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Adding a discharge point source to a LEM

(Greg Tucker, CSDMS / CU Boulder, fall 2020)

This notebook shows how to add one or more discharge point sources to a Landlab-built landscape evolution model (LEM), using the flow routing components. The basic idea is to modify the water__unit_flux_in field to include a large flux (which could be represented as either drainage area or discharge) at one or more locations along the edge of a grid.

import numpy as np

from landlab import RasterModelGrid, imshow_grid
from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator

Docstring example from FlowAccumulator

The following is a tiny example from the FlowAccumulator documentation:

mg = RasterModelGrid((5, 4), xy_spacing=(10.0, 10))

topographic__elevation = np.array(

_ = mg.add_field("topographic__elevation", topographic__elevation, at="node")
mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, False)
fa = FlowAccumulator(mg, "topographic__elevation", flow_director="FlowDirectorSteepest")
runoff_rate = np.arange(mg.number_of_nodes, dtype=float)
rnff = mg.add_field("water__unit_flux_in", runoff_rate, at="node", clobber=True)
print(mg.at_node["surface_water__discharge"].reshape(5, 4))
#    array([    0.,   500.,  5200.,     0.,
#               0.,   500.,  5200.,     0.,
#               0.,   900.,  4600.,     0.,
#               0.,  1300.,  2700.,     0.,
#               0.,     0.,     0.,     0.])
[[   0.  500. 5200.    0.]
 [   0.  500. 5200.    0.]
 [   0.  900. 4600.    0.]
 [   0. 1300. 2700.    0.]
 [   0.    0.    0.    0.]]

We can extend this tiny example to show that you can subsequently modify the rnff array and it will take effect when you re-run the FlowAccumulator:

rnff[:] = 1.0
print(mg.at_node["surface_water__discharge"].reshape(5, 4))
[[  0. 100. 500.   0.]
 [  0. 100. 500.   0.]
 [  0. 100. 400.   0.]
 [  0. 100. 200.   0.]
 [  0.   0.   0.   0.]]

Larger example

In this example, we create a slightly larger grid, with a surface that slopes down toward the south / bottom boundary. We will introduce a runoff point source at a node in the middle of the top-most non-boundary row.

Start by defining some parameters:

# Parameters
nrows = 41
ncols = 41
dx = 100.0  # grid spacing in m
slope_gradient = 0.01  # gradient of topographic surface
noise_amplitude = 0.2  # amplitude of random noise
input_runoff = 10000.0  # equivalent to a drainage area of 10,000 dx^2 or 10^8 m2

Create grid and topography, and set boundaries:

# Create a grid, and a field for water input
grid = RasterModelGrid((nrows, ncols), xy_spacing=dx)

# Have just one edge (south / bottom) be open
grid.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, False)

# Create an elevation field as a ramp with random noise
topo = grid.add_zeros("topographic__elevation", at="node")
topo[:] = slope_gradient * grid.y_of_node
topo[grid.core_nodes] += noise_amplitude * np.random.randn(grid.number_of_core_nodes)

The FlowAccumulator component takes care of identifying drainage directions (here using the D8 method) and calculating the cumulative drainage area and surface water discharge.

Note that in this case we are assuming a default runoff value of unity, meaning that the calculated surface_water__discharge is actually just drainage area. To introduce the drainage area of a river entering at the top, we will use a large value for runoff. Because we are considering drainage area as the primary variable, with unit “runoff”, our input runoff is a dimensionless variable: the number of contributing grid cell equivalents. We will set this to unity at all the nodes in the model except the point-source location.

# Create a FlowAccumulator component
fa = FlowAccumulator(grid, flow_director="FlowDirectorD8")
# Create a runoff input field, and set one of its nodes to have a large input
runoff = grid.add_ones("water__unit_flux_in", at="node", clobber=True)
top_middle_node = grid.number_of_nodes - int(1.5 * ncols)
runoff[top_middle_node] = input_runoff
imshow_grid(grid, "surface_water__discharge")

Changing the amount and/or location of input

We can change the input drainage area / discharge amount or location simply by modifying the water__unit_flux_in field. Here we will shift it to the left and double its magnitude.

runoff[top_middle_node] = 1.0  # go back to being a "regular" node
runoff[top_middle_node - 15] = 2 * input_runoff  # shift 15 cells left and double amount
imshow_grid(grid, "surface_water__discharge")

Note that the drainage_area field does not recognize any runoff input. It continues to track only the local drainage area:

imshow_grid(grid, "drainage_area")

This means that you should use the surface_water__discharge field rather than the drainage_area field, regardless of whether the former is meant to represent discharge (volume per time) or effective drainage area (area).

Combining with a Landscape Evolution Model

Here we’ll set up a simple LEM that uses the river input.

from landlab.components import LinearDiffuser, StreamPowerEroder
# Parameters
K = 4.0e-5
D = 0.01
uplift_rate = 0.0001
nrows = 51
ncols = 51
dx = 10.0  # grid spacing in m
slope_gradient = 0.01  # gradient of topographic surface
noise_amplitude = 0.04  # amplitude of random noise
input_runoff = 10000.0  # equivalent to a drainage area of 10,000 dx^2 or 10^6 m2
run_duration = 25.0 / uplift_rate

dt = dx / (K * (dx * dx * input_runoff) ** 0.5)
num_steps = int(run_duration / dt)
print(str(num_steps) + " steps.")
1000 steps.
# Create a grid, and a field for water input
grid = RasterModelGrid((nrows, ncols), xy_spacing=dx)

# Have just one edge (south / bottom) be open
grid.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, False)

# Create an elevation field as a ramp with random noise
topo = grid.add_zeros("topographic__elevation", at="node")
topo[:] = slope_gradient * grid.y_of_node
topo[grid.core_nodes] += noise_amplitude * np.random.randn(grid.number_of_core_nodes)

# Create components
fa = FlowAccumulator(grid, flow_director="FlowDirectorD8")
sp = StreamPowerEroder(grid, K_sp=K, discharge_field="surface_water__discharge")
ld = LinearDiffuser(grid, linear_diffusivity=D)
runoff = grid.add_ones("water__unit_flux_in", at="node", clobber=True)
top_middle_node = grid.number_of_nodes - int(1.5 * ncols)
runoff[top_middle_node] = input_runoff
for _ in range(num_steps):
    topo[grid.core_nodes] += uplift_rate * dt
imshow_grid(grid, topo)

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