Nodes, Links, and Patches¶
Adjacent nodes for each grid node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get adjacent nodes. |
Get azimuths from every node to every other node. |
Get distances from every node to every other node. |
Get array of boundary nodes. |
Get array of aspect of a surface. |
Get distances for nodes to a given point. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at cells. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at nodes. |
grid.calc_grad_along_node_links(node_values, [cell_ids], out=None) |
Get array of hillshade. |
Calculate net link fluxes at nodes. |
Array of slopes at nodes, averaged over neighboring patches. |
Calculate topographic slope. |
Cell areas in a nnodes-long array. |
Get array of closed boundary nodes. |
Get array of core nodes. |
Links and diagonals attached to nodes. |
Get adjacent nodes along diagonals. |
Diagonals attached to nodes. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Node nearest a point. |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary nodes. |
Convert node indices to node ID. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the maximum of links entering a node to the node. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the max of links leaving a node to the node. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean of active links in the x direction touching node to the node. |
Map the mean of links in the x direction touching a node to the node. |
Map the mean of links entering a node to the node. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the mean of links touching a node to the node. |
Map the mean of links leaving a node to the node. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean of active links in the y direction touching node to the node. |
Map the mean of links in the y direction touching a node to the node. |
Map the minimum of links entering a node to the node. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the min of links leaving a node to the node. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map values for nodes to cells. |
Map the sum of links entering a node to the node. |
Map the sum of links leaving a node to the node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get array of nodes associated with core cells. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get nodes at link tail. |
Get the coordinates of nodes along a particular axis. |
Check if nodes have neighbors that are boundary nodes. |
Check if nodes are boundary nodes. |
Unravel an array of node values. |
Get the nodes surrounding a point. |
Get nodes at either end of links. |
Get the nodes that define a patch. |
Number of cell columns. |
Number of core nodes. |
Number of interior nodes. |
Get total number of nodes. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get array of open boundary nodes. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Roll (shift) specified data on nodes up or down in a raster grid. |
Make no-data nodes closed boundaries. |
Make no-data nodes fixed gradient boundaries. |
Get array of the boundary status for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get x-coordinate of node. |
Get x and y-coordinates of node. |
Get y-coordinate of node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get array of active links. |
Get the angle of each link. |
Find and return the angle of a link about the node at the link head. |
Calculate differences of node values over links and diagonals. |
Calculate differences of node values over diagonals. |
Calculate differences in node_values at links. |
grid.calc_grad_along_node_links(node_values, [cell_ids], out=None) |
Calculate gradients over all diagonals and links. |
Calculate gradients over all diagonals. |
Calculate gradients in node_values at links. |
Links and diagonals attached to nodes. |
Diagonals attached to nodes. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed links. |
Length of links and diagonals. |
Get the length of links. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Get the links that define a patch. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum of links entering a node to the node. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the max of links leaving a node to the node. |
Map the mean of active links in the x direction touching node to the node. |
Map the mean of links in the x direction touching a node to the node. |
Map the mean of links entering a node to the node. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the mean of links touching a node to the node. |
Map the mean of links leaving a node to the node. |
Map the mean of active links in the y direction touching node to the node. |
Map the mean of links in the y direction touching a node to the node. |
Map the minimum of links entering a node to the node. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the min of links leaving a node to the node. |
Map the sum of links entering a node to the node. |
Map the sum of links leaving a node to the node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get the middle of links. |
Number of active links. |
Number of fixed links. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Resolve the xy-components of links. |
Get array of the status of all links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get the area of each patch. |
Calculate the components of the gradient of each raster patch. |
Calculate the slope (positive magnitude of gradient) at raster patches. |
Calculate and return the unit normal vector <a, b, c> to a patch. |
Calculate unit normals on a patch. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Get the number of patches. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Get the centroid of each patch. |
Adjacent nodes for each grid node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get adjacent nodes. |
Get azimuths from every node to every other node. |
Get distances from every node to every other node. |
Get array of boundary nodes. |
Get array of aspect of a surface. |
Get distances for nodes to a given point. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at cells. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at nodes. |
Get array of hillshade. |
Calculate net link fluxes at nodes. |
Array of slopes at nodes, averaged over neighboring patches. |
Cell areas in a nnodes-long array. |
Get array of closed boundary nodes. |
Get array of core nodes. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary nodes. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map values for nodes to cells. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get array of nodes associated with core cells. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get nodes at link tail. |
Get the coordinates of nodes along a particular axis. |
Check if ModelGrid nodes have neighbors that are boundary nodes. |
Check if nodes are boundary nodes. |
Get identifier for each node. |
Get nodes at either end of links. |
Get the nodes that define a patch. |
Number of core nodes. |
Get total number of nodes. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get array of open boundary nodes. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Make no-data nodes closed boundaries. |
Make no-data nodes fixed gradient boundaries. |
Get array of the boundary status for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get x-coordinate of node. |
Get x and y-coordinates of node. |
Get y-coordinate of node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get array of active links. |
Get the angle of each link. |
Find and return the angle of a link about the node at the link head. |
Calculate differences of node values over links. |
Calculate gradients of node values at links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed links. |
Get the length of links. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Get links touching a node. |
Get the links that define a patch. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get the middle of links. |
Number of active links. |
Number of fixed links. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Resolve the xy-components of links. |
Get array of the status of all links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get the area of each patch. |
Calculate the components of the gradient at each patch. |
Calculate the slope (positive magnitude of gradient) at patches. |
Calculate and return the unit normal vector <a, b, c> to a patch. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Get the number of patches. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get the patches on either side of each link. |
Get the patches that touch each node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Get the centroid of each patch. |
Adjacent nodes for each grid node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get adjacent nodes. |
Get azimuths from every node to every other node. |
Get distances from every node to every other node. |
Get array of boundary nodes. |
Get array of aspect of a surface. |
Get distances for nodes to a given point. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at cells. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at nodes. |
Get array of hillshade. |
Calculate net link fluxes at nodes. |
Array of slopes at nodes, averaged over neighboring patches. |
Cell areas in a nnodes-long array. |
Get array of closed boundary nodes. |
Get array of core nodes. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary nodes. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map values for nodes to cells. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get array of nodes associated with core cells. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get nodes at link tail. |
Get the coordinates of nodes along a particular axis. |
Check if ModelGrid nodes have neighbors that are boundary nodes. |
Check if nodes are boundary nodes. |
Get identifier for each node. |
Get nodes at either end of links. |
Get the nodes that define a patch. |
Number of core nodes. |
Number of node columns hex grid. |
Number of node rows in a rectangular-shaped and/or horizontally oriented hex grid. |
Get total number of nodes. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get array of open boundary nodes. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Make no-data nodes closed boundaries. |
Make no-data nodes fixed gradient boundaries. |
Get array of the boundary status for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get x-coordinate of node. |
Get x and y-coordinates of node. |
Get y-coordinate of node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get array of active links. |
Get the angle of each link. |
Find and return the angle of a link about the node at the link head. |
Calculate differences of node values over links. |
Calculate gradients of node values at links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed links. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Get links touching a node. |
Get the links that define a patch. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get the middle of links. |
Number of active links. |
Number of fixed links. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Resolve the xy-components of links. |
Get array of the status of all links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get the area of each patch. |
Calculate the components of the gradient at each patch. |
Calculate the slope (positive magnitude of gradient) at patches. |
Calculate and return the unit normal vector <a, b, c> to a patch. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Get the number of patches. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get the patches on either side of each link. |
Get the patches that touch each node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Get the centroid of each patch. |
Adjacent nodes for each grid node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get azimuths from every node to every other node. |
Get distances from every node to every other node. |
Get array of boundary nodes. |
Get array of aspect of a surface. |
Get distances for nodes to a given point. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at cells. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at nodes. |
Get array of hillshade. |
Calculate net link fluxes at nodes. |
Array of slopes at nodes, averaged over neighboring patches. |
Cell areas in a nnodes-long array. |
Get array of closed boundary nodes. |
Get array of core nodes. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary nodes. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map values for nodes to cells. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get array of nodes associated with core cells. |
Get the coordinates of nodes along a particular axis. |
Check if ModelGrid nodes have neighbors that are boundary nodes. |
Check if nodes are boundary nodes. |
Number of core nodes. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get array of open boundary nodes. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Make no-data nodes closed boundaries. |
Make no-data nodes fixed gradient boundaries. |
Get array of the boundary status for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get array of active links. |
Find and return the angle of a link about the node at the link head. |
Calculate differences of node values over links. |
Calculate gradients of node values at links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed links. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Number of active links. |
Number of fixed links. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Resolve the xy-components of links. |
Get array of the status of all links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Calculate the components of the gradient at each patch. |
Calculate the slope (positive magnitude of gradient) at patches. |
Calculate and return the unit normal vector <a, b, c> to a patch. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Get array of active links. |
Get adjacent nodes. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get nodes at link tail. |
Get identifier for each node. |
Get nodes at either end of links. |
Get total number of nodes. |
Get nodes on the convex hull of a Graph. |
Get array of the boundary status for each node. |
Get x-coordinate of node. |
Get x and y-coordinates of node. |
Get y-coordinate of node. |
Get the angle of each link. |
Calculate gradients of node values at links. |
Get the length of links. |
Get links touching a node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get the middle of links. |
Get array of the status of all links. |
Get array of the x-coordinates of link midpoints. |
Get array of the y-coordinates of link midpoints. |
Adjacent nodes for each grid node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get adjacent nodes. |
Get azimuths from every node to every other node. |
Get distances from every node to every other node. |
Get array of boundary nodes. |
Get array of aspect of a surface. |
Get distances for nodes to a given point. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at cells. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at nodes. |
Get array of hillshade. |
Calculate net link fluxes at nodes. |
Array of slopes at nodes, averaged over neighboring patches. |
Cell areas in a nnodes-long array. |
Get array of closed boundary nodes. |
Get array of core nodes. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary nodes. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map values for nodes to cells. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get array of nodes associated with core cells. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get nodes at link tail. |
Get the coordinates of nodes along a particular axis. |
Check if ModelGrid nodes have neighbors that are boundary nodes. |
Check if nodes are boundary nodes. |
Get identifier for each node. |
Get nodes at either end of links. |
Get the nodes that define a patch. |
Number of core nodes. |
Get total number of nodes. |
Number of nodes in each ring. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get array of open boundary nodes. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Get nodes on the convex hull of a Graph. |
Distance for center node to each node. |
Make no-data nodes closed boundaries. |
Make no-data nodes fixed gradient boundaries. |
Get array of the boundary status for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get x-coordinate of node. |
Get x and y-coordinates of node. |
Get y-coordinate of node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get array of active links. |
Get the angle of each link. |
Find and return the angle of a link about the node at the link head. |
Calculate differences of node values over links. |
Calculate gradients of node values at links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed links. |
Get the length of links. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Get links touching a node. |
Get the links that define a patch. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get the middle of links. |
Number of active links. |
Number of fixed links. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Resolve the xy-components of links. |
Get array of the status of all links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get the area of each patch. |
Calculate the components of the gradient at each patch. |
Calculate the slope (positive magnitude of gradient) at patches. |
Calculate and return the unit normal vector <a, b, c> to a patch. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Get the number of patches. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get the patches on either side of each link. |
Get the patches that touch each node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Get the centroid of each patch. |
Adjacent nodes for each grid node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get adjacent nodes. |
Get azimuths from every node to every other node. |
Get distances from every node to every other node. |
Get array of boundary nodes. |
Get array of aspect of a surface. |
Get distances for nodes to a given point. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at cells. |
Calculate divergence of link-based fluxes at nodes. |
Get array of hillshade. |
Calculate net link fluxes at nodes. |
Array of slopes at nodes, averaged over neighboring patches. |
Cell areas in a nnodes-long array. |
Get array of closed boundary nodes. |
Get array of core nodes. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary nodes. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map values for nodes to cells. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get array of nodes associated with core cells. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get nodes at link tail. |
Get the coordinates of nodes along a particular axis. |
Check if ModelGrid nodes have neighbors that are boundary nodes. |
Check if nodes are boundary nodes. |
Get identifier for each node. |
Get nodes at either end of links. |
Get the nodes that define a patch. |
Number of core nodes. |
Get total number of nodes. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get array of open boundary nodes. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Get nodes on the convex hull of a Graph. |
Make no-data nodes closed boundaries. |
Make no-data nodes fixed gradient boundaries. |
Get array of the boundary status for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each node. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get x-coordinate of node. |
Get x and y-coordinates of node. |
Get y-coordinate of node. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Get array of active links. |
Get the angle of each link. |
Find and return the angle of a link about the node at the link head. |
Calculate differences of node values over links. |
Calculate gradients of node values at links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are downwind of each node, according to values (array or field). |
Get array of fixed links. |
Get the length of links. |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Return a boolean the same shape as |
Get links touching a node. |
Get the links that define a patch. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links carrying flux from the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links carrying flux out of the node to the node. |
Map values from a link head nodes to links. |
Map values from a link tail nodes to links. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the maximum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the mean of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum of a link's nodes to the link. |
Map the minimum value of a nodes' links to the node. |
Map the largest magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the mean magnitude of the links bringing flux into the node to the node. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links carrying fluxes out of the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the maximum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one node array to a link, based on the minimum value found in a second node field or array. |
Map the the value found in one link array to a node, based on the largest magnitude value of links bringing fluxes into the node, found in a second node array or field. |
Get the middle of links. |
Number of active links. |
Number of fixed links. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Resolve the xy-components of links. |
Get array of the status of all links. |
Return an (nnodes, X) shape array of link IDs of which links are upwind of each node, according to values (field or array). |
Get the area of each patch. |
Calculate the components of the gradient at each patch. |
Calculate the slope (positive magnitude of gradient) at patches. |
Calculate and return the unit normal vector <a, b, c> to a patch. |
Map the vector sum of links around a patch to the patch. |
Map the maximum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the mean value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Map the minimum value of nodes around a patch to the patch. |
Get the number of patches. |
Return the number of patches at a link without a closed node. |
Return the number of patches at a node without a closed node. |
Get the patches on either side of each link. |
Get the patches that touch each node. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
A boolean array, False where a patch has a closed node or is missing. |
Get the centroid of each patch. |