#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Read data from a NetCDF file into a RasterModelGrid.
Read netcdf
.. autosummary::
import contextlib
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from landlab.io import MismatchGridDataSizeError
from landlab.io import MismatchGridXYLowerLeft
from landlab.io import MismatchGridXYSpacing
from landlab.io.netcdf._constants import _AXIS_COORDINATE_NAMES
from landlab.io.netcdf._constants import _AXIS_DIMENSION_NAMES
from landlab.io.netcdf._constants import _COORDINATE_NAMES
from landlab.io.netcdf.errors import NotRasterGridError
from landlab.utils import add_halo
def _length_of_axis_dimension(root, axis_name):
"""Get the size of an axis by axis name.
root : netcdf_file
A NetCDF object.
axis_name : str
Name of the axis in the NetCDF file.
Size of the dimension.
return len(root.dimensions[axis_name])
except TypeError:
return root.dimensions[axis_name]
def _read_netcdf_grid_shape(root):
"""Get the shape of a raster grid.
root : netcdf_file
A NetCDF object.
(rows, columns)
Shape of the grid.
shape = []
for axis_name in _AXIS_DIMENSION_NAMES:
with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
shape.append(_length_of_axis_dimension(root, axis_name))
return tuple(shape)
def _read_netcdf_coordinate_values(root):
"""Get arrays of coordinates for grid points.
root : netcdf_file
A NetCDF file.
tuple of ndarray
Node coordinates for each dimension.
values = []
for coordinate_name in _AXIS_COORDINATE_NAMES:
with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
return tuple(values)
def _read_netcdf_coordinate_units(root):
"""Get units for coodinate values.
root : netcdf_file
A NetCDF file.
tuple of str
Units for each coordinate.
units = []
for coordinate_name in _AXIS_COORDINATE_NAMES:
with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
return tuple(units)
def _read_netcdf_structured_grid(root):
"""Get node coordinates for a structured grid.
root : netcdf_file
A NetCDF file.
tuple of ndarray
Node coordinates for each dimension reshaped to match the shape
of the grid.
shape = _read_netcdf_grid_shape(root)
coordinates = _read_netcdf_coordinate_values(root)
for coordinate in coordinates:
coordinate.shape = shape
return coordinates
def _read_netcdf_raster_structured_grid(root):
"""Get node coordinates for a structured grid written as a raster.
root : netcdf_file
A NetCDF file.
tuple of ndarray
Node coordinates for each dimension reshaped to match the shape
of the grid.
shape = _read_netcdf_grid_shape(root)
coordinates = _read_netcdf_coordinate_values(root)
if len(coordinates) != 2:
assert ValueError("Rasters must have only two spatial coordinate dimensions")
coordinates = np.meshgrid(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], indexing="ij")
for coordinate in coordinates:
coordinate.shape = shape
return coordinates
def _read_netcdf_structured_data(root):
"""Get data values for a structured grid.
root : netcdf_file
A NetCDF file.
Data values, reshaped to match that of the grid. Keys are the
variable names as read from the NetCDF file.
fields = {}
grid_mapping_exists = False
grid_mapping_dict = None
for name, var in root.variables.items():
# identify if a grid mapping variable exist and do not pass it as a field
if name not in _COORDINATE_NAMES and hasattr(var, "grid_mapping"):
grid_mapping = var.grid_mapping
if isinstance(grid_mapping, bytes):
grid_mapping = grid_mapping.decode("utf-8")
grid_mapping_exists = True
dont_use = list(_COORDINATE_NAMES)
if grid_mapping_exists:
for name, var in root.variables.items():
if name not in dont_use:
fields[name] = var.values.reshape((-1,))
if grid_mapping_exists:
grid_mapping_variable = root.variables[grid_mapping]
grid_mapping_dict = {"name": grid_mapping}
for att in grid_mapping_variable.ncattrs():
grid_mapping_dict[att] = getattr(grid_mapping_variable, att)
except AttributeError: # if scipy is doing the reading
for att in var._attributes:
grid_mapping_dict[att] = getattr(grid_mapping_variable, att)
return fields, grid_mapping_dict
def _get_raster_spacing(coords):
"""Get the row and column spacing of a raster grid.
root : netcdf_file
A NetCDF object.
(dy, dx)
Spacing of grid rows and columns.
spacing = np.empty(len(coords), dtype=np.float64)
for axis, coord in enumerate(coords):
coord_spacing = np.diff(coord, axis=axis)
if not np.all(coord_spacing == coord_spacing.flat[0]):
raise NotRasterGridError()
spacing[axis] = coord_spacing.flat[0]
if not np.all(spacing == spacing[0]):
raise NotRasterGridError()
return spacing[0]
def read_netcdf(
"""Create a :class:`~.RasterModelGrid` from a netcdf file.
Create a new :class:`~.RasterModelGrid` from the netcdf file, *nc_file*.
If the netcdf file also contains data, add that data to the grid's fields.
To create a new grid without any associated data from the netcdf file,
set the *just_grid* keyword to ``True``.
A halo can be added with the keyword *halo*.
If you want the fields to be added to an existing grid, it can be passed
to the keyword argument *grid*.
nc_file : str
Name of a netcdf file.
grid : *grid* , optional
Adds data to an existing *grid* instead of creating a new one.
name : str, optional
Add only fields with NetCDF variable name to the grid. Default is to
add all NetCDF varibles to the grid.
just_grid : boolean, optional
Create a new grid but don't add value data.
halo : integer, optional
Adds outer border of depth halo to the *grid*.
nodata_value : float, optional
Value that indicates an invalid value. Default is -9999.
A newly-created :class:`~.RasterModelGrid`.
Import :func:`read_netcdf` and the path to an example netcdf file included
with landlab.
>>> from landlab.io.netcdf import read_netcdf
Create a new grid from the netcdf file. The example grid is a uniform
rectilinear grid with 4 rows and 3 columns of nodes with unit spacing.
The data file also contains data defined at the nodes for the grid for
a variable called, *surface__elevation*.
>>> grid = read_netcdf("test-netcdf4.nc") # doctest: +SKIP
>>> grid.shape == (4, 3) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> grid.dy, grid.dx # doctest: +SKIP
(1.0, 1.0)
>>> list(grid.at_node.keys()) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> grid.at_node["surface__elevation"] # doctest: +SKIP
array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10.,
:func:`read_netcdf` will try to determine the format of the netcdf file.
For example, the same call will also work for *netcdf3*-formatted files.
>>> grid = read_netcdf("test-netcdf3-64bit.nc") # doctest: +SKIP
>>> grid.shape == (4, 3) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> grid.dy, grid.dx # doctest: +SKIP
(1.0, 1.0)
A more complicated example might add data with a halo to an existing grid.
Note that the lower left corner must be specified correctly for the data
and the grid to align correctly.
>>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
>>> grid = RasterModelGrid((6, 5), xy_of_lower_left=(-1.0, -1.0)) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> grid = read_netcdf(
... "test-netcdf4.nc",
... grid=grid,
... halo=1,
... nodata_value=-1,
... ) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> grid.at_node["surface__elevation"].reshape(grid.shape) # doctest: +SKIP
array([[ -1., -1., -1., -1., -1.],
[ -1., 0., 1., 2., -1.],
[ -1., 3., 4., 5., -1.],
[ -1., 6., 7., 8., -1.],
[ -1., 9., 10., 11., -1.],
[ -1., -1., -1., -1., -1.]])
from landlab import RasterModelGrid
dataset = xr.open_dataset(nc_file)
if isinstance(name, str):
names = {name}
elif name is None:
names = set(dataset.variables)
names = set(name)
# test if the input is a raster (x and y) are only 1-D instead of 2D.
if len(dataset["x"].shape) == 1:
y, x = np.meshgrid(dataset["y"], dataset["x"], indexing="ij")
x = dataset["x"]
y = dataset["y"]
dx = np.diff(x, axis=1)
dy = np.diff(y, axis=0)
if np.all(dx == dx[0, 0]) and np.all(dy == dy[0, 0]):
xy_spacing = (dx[0, 0], dy[0, 0])
raise NotRasterGridError()
shape = x.shape
xy_of_lower_left = (
x[0, 0] - halo * xy_spacing[0],
y[0, 0] - halo * xy_spacing[1],
if grid is None:
grid = RasterModelGrid(
shape, xy_spacing=xy_spacing, xy_of_lower_left=xy_of_lower_left
if grid.shape != (shape[0] + 2 * halo, shape[1] + 2 * halo):
raise MismatchGridDataSizeError(
shape[0] + 2 * halo * shape[1] + 2 * halo,
grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.number_of_node_columns,
if (grid.dx, grid.dy) != xy_spacing:
raise MismatchGridXYSpacing((grid.dx, grid.dy), xy_spacing)
if grid.xy_of_lower_left != xy_of_lower_left:
raise MismatchGridXYLowerLeft(grid.xy_of_lower_left, xy_of_lower_left)
if not just_grid:
fields, grid_mapping_dict = _read_netcdf_structured_data(dataset)
for field_name, values in fields.items():
# add halo if necessary
if halo > 0:
values = add_halo(
values.reshape(shape), halo=halo, halo_value=nodata_value
# add only the requested fields.
if (name is None) or (field_name == name):
add_field = True
add_field = False
if add_field:
grid.add_field(field_name, values, at="node", clobber=True)
if (name is not None) and (name not in grid.at_node):
raise ValueError(f"Specified field {name} was not in provided NetCDF.")
ignore = {"x", "y"}
for name in names - ignore:
values = dataset.variables[name].values
if halo > 0:
values = add_halo(
values.reshape(shape), halo=halo, halo_value=nodata_value
grid.add_field(name, values, at="node", clobber=True)
return grid