_tide_flow__velocity |
fault_plane__elevation |
flood_status_code |
flood_tide_flow__velocity |
flow__data_structure_delta |
flow__link_direction |
flow__link_to_receiver_node |
flow__potential |
flow__receiver_node |
flow__receiver_proportions |
flow__sink_flag |
flow__upstream_node_order |
flow_depth |
flow_depth_at_link |
fracture_at_node |
groundwater__specific_discharge |
groundwater__velocity |
hangingwall__thickness |
height_above_drainage__elevation |
hill_drainage_area |
hill_flow__receiver_node |
hill_flow__receiver_proportions |
hill_flow__upstream_node_order |
hill_surface_water__discharge |
hill_topographic__steepest_slope |
hillslope_sediment__unit_volume_flux |
hydraulic__gradient |
is_pit |
landslide__deposition |
landslide__erosion |
landslide__probability_of_failure |
landslide_sediment_point_source |
lateral_erosion__depth_increment |
lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure |
lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment |
lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment |
lithosphere_surface__increment_of_elevation |
LS_sediment__flux |
mass__wasting_id |
mean_water__depth |
particle__diameter |
plant__age |
plant__live_index |
radiation__clearsky_flux |
radiation__extraterrestrial_flux |
radiation__incoming_shortwave_flux |
radiation__net_flux |
radiation__net_longwave_flux |
radiation__net_shortwave_flux |
radiation__ratio_to_flat_surface |
rainfall__daily_depth |
rainfall__flux |
rainfall__total_depth_per_year |
reach_length |
sea_level__elevation |
sediment__deposition_coeff |
sediment__deposition_rate |
sediment__discharge_in |
sediment__erosion_rate |
sediment__flux_in |
sediment__flux_out |
sediment__influx |
sediment__outflux |
sediment__rate_of_change |
sediment__transfer_rate |
sediment__volume_influx |
sediment__volume_outflux |
sediment_deposit__thickness |
sediment_fill__depth |
sediment_property__concentration |
slope_coefficient |
slope_exponent |
soil__density |
soil__depth |
soil__flux |
soil__internal_friction_angle |
soil__maximum_total_cohesion |
soil__mean_relative_wetness |
soil__minimum_total_cohesion |
soil__mode_total_cohesion |
soil__probability_of_saturation |
soil__saturated_hydraulic_conductivity |
soil__thickness |
soil__transmissivity |
soil_moisture__initial_saturation_fraction |
soil_moisture__root_zone_leakage |
soil_moisture__saturation_fraction |
soil_production__dt_produced_depth |
soil_production__dt_weathered_depth |
soil_production__rate |
soil_water_infiltration__depth |
squared_length_adjacent |
surface__evapotranspiration |
surface__potential_evapotranspiration_30day_mean |
surface__potential_evapotranspiration_rate |
surface__runoff |
surface_load__stress |
surface_to_channel__minimum_distance |
surface_water__depth |
surface_water__depth_at_link |
surface_water__discharge |
surface_water__discharge_loss |
surface_water__elevation |
surface_water__specific_discharge |
surface_water__unit_discharge |
surface_water__velocity |
surface_water_inflow__discharge |
taxa__richness |
time |
topographic__elevation |
topographic__gradient |
topographic__slope |
topographic__specific_contributing_area |
topographic__steepest_slope |
user_d50 |
vegetation__cover_fraction |
vegetation__cumulative_water_stress |
vegetation__dead_biomass |
vegetation__dead_leaf_area_index |
vegetation__live_biomass |
vegetation__live_leaf_area_index |
vegetation__plant_functional_type |
vegetation__water_stress |
volume__lateral_erosion |
water__depth |
water__discharge_in |
water__specific_discharge |
water__unit_flux_in |
water__velocity |
water_depth |
water_surface__elevation |
water_surface__gradient |
water_table__elevation |