Source code for landlab.plot.network_sediment_transporter.plot_network_and_parcels

"""Plot outputs of the NetworkSedimentTransporter.

This code plots:

*  the network, with option to color each link according to a link attribute.
*  the parcels, with option to color and size each parcel according to
   parcel attributes.

Authors: Katy Barnhart, Jon Czuba, Allison Pfeiffer

import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize

from landlab.plot.network_sediment_transporter.locate_parcel_xy import locate_parcel_xy
from landlab.utils.return_array import return_array_at_link

[docs] def plot_network_and_parcels( grid, parcels, parcel_time_index=None, map_buffer=0.1, parcel_filter=None, network_color=None, link_attribute=None, link_attribute_title=None, network_cmap="cividis", network_norm=None, network_linewidth=None, parcel_color=None, parcel_color_attribute=None, parcel_color_attribute_title=None, parcel_color_cmap="plasma", parcel_color_norm=None, parcel_size=None, parcel_size_attribute=None, parcel_size_attribute_title=None, parcel_size_norm=None, parcel_size_min=5, parcel_size_max=40, parcel_alpha=0.5, fig=None, output=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot a river network and parcels on the river network. Intended to display the results of the :class:`~.NetworkSedimentTransporter` component. The river network (an instance of :class:`~.NetworkModelGrid`) is plotted either as straight links between grid nodes, or (if the network was created using a shapefile to set network topology) as sinuous lines representing the actual link geometry. The parcels (an instance of :class:`~.DataRecord`) are represented as dot markers along the links, with the marker location set by parcel attribute `location_at_link`. The default is to plot the parcel locations at the last timestep in :class`~.DataRecord`, though any time index may be specified. Use of this plotting tool is described in detail in a landlab tutorial. Parameters ---------- grid : NetworkModelGrid Instance of NetworkModelGrid. parcels : DataRecord Instance of Landlab DataRecord, with the same attribute requirements as :class:`~.NetworkSedimentTransporter`. parcel_time_index : int, optional Parcel time index to plot. Default is last timestep in parcels :class:`~.DataRecord`. map_buffer : float, optional Increase the plot extent by at least this much. Note, because of axis equal, may be more. parcel_filter : array_like of bool, shape (number_of_parcels, ), optional Filter to plot only a selection of the parcels. Other Parameters ---------------- network_color : str, optional Uniform color for network links. link_attribute : array_like or str, optional Value (as either an array or the name of an *at-link* field) used to set link color. Categorical options not supported. Must be continuous. link_attribute_title : str, optional String to use as the title, if `link_attribute` is a string, it is used as the default. network_cmap : str, optional Name of colormap for network. network_norm : matplotlib.colors.Normalize, optional Default is linear between minimum and maximum of `link_attribute`. network_linewidth : float, optional Width of network lines. parcel_color : str, optional Constant color used for parcel markers. parcel_color_attribute : str, optional Parcel attribute name, categorical options not supported. Must be continuous. parcel_color_attribute_title : str, optional String to use as the legend title. If `parcel_color_attribute` is a string, it is used as the default. parcel_color_cmap : str, optional Name of colormap for variable parcel color. parcel_color_norm : matplotlib.colors.Normalize, optional Default is linear between minimum and maximum of `parcel_color_attribute`. parcel_size : float, optional Marker size in points. parcel_size_attribute: str, optional Parcel attribute name, categorical options not supported. Must be continuous. parcel_size_attribute_title : str, optional String to use as the title, if `parcel_size_attribute` is a string, it is used as the default. parcel_size_norm : matplotlib.colors.Normalize, optional Default is linear between minimum and maximum of `parcel_size_attribute`. parcel_size_min : float, optional Specify the smallest size of the dot markers plotted, in units of points (default 5). Use with `parcel_size_max`. They will be aligned with the limits of `parcel_size_norm`. parcel_size_max : float, optional Specify the largest size of the dot markers plotted, in units of points (default 40). Use with `parcel_size_min`. They will be aligned with the limits of `parcel_size_norm`. parcel_alpha : float, optional Specify parcel marker transparency between 0.0 and 1.0. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure, optional Default is to create a new figure object. output : bool, str, optional If not provided (or ``False``), the image is sent to the imaging buffer to await an explicit call to :func:`` or :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.savefig` from outside this function. If a string, `output` should be the path to a file (with file extension) to save the figure to. The function will then call :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.savefig` itself. If ``True``, the function will call :func:`` itself once plotting is complete. **kwargs : Anything else to pass to figure creation. """ # part 0 checking and default setting. # only network color/linewidth provided OR link attribute. if (link_attribute is not None) and (network_color is not None): raise ValueError( "Only one of link_attribute and network_color can be provided." ) if link_attribute is None: network_color = network_color or "c" network_linewidth = network_linewidth or 0.5 legend_link = False else: legend_link = True if link_attribute_title is None: if isinstance(link_attribute, str): link_attribute_title = link_attribute else: link_attribute_title = "" # only parcel color OR parcel_color_attribute. if (parcel_color_attribute is not None) and (parcel_color is not None): raise ValueError( "Only one of parcel_color_attribute and parcel_color can be provided." ) if parcel_color_attribute is None: parcel_color = parcel_color or "k" legend_parcel_color = False else: legend_parcel_color = True if parcel_color_attribute_title is None: parcel_color_attribute_title = parcel_color_attribute # only parcel size or parcel_size_attribute if (parcel_size_attribute is not None) and (parcel_size is not None): raise ValueError( "Only one of parcel_size_attribute and parcel_size can be provided." ) if parcel_size_attribute is None: parcel_size = parcel_size or 1.0 legend_parcel_size = False else: legend_parcel_size = True if parcel_size_attribute_title is None: parcel_size_attribute_title = parcel_size_attribute # parcel time: # cant use standard value or default because a value of 0 is valid. if parcel_time_index is None: parcel_time_index = -1 # Figure out whether the legend will have one, two, or three # parts (linewidth, parcel size, parcel color) n_legends = legend_link + legend_parcel_size + legend_parcel_color # set up figure, label and legend gridspecs. if fig is None: fresh_fig = True fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) else: # we'll be adding this plot to existing axes fresh_fig = False spec = gridspec.GridSpec( ncols=1, nrows=3, left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0, figure=fig, height_ratios=[1, 0.1, 0.2], ) if fresh_fig: ax = fig.add_subplot(spec[0, 0]) else: plt.figure(fig) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_subplotspec(spec[0, 0]) if n_legends > 0: label_spec = spec[1, 0].subgridspec( ncols=2 * n_legends - 1, nrows=1, wspace=0.1, hspace=1, width_ratios=[1] + (n_legends - 1) * [0.2, 1], ) legend_spec = spec[2, 0].subgridspec( ncols=2 * n_legends - 1, nrows=1, wspace=0.1, hspace=1, width_ratios=[1] + (n_legends - 1) * [0.2, 1], ) legend_idx = 0 # SET UP LINESEGMENTS FOR NETWORK. If polylines exist use, otherwise use # endpoints. Also get the ranges so a buffer can be placed around the # network. if "x_of_polyline" in grid.at_link: xy_of_polylines = _get_xy_of_polylines( grid.at_link["x_of_polyline"], grid.at_link["y_of_polyline"] ) else: xy_of_polylines = grid.xy_of_node[grid.nodes_at_link] xlim, ylim = _calc_xy_limits(xy_of_polylines, buffer_frac=map_buffer) # Add Linesegments and Configure. # if there is a link attribute. if link_attribute is not None: line_segments = LineCollection( xy_of_polylines, cmap=network_cmap, norm=network_norm, linewidth=network_linewidth, zorder=1, ) line_segments.set_array(return_array_at_link(grid, link_attribute)) ax.add_collection(line_segments) # create label lax = fig.add_subplot(label_spec[0, legend_idx]) lax.text( 0.5, 0.0, "Line Color", transform=lax.transAxes, color="k", ha="center", va="top", size=plt.rcParams["font.size"] + 2, ) lax.axis("off") # add legend. lax = fig.add_subplot(legend_spec[0, legend_idx]) legend_idx += 2 fig.colorbar( line_segments, cax=lax, orientation="horizontal", label=link_attribute_title ) # if link values are constant. else: line_segments = LineCollection( xy_of_polylines, colors=network_color, linewidth=network_linewidth, zorder=1 ) ax.add_collection(line_segments) # Part 2: Add Parcels. X = np.empty(len(parcels.dataset.element_id)) Y = np.empty(len(parcels.dataset.element_id)) # Locate parcel XY for each parcel at a particular time # some aspects of this may be possible to speed up, but at minimum # locate_parcel_xy must be called for each link (since calculating location) # along link requires interpoloation. # if this occurs we must also ensure the parcel order is maintained b/c of # color and shape formatting. for parcel_idx in range(parcels.dataset.item_id.size): XY = locate_parcel_xy(grid, parcels, parcel_time_index, parcel_idx) X[parcel_idx] = XY[0] Y[parcel_idx] = XY[1] # plot X,Y point on delineated network and color/size point according to a # certain attribute of the parcel or the link in which the parcel resides # if a parcel color attribute is provided. if parcel_color_attribute is not None: # if this is true, then instead of none we need to get the right # values from the parcels and scale/normalize them correctly. At present # plan to support only continuous values. Can be extended to strs as # categorical. if parcel_color_attribute in parcels.dataset: if "time" in parcels.dataset[parcel_color_attribute].sizes: parcel_color = parcels.dataset[parcel_color_attribute].values[ :, parcel_time_index ] else: parcel_color = parcels.dataset[parcel_color_attribute].values else: raise ValueError( f"Parcel color attribute {parcel_color_attribute} not present in " "parcels." ) if parcel_filter is not None: parcel_color = parcel_color[parcel_filter] if parcel_size_attribute is not None: # if this is true, then instead of none we need to get the right # values from the parcels and scale/normalize them correctly. At present # plan to support only continuous values. Can be extended to strs as # categorical. if parcel_size_attribute in parcels.dataset: if "time" in parcels.dataset[parcel_size_attribute].sizes: parcel_size_values = parcels.dataset[parcel_size_attribute].values[ :, parcel_time_index ] else: parcel_size_values = parcels.dataset[parcel_size_attribute].values if parcel_size_norm is None: parcel_size_norm = Normalize( vmin=parcel_size_values.min(), vmax=parcel_size_values.max() ) parcel_size = parcel_size_min + ( parcel_size_max - parcel_size_min ) * parcel_size_norm(parcel_size_values) else: raise ValueError( f"Parcel size attribute {parcel_size_attribute} not present in " "parcels." ) if parcel_filter is not None: parcel_size = parcel_size[parcel_filter] # add scatter, filter x and y if necessary. if parcel_filter is not None: X = X[parcel_filter] Y = Y[parcel_filter] scatter = ax.scatter( X, Y, s=parcel_size, c=parcel_color, alpha=parcel_alpha, cmap=parcel_color_cmap, norm=parcel_color_norm, zorder=2, ) # create legends. if legend_parcel_color: lax = fig.add_subplot(label_spec[0, legend_idx]) lax.text( 0.5, 0.0, "Parcel Color", transform=lax.transAxes, color="k", ha="center", va="top", size=plt.rcParams["font.size"] + 2, ) lax.axis("off") lax = fig.add_subplot(legend_spec[0, legend_idx]) legend_idx += 2 fig.colorbar( scatter, cax=lax, orientation="horizontal", label=parcel_color_attribute_title, ) if legend_parcel_size: lax = fig.add_subplot(label_spec[0, legend_idx]) lax.text( 0.5, 0.0, "Parcel Size", transform=lax.transAxes, color="k", ha="center", va="top", size=plt.rcParams["font.size"] + 2, ) lax.axis("off") lax = fig.add_subplot(legend_spec[0, legend_idx]) handles, _ = scatter.legend_elements(prop="sizes", alpha=0.6) if len(handles) - 1 == 0: han = handles lab = [parcel_size_values.min()] else: han = handles[:: len(handles) - 1] lab = [parcel_size_values.min(), parcel_size_values.max()] lax.legend( han, lab, title=parcel_size_attribute_title, loc="center", frameon=False, ) plt.axis("off") # Set the plot limits ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) # make axes equal ax.axis("equal") if isinstance(output, str): plt.savefig(output, bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() elif output:
def _get_xy_of_polylines(x_of_polylines, y_of_polylines): """Zip together x and y coordinate arrays. Parameters ---------- x_of_polylines : ndarray x coordinates of a series of polyline segments. y_of_polylines : ndarray y coordinates of a series of polyline segments. Returns ------- ndarray An ndarray of zipped polyline coordinates. Examples -------- >>> x = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]] >>> y = [[5, 7, 6], [9, 8], [4, 5, 6, 7]] >>> xy_of_polylines = _get_xy_of_polylines(x, y) >>> len(xy_of_polylines) 3 >>> xy_of_polylines[0] array([[0, 5], [1, 7], [2, 6]]) >>> xy_of_polylines[1] array([[3, 9], [4, 8]]) >>> xy_of_polylines[2] array([[4, 4], [3, 5], [2, 6], [1, 7]]) """ return [np.stack(xy, axis=1) for xy in zip(x_of_polylines, y_of_polylines)] def _calc_xy_limits(xy_of_segment, buffer_frac=0.0): """Calculate xy limits with an optional buffer. Parameters ---------- xy_of_segment : iterable of ndarray xy coordinates of each segment. buffer_frac : float, optional Size of buffer as a fraction of the size of the bounding box of all the segments. A value of zero mean the limits will be 'tight'. Returns ------- x_limits, y_limits x and y limits. Examples -------- >>> xy_of_segments = ([[0, 1], [1, 2]], [[4, 5], [2, 3], [6, 6]], [[2, 9]]) >>> _calc_xy_limits(xy_of_segments) ((0.0, 6.0), (1.0, 9.0)) >>> _calc_xy_limits(xy_of_segments, buffer_frac=0.5) ((-3.0, 9.0), (-3.0, 13.0)) """ segments = np.concatenate(xy_of_segment) x_limits = _calc_limits(segments[:, 0], buffer_frac=buffer_frac) y_limits = _calc_limits(segments[:, 1], buffer_frac=buffer_frac) return x_limits, y_limits def _calc_limits(values, buffer_frac=0.0): """Calculate min and max limits with a buffer on each end. Parameters ---------- values : iterable Values to find limits of. buffer_frac : float, optional Size of buffer, as a fraction of peak-to-peak, to add to the upper and lower limit. Returns ------- limits : tuple Lower and upper limits. Examples -------- >>> _calc_limits([1, 3, 5, 4, 2]) (1.0, 5.0) >>> _calc_limits([1, 3, 5, 4, 2], buffer_frac=0.25) (0.0, 6.0) """ values = np.asarray(values) min_value, max_value = values.min(), values.max() buffer_width = buffer_frac * (max_value - min_value) return min_value - buffer_width, max_value + buffer_width