Source code for landlab.plot.network_sediment_transporter.locate_parcel_xy

Created on Fri Oct 24 16:28:00 2019

This code converts location in a link to an X, Y

@author: Jon Czuba, Katy Barnhart

import numpy as np

[docs] def locate_parcel_xy(grid, parcels, parcel_time_index, parcel_number): # determine the location of that parcel in its link parcel_loc = parcels.dataset.location_in_link[ parcel_number, parcel_time_index ].values # parcels that end their timestep off network have the starting link id # recorded, and np.nan as the distance. if not np.isnan(parcel_loc): # get link id parcel_link = int( parcels.dataset.element_id[parcel_number, parcel_time_index].values ) # DANGER DANGER: This code assumes the verticies of links are ordered # from upstream to downstream. This should be the case for delineated # river networks, so this line should not be necessary. A quick # work-around is the following, but ideally verticies should be flipped in GIS. # parcel_loc = 0.9999 - parcel_loc # get the X, Y vertices of the squiggly line for that link (loaded by # # I am not sure these next 2 lines are necessary here, but I don't know # how to do this differently and/or better. if "x_of_polyline" in grid.at_link: link_x = grid["link"]["x_of_polyline"][parcel_link] link_y = grid["link"]["y_of_polyline"][parcel_link] else: flow_dir = grid.at_link["flow__link_direction"][parcel_link] head_node = grid.node_at_link_head[parcel_link] tail_node = grid.node_at_link_tail[parcel_link] if flow_dir == -1: link_x = [grid.x_of_node[head_node], grid.x_of_node[tail_node]] link_y = [grid.y_of_node[head_node], grid.y_of_node[tail_node]] elif flow_dir == 1: # 1 = with direction of from tail to head. link_x = [grid.x_of_node[tail_node], grid.x_of_node[head_node]] link_y = [grid.y_of_node[tail_node], grid.y_of_node[head_node]] else: raise ValueError( "trying to plot on an inactive link. this should not happen." ) # eventually need to use x_of_node, y_of_node, and nodes_at_link, # but the upstream to downstream ordering also matters. # cumulative distance between squiggly-line link vertices [0 to link length] link_dist = np.concatenate( [[0], np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.diff(link_x) ** 2 + np.diff(link_y) ** 2))] ) # cumulative relative distance between squiggly-line link verticies [0 to 1] # divide cumulative distance by max distance to get vector of distances between # 0 and 1 link_rel_dist = link_dist / np.max(link_dist) # # determine which two points on squiggly line bound parcel location in that link # upper_loc_idx = np.argmax(link_rel_dist - parcel_loc > 0) # # to_interp_link_loc = link_rel_dist[upper_loc_idx - 1 : upper_loc_idx + 1] # to_interp_link_x = link_x[upper_loc_idx - 1 : upper_loc_idx + 1] # to_interp_link_y = link_y[upper_loc_idx - 1 : upper_loc_idx + 1] # # # check values are increasing # np.all(np.diff(to_interp_link_loc) > 0) # interpolate the X,Y coordinates from the parcel location parcel_x = np.interp( parcel_loc, link_rel_dist, link_x ) # , left=np.nan, right=np.nan) parcel_y = np.interp(parcel_loc, link_rel_dist, link_y) # assert np.isnan(parcel_x) == False # save data to a single variable. better would be to save this info as # an element of parcels.dataset.X and ...Y XY = [parcel_x, parcel_y] # parcels.dataset["X"] = parcel_x # parcels.dataset["Y"] = parcel_y else: # if that parcel is no longer in the system do not try to compute X,Y and # instead return NaN XY = [np.nan, np.nan] # return the X,Y values return XY