Source code for

import fnmatch

import xarray as xr

from ...grid.hex import HexModelGrid
from ...grid.radial import RadialModelGrid
from ...grid.raster import RasterModelGrid

[docs] def from_netcdf(filename_or_obj, include="*", exclude=None): """Create a :class:`~.ModelGrid` from a netcdf file. Create a new :class:`~.ModelGrid` from the netcdf file, *nc_file*. If the netcdf file also contains data, add that data to the grid's fields. To create a new grid without any associated data from the netcdf file, use *include=None*. Parameters ---------- filename_or_obj : str, Path, or file Strings and Path objects are interpreted as a path to a netCDF file or an OpenDAP URL and opened with python-netCDF4, unless the filename ends with .gz, in which case the file is gunzipped and opened with (only netCDF3 supported). Byte-strings or file-like objects are opened by (netCDF3) or h5py (netCDF4/HDF). include : str or iterable of str, optional A list of unix-style glob patterns of field names to include. Fully qualified field names that match any of these patterns will be written to the output file. A fully qualified field name is one that that has a prefix that indicates what grid element is defined on (e.g. "at_node:topographic__elevation"). The default is to include all fields. exclude : str or iterable of str, optional Like the *include* keyword but, instead, fields matching these patterns will be excluded from the output file. Returns ------- :class:`~.ModelGrid` A newly-created :class:`~.ModelGrid`. """ include = include or [] if isinstance(include, str): include = [include] exclude = exclude or [] if isinstance(exclude, str): exclude = [exclude] _grid_from_str = { "RasterModelGrid": RasterModelGrid, "HexModelGrid": HexModelGrid, "RadialModelGrid": RadialModelGrid, "uniform_rectilinear": RasterModelGrid, "triangular": HexModelGrid, "radial": RadialModelGrid, } with xr.open_dataset(filename_or_obj) as dataset: grid_type = dataset.attrs["grid_type"] try: from_dataset = _grid_from_str[grid_type].from_dataset except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError(f"grid type not recognized ({grid_type})") from exc else: grid = from_dataset(dataset) qualified_names = [name for name in dataset.variables if name.startswith("at_")] names = set() for pattern in include: names.update(fnmatch.filter(qualified_names, pattern)) for pattern in exclude: names.difference_update(fnmatch.filter(qualified_names, pattern)) for name in names: at_name, field_name = name.split(":") getattr(grid, at_name)[field_name] = dataset[name] grid.status_at_node = dataset["status_at_node"] return grid