Source code for landlab.grid.unstructured.status

import numpy as np

from ..nodestatus import NodeStatus

[docs] class StatusGrid:
[docs] def __init__(self, node_status): self._node_status = np.array(node_status)
@property def node_status(self): """Status of nodes. Return an array of the status of a grid's nodes. The node status can be one of the following: - ``NodeStatus.CORE`` - ``NodeStatus.FIXED_VALUE`` - ``NodeStatus.FIXED_GRADIENT`` - ``NodeStatus.LOOPED`` - ``NodeStatus.CLOSED`` """ return self._node_status @node_status.setter def node_status(self, node_status): self._node_status = node_status
[docs] def active_nodes(self): """Node IDs of all active (core & open boundary) nodes. core_nodes will return just core nodes. """ (active_node_ids,) = np.where(self.node_status != NodeStatus.CLOSED) return active_node_ids
[docs] def core_nodes(self): """Node IDs of all core nodes.""" (core_node_ids,) = np.where(self.node_status == NodeStatus.CORE) return core_node_ids
[docs] def boundary_nodes(self): """Node IDs of all boundary nodes.""" (boundary_node_ids,) = np.where(self.node_status != NodeStatus.CORE) return boundary_node_ids
[docs] def open_boundary_nodes(self): """Node id of all open boundary nodes.""" (open_boundary_node_ids,) = np.where( (self.node_status != NodeStatus.CLOSED) & (self.node_status != NodeStatus.CORE) ) return open_boundary_node_ids
[docs] def closed_boundary_nodes(self): """Node id of all closed boundary nodes.""" (closed_boundary_node_ids,) = np.where(self.node_status == NodeStatus.CLOSED) return closed_boundary_node_ids
[docs] def fixed_gradient_boundary_nodes(self): """Node id of all fixed gradient boundary nodes.""" (fixed_gradient_boundary_node_ids,) = np.where( self.node_status == NodeStatus.FIXED_GRADIENT ) return fixed_gradient_boundary_node_ids
[docs] def fixed_value_boundary_nodes(self): """Node id of all fixed value boundary nodes.""" (fixed_value_boundary_node_ids,) = np.where( self.node_status == NodeStatus.FIXED_VALUE ) return fixed_value_boundary_node_ids