Source code for landlab.plot.layers

from functools import partial
from itertools import tee

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs] def pairwise(iterable): "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..." a, b = tee(iterable) next(b, None) return zip(a, b)
[docs] def plot_layers( elevation_at_layer, x=None, sea_level=0.0, color_water=(0.8, 1.0, 1.0), color_bedrock=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), color_layer=None, layer_line_width=0.5, layer_line_color="k", title=None, x_label="Distance", y_label="Elevation", legend_location="lower left", ): """Plot a stack of sediment layers as a cross section. Create a plot of the elevation sediment layers, including surfaces for sea level and bedrock. Parameters ---------- elevation_at_layer : array-like of shape *(n_layers, n_stacks)* Elevation to each layer along the profile. Layers are provided row-by-row, with the bottom-most layer being the first row. x : array-like, optional Distance to each stack along the cross-section. If not provided, stack number will be used. sea_level : float, optional Elevation of sea level. color_water : tuple of float, optional Tuple of *(red, green, blue)* values for water. color_bedrock : tuple of float, optional Tuple of *(red, green, blue)* values for bedrock. color_layer : string, optional Colormap to use to color in the layers. layer_line_width : float, optional Width of line used to plot layer surfaces. layer_line_color : string, optional Color of the line used to plot layer surfaces. title : string, optional Text to be used for the graph's title. The default is to not include a title. x_label : string, optional Text to be used for the x (horizontal) axis label. y_label : string, optional Text to be used for the y (vertical) axis label. legend_location : string, optional Where to put the legend. """ elevation_at_layer = np.asarray(elevation_at_layer) elevation_at_layer = np.expand_dims( elevation_at_layer, axis=tuple(np.arange(2 - elevation_at_layer.ndim)), ) if len(elevation_at_layer) == 0: raise ValueError( f"no layers to plot (elevation_at_layer.shape is {np.shape(elevation_at_layer)}" ) if x is None: x = np.arange(elevation_at_layer.shape[1]) top_surface = elevation_at_layer[-1] bottom_surface = elevation_at_layer[0] if len(elevation_at_layer) > 0: _plot_layers( x, elevation_at_layer, # [layers_to_plot], color=color_layer, lc=layer_line_color, lw=layer_line_width, ) _plot_water(x, top_surface, sea_level=sea_level, fc=color_water) _plot_bedrock(x, bottom_surface, fc=color_bedrock) _plot_surface(x, top_surface, sea_level=sea_level) legend_location and _plot_legend( legend_location, color_water=color_water, color_bedrock=color_bedrock ) plt.xlabel(x_label) plt.ylabel(y_label) title and plt.title(title)
def _plot_water(x, y, sea_level=0.0, fc=(0.8, 1.0, 1.0)): x_water, y_water = _insert_shorelines(x, y, sea_level=sea_level) if fc is not None: plt.fill_between(x_water, y_water, sea_level, where=y_water <= sea_level, fc=fc) water_surface = np.full_like(x_water, sea_level, dtype=float) water_surface[y_water > sea_level] = np.nan plt.plot(x_water, water_surface, color="b") def _plot_bedrock(x, y, fc=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)): if fc is not None: plt.fill_between( x, y, np.full_like(y, y.min()), color=fc, ) plt.plot(x, y, color="k") def _plot_surface(x, y, sea_level=0.0): under_water = y <= sea_level plt.plot(x[~under_water], y[~under_water], color="g") plt.plot(x[under_water], y[under_water], color="b") def _plot_layers(x, layers, color=None, lc="k", lw=0.5): if color is not None: cmap = plt.colormaps[color] if isinstance(color, str) else color for layer, (lower, upper) in enumerate(pairwise(layers)): plt.fill_between( x, lower, upper, fc=cmap(layer * 256 // len(layers)), ) plt.plot( x, layers.T, color=lc, linewidth=lw, ) def _plot_legend(legend_location, color_water=None, color_bedrock=None): legend_item = partial(Patch, edgecolor="k", linewidth=0.5) items = [ ("Ocean", color_water), ("Bedrock", color_bedrock), ] legend = [legend_item(label=label, fc=color) for label, color in items if color] legend and plt.legend(handles=legend, loc=legend_location) def _insert_shorelines(x, y, sea_level=0.0): """Insert shorelines into x-y arrays. Examples -------- >>> from landlab.plot.layers import _insert_shorelines >>> _insert_shorelines([0, 1, 2], [2, 1, -1]) (array([0. , 1. , 1.5, 2. ]), array([ 2., 1., 0., -1.])) """ x, y = np.asarray(x, dtype=float), np.asarray(y, dtype=float) y_relative_to_sea_level = y - sea_level shorelines = _search_zero_crossings(y_relative_to_sea_level) x_of_shoreline = _interp_zero_crossings(x, y_relative_to_sea_level, shorelines) return ( np.insert(x, shorelines + 1, x_of_shoreline), np.insert(y, shorelines + 1, sea_level), ) def _search_zero_crossings(y): """Search an array for changes in sign between elements. Parameters ---------- y : array-like Input array to check for sign changes. Returns ------- int Indices into *y* where a sign has changed. Examples -------- >>> from landlab.plot.layers import _search_zero_crossings The returned index is to the element before the zero-crossing. >>> list(_search_zero_crossings([2, 1, -1])) [1] >>> list(_search_zero_crossings([-2, -2, 1, 2])) [1] >>> list(_search_zero_crossings([-2, -2, 1, 2, -1])) [1, 3] These are not zero-crossings. >>> len(_search_zero_crossings([2, 0, 0, -2])) == 0 True >>> len(_search_zero_crossings([2, 0, 1])) == 0 True >>> len(_search_zero_crossings([2, 3, 4])) == 0 True >>> len(_search_zero_crossings([0, 0, 0])) == 0 True """ sign = np.sign(y) # zeros = sign == 0 # if not np.all(zeros): # while np.any(zeros): # sign[zeros] = np.roll(sign, 1)[zeros] # zeros = sign == 0 # return np.where(sign[1:] != sign[:-1])[0] return np.where(sign[1:] * sign[:-1] < 0)[0] def _interp_zero_crossings(x, y, shorelines): """Interpolate between adjacent elements to find x-locations of zero-crossings. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Distances. y : array-like Elevations. shorelines : array-like of int Indices to shoreline elements. Returns ------- array of float Distances to interpolated shorelines. Examples -------- >>> from landlab.plot.layers import _interp_zero_crossings >>> _interp_zero_crossings([0, 1, 2], [1, -1, -1], [0]) array([0.5]) >>> _interp_zero_crossings([0, 1, 2, 3], [1, -1, -1, 4], [0, 2]) array([0.5, 2.2]) """ x_of_shoreline = [] for shoreline in shorelines: coast = slice(shoreline, shoreline + 2) # for scipy<1.10 interp1d requires x and y to have at least two elements, # which is not the case if theshoreline is the last element. x_of_shoreline.append( interp1d(np.broadcast_to(y[coast], 2), np.broadcast_to(x[coast], 2))(0.0) ) return np.asarray(x_of_shoreline)