Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Write structured grids to NetCDF files.

Write netcdf

.. autosummary::

import pathlib

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from import _NP_TO_NC_TYPE

def _set_netcdf_attributes(root, attrs):
    """Set attributes of a netcdf file.

    Set attributes of the netCDF Database object, *root*. Attributes are
    given as key/value pairs from *attrs*.

    root : netcdf_file
        A NetCDF file.
    attrs : dict
        Attributes as key-value pairs.
    for key, val in attrs.items():
        setattr(root, key, val)

def _get_dimension_names(shape):
    """Get dimension names.

    shape : tuple of int
        Shape of a structured grid.

    tuple of str
        Dimension names for the NetCDF file.

    >>> from import _get_dimension_names
    >>> _get_dimension_names((4,))
    >>> _get_dimension_names((4, 5))
    ['nj', 'ni']
    >>> _get_dimension_names((4, 5, 6))
    ['nk', 'nj', 'ni']
    names = _AXIS_DIMENSION_NAMES[-1 : -(len(shape) + 1) : -1]
    return names[::-1]

def _get_dimension_sizes(shape):
    """Get dimension sizes.

    shape : tuple of int
        Shape of a structured grid.

        Dimension sizes.

    >>> from import _get_dimension_sizes
    >>> _get_dimension_sizes((4,))
    {'ni': 4}
    >>> sizes = _get_dimension_sizes((4, 5))
    >>> sizes["ni"], sizes["nj"]
    (5, 4)
    >>> sizes = _get_dimension_sizes((4, 5, 6))
    >>> sizes["ni"], sizes["nj"], sizes["nk"]
    (6, 5, 4)
    names = _AXIS_DIMENSION_NAMES[-1 : -(len(shape) + 1) : -1]

    sizes = {}
    for axis, name in enumerate(names):
        sizes[name] = shape[-(axis + 1)]

    return sizes

def _get_axes_names(shape):
    """Get names of the axes.

    shape : tuple of int
        Shape of a structured grid.

    tuple of str
        Names of the axes for the NetCDF file.

    >>> from import _get_axes_names
    >>> _get_axes_names((2,))
    >>> _get_axes_names((2, 3))
    ['y', 'x']
    >>> _get_axes_names((2, 3, 4))
    ['z', 'y', 'x']
    names = _AXIS_COORDINATE_NAMES[-1 : -(len(shape) + 1) : -1]
    return names[::-1]

def _get_cell_bounds(shape, spacing=(1.0, 1.0), origin=(0.0, 0.0)):
    """Get bounds arrays for square cells.

    shape : tuple of int
        Shape of the grid in cell corners.
    spacing : tuple of float
        Height and width of cells.
    origin : tuple of float
        Coordinates of lower-left corner of lower-left cell.

    (y, x) : tuple of ndarray
        Tuple of the *y* and *x* coordinates of each cell corner (ordered
        counter-clockwise starting from lower-right. The shape of the returned
        arrays will be *(rows, cols, 4)*.

    >>> from import _get_cell_bounds
    >>> bounds = _get_cell_bounds((3, 4))
    >>> bounds["y_bnds"]
    array([[[0.,  1.,  1.,  0.], [0.,  1.,  1.,  0.], [0.,  1.,  1.,  0.]],
           [[1.,  2.,  2.,  1.], [1.,  2.,  2.,  1.], [1.,  2.,  2.,  1.]]])
    >>> bounds["x_bnds"]
    array([[[1.,  1.,  0.,  0.], [2.,  2.,  1.,  1.], [3.,  3.,  2.,  2.]],
           [[1.,  1.,  0.,  0.], [2.,  2.,  1.,  1.], [3.,  3.,  2.,  2.]]])
    rows = np.arange(shape[0]) * spacing[0] + origin[0]
    cols = np.arange(shape[1]) * spacing[1] + origin[1]

    corner_y, corner_x = np.meshgrid(rows, cols, indexing="ij")

    y_bnds = np.vstack(
            corner_y[:-1, 1:].flat,
            corner_y[1:, 1:].flat,
            corner_y[1:, :-1].flat,
            corner_y[:-1, :-1].flat,
    x_bnds = np.vstack(
            corner_x[:-1, 1:].flat,
            corner_x[1:, 1:].flat,
            corner_x[1:, :-1].flat,
            corner_x[:-1, :-1].flat,

    return {
        "y_bnds": y_bnds.reshape((shape[0] - 1, shape[1] - 1, 4)),
        "x_bnds": x_bnds.reshape((shape[0] - 1, shape[1] - 1, 4)),

def _set_netcdf_cell_structured_dimensions(root, shape):
    """Set dimensions for a structured grid of cells.

    root : netcdf_file
        A NetCDF file.
    shape : tuple of int
        Shape of the cell grid (rows of cells, columns of cells).
    if len(shape) < 1 or len(shape) > 3:
        raise ValueError("grid dimension must be 1, 2, or 3")

    dimensions = _get_dimension_sizes(shape)

    dims = root.dimensions

    if "nt" not in dims:
        root.createDimension("nt", None)

    for name, dim_size in dimensions.items():
        if name not in dims:
            root.createDimension(name, dim_size - 2)

    root.createDimension("nv", 4)

def _set_netcdf_structured_dimensions(root, shape):
    """Set dimensions for a structured grid.

    Add dimensions to *root* for a structured grid of size *shape*. The
    dimension names will be 'ni', 'nj', and 'nk'. 'ni' is the length of the
    fast dimension, followed by 'nj', and then 'nk'.

    For example, a grid with shape (3, 4, 5) will have dimensions ni=5,
    nj=4, and nk=3. Lower dimension grids simply drop the slowest dimension.
    Thus, a grid with shape (3, 4) has dimensions ni=4, and nj=3.

    root : netcdf_file
        A NetCDF file.
    shape : tuple of int
        Shape of the grid.
    if len(shape) < 1 or len(shape) > 3:
        raise ValueError("grid dimension must be 1, 2, or 3")

    dimensions = _get_dimension_sizes(shape)

    dims = root.dimensions

    if "nt" not in dims:
        root.createDimension("nt", None)

    for name, dim_size in dimensions.items():
        if name not in dims:
            root.createDimension(name, dim_size)

def _set_netcdf_variables(root, fields, **kwds):
    """Set the field variables.

    First set the variables that define the grid and then the variables
    at the grid nodes and cells.
    names = kwds.pop("names", None)

    _add_spatial_variables(root, fields, **kwds)
    _add_variables_at_points(root, fields, names=names)

def _set_netcdf_raster_variables(root, fields, **kwds):
    """Set the field variables for rasters.

    First set the variables that define the grid and then the variables
    at the grid nodes and cells.
    names = kwds.pop("names", None)

    _add_raster_spatial_variables(root, fields, **kwds)
    _add_variables_at_points(root, fields, names=names)

def _set_netcdf_cell_variables(root, fields, **kwds):
    """Set the cell field variables.

    First set the variables that define the grid and then the variables
    at the grid nodes and cells.
    names = kwds.pop("names", None)

    _add_cell_spatial_variables(root, fields, **kwds)
    _add_variables_at_cells(root, fields, names=names)

def _add_cell_spatial_variables(root, grid, **kwds):
    """Add the spatial variables that describe the cell grid."""
    long_name = kwds.get("long_name", {})

    cell_grid_shape = [dim - 1 for dim in grid.shape]
    spatial_variable_shape = _get_dimension_names(cell_grid_shape)

    bounds = _get_cell_bounds(
        spacing=(grid.dy, grid.dx),
        origin=(grid.dy * 0.5, grid.dx * 0.5),

    shape = spatial_variable_shape + ["nv"]
    for name, values in bounds.items():
        # var = root.createVariable(name, 'f8', shape)
        # var[:] = values

            var = root.variables[name]
        except KeyError:
            var = root.createVariable(name, "f8", shape)

        var[:] = values

        axis = grid.axis_name.index(name[0])

        var.units = str(grid.axis_units[axis])
            var.long_name = str(long_name[name])
        except KeyError:
            var.long_name = str(grid.axis_name[axis])

def _add_spatial_variables(root, grid, **kwds):
    """Add spatial variables to a NetCDF file.

    Add the variables to *root* that define the structured grid, *grid*.

    root : netcdf_file
        A NetCDF file.
    grid : RasterModelGrid
        A structured grid.
    long_name : dict, optional
        Long name for each spatial variable to add. Keys are grid field
        names, values are corresponding long names.
    long_name = kwds.get("long_name", {})

    netcdf_vars = root.variables

    spatial_variable_names = _get_axes_names(grid.shape)
    spatial_variable_shape = _get_dimension_names(grid.shape)

    for axis, name in enumerate(spatial_variable_names):
            var = netcdf_vars[name]
        except KeyError:
            var = root.createVariable(name, "f8", spatial_variable_shape)

        coords = grid.node_axis_coordinates(axis=axis).view()
        coords.shape = var.shape
        var[:] = coords

        var.units = grid.axis_units[axis].encode("utf-8")
            var.long_name = long_name[name].encode("utf-8")
        except KeyError:
            var.long_name = grid.axis_name[axis].encode("utf-8")

def _add_raster_spatial_variables(root, grid, **kwds):
    """Add spatial variables to a NetCDF file for rasters.

    Add the variables to *root* that define the structured grid, *grid*.

    root : netcdf_file
        A NetCDF file.
    grid : RasterModelGrid
        A structured grid.
    long_name : dict, optional
        Long name for each spatial variable to add. Keys are grid field
        names, values are corresponding long names.
    long_name = kwds.get("long_name", {})

    netcdf_vars = root.variables

    spatial_variable_names = _get_axes_names(grid.shape)
    spatial_variable_shape = _get_dimension_names(grid.shape)

    for axis, name in enumerate(spatial_variable_names):
            var = netcdf_vars[name]
        except KeyError:
            var = root.createVariable(name, "f8", [spatial_variable_shape[axis]])

        coords = grid.node_axis_coordinates(axis=axis).view().reshape(grid.shape)
        if axis == 1:
            coords = coords[1, :]
        elif axis == 0:
            coords = coords[:, 1]
            raise NotImplementedError("")
        coords.shape = var.shape

        var[:] = coords

        var.units = str(grid.axis_units[axis])
            var.long_name = str(long_name[name])
        except KeyError:
            var.long_name = str(grid.axis_name[axis])

def _add_variables_at_points(root, fields, names=None):
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = [names]
    names = names or fields["node"].keys()

    netcdf_vars = root.variables

    spatial_variable_shape = _get_dimension_names(fields.shape)

        n_times = len(netcdf_vars["t"]) - 1
    except TypeError:
        n_times = len(netcdf_vars["t"][:]) - 1
    except KeyError:
        n_times = 0

    node_fields = fields["node"]
    for var_name in names:
            var = netcdf_vars[var_name]
        except KeyError:
            var = root.createVariable(
                ["nt"] + spatial_variable_shape,

        if node_fields[var_name].size > 1:
            data = node_fields[var_name].view()
            data.shape = var.shape[1:]
                var[n_times, :] = data
            except ValueError:
            var[n_times] = node_fields[var_name].flat[0]

        var.units = node_fields.units[var_name] or "?"
        var.long_name = var_name

        if hasattr(fields, "grid_mapping"):
            var.grid_mapping = fields.grid_mapping["name"]

def _add_variables_at_cells(root, fields, names=None):
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = [names]
    names = names or fields["cell"].keys()

    netcdf_vars = root.variables

    cell_grid_shape = [dim - 1 for dim in fields.shape]

    spatial_variable_shape = _get_dimension_names(cell_grid_shape)

        n_times = len(netcdf_vars["t"]) - 1
    except KeyError:
        n_times = 0

    cell_fields = fields["cell"]
    for var_name in names:
            var = netcdf_vars[var_name]
        except KeyError:
            var = root.createVariable(
                ["nt"] + spatial_variable_shape,

        if cell_fields[var_name].size > 1:
            data = cell_fields[var_name].view()
            data.shape = var.shape[1:]
                var[n_times, :] = data
            except ValueError:
            var[n_times] = cell_fields[var_name].flat[0]

        var.units = str(cell_fields.units[var_name] or "?")
        var.long_name = str(var_name)

def _add_time_variable(root, time, **kwds):
    """Add a time value to a NetCDF file.

    Append a new time value to the time variable of a NetCDF file. If there
    is not time variable, create one. The time variable is named, ``t``.

    root : netcdf_file
        A NetCDF file.
    time : float
        The time.
    units : str, optional
        Time units.
    reference : str, optional
        Reference time.
    units = kwds.get("units", "days")
    reference = kwds.get("reference", "00:00:00 UTC")

    netcdf_vars = root.variables

        time_var = netcdf_vars["t"]
    except KeyError:
        time_var = root.createVariable("t", "f8", ("nt",))
        time_var.units = " ".join([units, "since", reference])
        time_var.long_name = "time"

        n_times = len(time_var)
    except TypeError:
        n_times = len(time_var[:])
    if time is not None:
        time_var[n_times] = time
        time_var[n_times] = n_times

def _set_netcdf_grid_mapping_variable(root, grid_mapping):
    """Create grid mapping variable, if necessary."""
    name = grid_mapping.pop("name")
    var = root.createVariable(name, "S1", dimensions=())
    for attr in grid_mapping.keys():
        setattr(var, attr, grid_mapping[attr])


def _guess_at_location(fields, names):
    """Guess where the values should be located."""
    node_fields = set(fields["node"].keys())
    cell_fields = set(fields["cell"].keys())

    if names is None or len(names) == 0:
        if len(node_fields) > 0:
            at = "node"
            at = "cell"
        if node_fields.issuperset(names):
            at = "node"
        elif cell_fields.issuperset(names):
            at = "cell"
            at = None
    return at

[docs] def write_netcdf( path, grid, attrs=None, append=False, format="NETCDF3_64BIT", names=None, at=None, time=None, raster=False, ): """Write landlab fields to netcdf. Write the data and grid information for *grid* to *path* as NetCDF. If the *append* keyword argument in True, append the data to an existing file, if it exists. Otherwise, clobber an existing files. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to output file. grid : RasterModelGrid Landlab RasterModelGrid object that holds a grid and associated values. append : boolean, optional Append data to an existing file, otherwise clobber the file. format : {'NETCDF3_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF4'} Format of output netcdf file. attrs : dict Attributes to add to netcdf file. names : iterable of str, optional Names of the fields to include in the netcdf file. If not provided, write all fields. at : {'node', 'cell'}, optional The location where values are defined. raster : bool, optional Indicate whether spatial dimensions are written as full value arrays (default) or just as coordinate dimensions. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> from import write_netcdf Create a uniform rectilinear grid with four rows and 3 columns, and add some data fields to it. >>> rmg = RasterModelGrid((4, 3)) >>> rmg.at_node["topographic__elevation"] = np.arange(12.0) >>> rmg.at_node["uplift_rate"] = 2.0 * np.arange(12.0) Create a temporary directory to write the netcdf file into. >>> import tempfile, os >>> temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> os.chdir(temp_dir) Write the grid to a netcdf3 file but only include the *uplift_rate* data in the file. >>> write_netcdf("", rmg, format="NETCDF3_64BIT", names="uplift_rate") Read the file back in and check its contents. >>> from import netcdf_file >>> fp = netcdf_file("", "r") >>> "uplift_rate" in fp.variables True >>> "topographic__elevation" in fp.variables False >>> fp.variables["uplift_rate"][:].flatten().astype("=f8") array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 14., 16., 18., 20., 22.]) >>> rmg.at_cell["air__temperature"] = np.arange(2.0) >>> write_netcdf( ... "", ... rmg, ... format="NETCDF3_64BIT", ... names="air__temperature", ... at="cell", ... ) """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if append and not path.exists(): append = False if at not in (None, "cell", "node"): raise ValueError("value location not understood") if isinstance(names, str): names = (names,) at = at or _guess_at_location(grid, names) or "node" if names is None: names = grid[at].keys() if not set(grid[at].keys()).issuperset(names): raise ValueError("values must be on either cells or nodes, not both") attrs = attrs or {} dims = ("nt", "nj", "ni") shape = grid.shape if at == "cell": shape = shape[0] - 2, shape[1] - 2 data = {} if append: with xr.open_dataset(path) as dataset: time_varying_names = [ name for name in dataset.variables if "nt" in dataset[name].sizes ] for name in set(time_varying_names) & set(names): values = getattr(grid, "at_" + at)[name].reshape((1,) + shape) data[name] = (dims, np.concatenate([dataset[name].values, values])) if "t" not in dataset.variables: times = np.arange(len(dataset["nt"]) + 1) else: times = np.concatenate((dataset["t"].values, [0.0])) if time is None: times[-1] = times[-2] + 1.0 else: times[-1] = time data["t"] = (("nt",), times) if at == "cell": data["x_bnds"] = ( ("nj", "ni", "nv"), grid.x_of_corner[grid.corners_at_cell].reshape(shape + (4,)), ) data["y_bnds"] = ( ("nj", "ni", "nv"), grid.y_of_corner[grid.corners_at_cell].reshape(shape + (4,)), ) else: if raster: data["x"] = (("ni"), grid.x_of_node.reshape(shape)[0, :]) data["y"] = (("nj"), grid.y_of_node.reshape(shape)[:, 0]) else: data["x"] = (("nj", "ni"), grid.x_of_node.reshape(shape)) data["y"] = (("nj", "ni"), grid.y_of_node.reshape(shape)) if not append: if time is not None: data["t"] = (("nt",), [time]) for name in names: data[name] = ( dims, getattr(grid, "at_" + at)[name].reshape((-1,) + shape), ) dataset = xr.Dataset(data, attrs=attrs) dataset.to_netcdf(path, mode="w", format=format, unlimited_dims=("nt",))
[docs] def write_raster_netcdf( path, fields, attrs=None, append=False, time=None, format="NETCDF4", names=None, at=None, ): """Write Raster Model Grid landlab fields to netcdf. Write the data and grid information for *fields* to *path* as NetCDF. This method is for Raster Grids only and takes advantage of regular x and y spacing to save memory. Rather that writing x and y of node locations at all (nr x nc) locations, it writes a 1D array each for x and y. A more modern version of this might write x and y location as a netcdf coordinate. However, the original version of this function wrote x and y as data variables rather than coordinates. If the *append* keyword argument in True, append the data to an existing file, if it exists. Otherwise, clobber an existing files. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to output file. fields : field-like Landlab field object that holds a grid and associated values. This must be a Raster type. append : boolean, optional Append data to an existing file, otherwise clobber the file. time : float, optional Add a time to the time variable. format : {'NETCDF4'} Format of output netcdf file. attrs : dict Attributes to add to netcdf file. names : iterable of str, optional Names of the fields to include in the netcdf file. If not provided, write all fields. at : {'node'}, optional The location where values are defined. Presently only implemented for type 'node'. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> from import write_raster_netcdf Create a uniform rectilinear grid with four rows and 3 columns, and add some data fields to it. >>> rmg = RasterModelGrid((4, 3)) >>> rmg.shape (4, 3) >>> rmg.at_node["topographic__elevation"] = np.arange(12.0) >>> rmg.at_node["uplift_rate"] = 2.0 * np.arange(12.0) Create a temporary directory to write the netcdf file into. >>> import tempfile, os >>> temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> os.chdir(temp_dir) Write the grid to a netcdf4 file but only include the *uplift_rate* data in the file. >>> write_raster_netcdf( ... "", ... rmg, ... format="NETCDF3_64BIT", ... names="uplift_rate", ... ) Read the file back in and check its contents. >>> from import netcdf_file >>> fp = netcdf_file("", "r") >>> "uplift_rate" in fp.variables True >>> "topographic__elevation" in fp.variables False >>> fp.variables["uplift_rate"][:].flatten().astype("=f8") array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 14., 16., 18., 20., 22.]) >>> fp.variables["x"][:].astype("=f8") array([0., 1., 2.]) >>> fp.variables["y"][:].astype("=f8") array([0., 1., 2., 3.]) Read now with read_netcdf >>> from import read_netcdf >>> grid = read_netcdf("") >>> grid.shape (4, 3) >>> grid.x_of_node array([0., 1., 2., 0., 1., 2., 0., 1., 2., 0., 1., 2.]) >>> grid.y_of_node array([0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2., 3., 3., 3.]) >>> grid.at_node["uplift_rate"] array([ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 14., 16., 18., 20., 22.]) """ return write_netcdf( path, fields, attrs=attrs, append=append, format=format, names=names, at=at, time=time, raster=True, )