Source code for landlab.grid.gradients

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Calculate gradients of quantities over links.

Gradient calculation functions

.. autosummary::


import numpy as np

from landlab.core.utils import radians_to_degrees
from landlab.utils.decorators import use_field_name_or_array

[docs] def calc_unit_normal_at_patch(grid, elevs="topographic__elevation"): """Calculate and return the unit normal vector <a, b, c> to a patch. Parameters ---------- grid : ModelGrid A ModelGrid. elevs : str or ndarray, optional Field name or array of node values. Returns ------- nhat : num-patches x length-3 array The unit normal vector <a, b, c> to each patch. Examples -------- >>> from landlab import HexModelGrid >>> mg = HexModelGrid((3, 3)) >>> z = mg.node_x * 3.0 / 4.0 >>> mg.calc_unit_normal_at_patch(z) array([[-0.6, 0. , 0.8], [-0.6, 0. , 0.8], [-0.6, 0. , 0.8], [-0.6, 0. , 0.8], [-0.6, 0. , 0.8], [-0.6, 0. , 0.8], [-0.6, 0. , 0.8], [-0.6, 0. , 0.8], [-0.6, 0. , 0.8], [-0.6, 0. , 0.8]]) :meta landlab: info-patch, gradient """ try: z = grid.at_node[elevs] except TypeError: z = elevs # conceptualize patches as sets of 3 nodes, PQR diff_xyz_PQ = np.empty((grid.number_of_patches, 3)) # ^this is the vector (xQ-xP, yQ-yP, zQ-yP) diff_xyz_PR = np.empty((grid.number_of_patches, 3)) P = grid.nodes_at_patch[:, 0] Q = grid.nodes_at_patch[:, 1] R = grid.nodes_at_patch[:, 2] x_P = grid.node_x[P] y_P = grid.node_y[P] z_P = z[P] diff_xyz_PQ[:, 0] = grid.node_x[Q] - x_P diff_xyz_PQ[:, 1] = grid.node_y[Q] - y_P diff_xyz_PQ[:, 2] = z[Q] - z_P diff_xyz_PR[:, 0] = grid.node_x[R] - x_P diff_xyz_PR[:, 1] = grid.node_y[R] - y_P diff_xyz_PR[:, 2] = z[R] - z_P # cross product is orthogonal to both vectors, and is the normal # n = <a, b, c>, where plane is ax + by + cz = d nhat = np.cross(diff_xyz_PQ, diff_xyz_PR) # <a, b, c> nmag = np.sqrt(np.square(nhat).sum(axis=1)) return nhat / nmag.reshape(grid.number_of_patches, 1)
[docs] def calc_slope_at_patch( grid, elevs="topographic__elevation", ignore_closed_nodes=True, unit_normal=None ): """Calculate the slope (positive magnitude of gradient) at patches. If ignore_closed_nodes is True, closed nodes do not affect slope calculations. If a closed node is present in a patch, the patch slope is set to zero. Parameters ---------- grid : ModelGrid A ModelGrid. elevs : str or ndarray, optional Field name or array of node values. ignore_closed_nodes : bool If True, do not incorporate values at closed nodes into the calc. unit_normal : array with shape (num_patches, 3) (optional) The unit normal vector to each patch, if already known. Returns ------- slopes_at_patch : n_patches-long array The slope (positive gradient magnitude) of each patch. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((4, 5)) >>> z = mg.node_x >>> S = mg.calc_slope_at_patch(elevs=z) >>> S.size == mg.number_of_patches True >>> np.allclose(S, np.pi / 4.0) True :meta landlab: info-patch, gradient """ if unit_normal is not None: assert unit_normal.shape[1] == 3 nhat = unit_normal else: nhat = grid.calc_unit_normal_at_patch(elevs) dotprod = nhat[:, 2] # by definition cos_slopes_at_patch = dotprod # ...because it's now a unit vector slopes_at_patch = np.arccos(cos_slopes_at_patch) if ignore_closed_nodes: badnodes = grid.status_at_node[grid.nodes_at_patch] == grid.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED bad_patches = badnodes.sum(axis=1) > 0 slopes_at_patch[bad_patches] = 0.0 return slopes_at_patch
[docs] def calc_grad_at_patch( grid, elevs="topographic__elevation", ignore_closed_nodes=True, unit_normal=None, slope_magnitude=None, ): """Calculate the components of the gradient at each patch. If ignore_closed_nodes is True, closed nodes do not affect gradient calculations. If a closed node is present in a patch, the patch gradient is set to zero in both x and y directions. Parameters ---------- grid : ModelGrid A ModelGrid. elevs : str or ndarray, optional Field name or array of node values. ignore_closed_nodes : bool If True, do not incorporate values at closed nodes into the calc. unit_normal : array with shape (num_patches, 3) (optional) The unit normal vector to each patch, if already known. slope_magnitude : array with size num_patches (optional) The slope of each patch, if already known. Returns ------- gradient_tuple : (x_component_at_patch, y_component_at_patch) Len-2 tuple of arrays giving components of gradient in the x and y directions, in the units of *units*. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((4, 5)) >>> z = mg.node_y >>> (x_grad, y_grad) = mg.calc_grad_at_patch(elevs=z) >>> np.allclose(y_grad, np.pi / 4.0) True >>> np.allclose(x_grad, 0.0) True :meta landlab: info-patch, gradient """ if unit_normal is not None: assert unit_normal.shape[1] == 3 nhat = unit_normal else: nhat = grid.calc_unit_normal_at_patch(elevs) if slope_magnitude is not None: assert slope_magnitude.size == grid.number_of_patches slopes_at_patch = slope_magnitude else: slopes_at_patch = grid.calc_slope_at_patch( elevs=elevs, ignore_closed_nodes=ignore_closed_nodes, unit_normal=nhat ) theta = np.arctan2(-nhat[:, 1], -nhat[:, 0]) x_slope_patches = np.cos(theta) * slopes_at_patch y_slope_patches = np.sin(theta) * slopes_at_patch return (x_slope_patches, y_slope_patches)
[docs] def calc_slope_at_node( grid, elevs="topographic__elevation", method="patch_mean", ignore_closed_nodes=True, return_components=False, **kwds, ): """Array of slopes at nodes, averaged over neighboring patches. Produces a value for node slope (i.e., mean gradient magnitude) at each node in a manner analogous to a GIS-style slope map. It averages the gradient on each of the patches surrounding the node, creating a value for node slope that better incorporates nonlocal elevation information. Directional information can still be returned through use of the return_components keyword. Note that under these definitions, it is not always true that: .. code-block:: python mag, cmp = mg.calc_slope_at_node(z) mag**2 == cmp[0] ** 2 + cmp[1] ** 2 # not always true If ``ignore_closed_nodes`` is ``False``, all proximal elevation values will be used in the calculation. If ``True``, only unclosed nodes are used. Parameters ---------- grid : ModelGrid A ModelGrid. elevs : str or ndarray, optional Field name or array of node values. method : {'patch_mean', 'Horn'} By equivalence to the raster version, ``'patch_mean'`` returns a scalar mean on the patches; ``'Horn'`` returns a vector mean on the patches. ignore_closed_nodes : bool If ``True``, do not incorporate values at closed nodes into the calculation. return_components : bool If ``True``, return a tuple, (array_of_magnitude, (array_of_slope_x_radians, array_of_slope_y_radians)). If ``False``, return an array of floats of the slope magnitude. Returns ------- float array or length-2 tuple of float arrays If return_components, returns (array_of_magnitude, (array_of_slope_x_radians, array_of_slope_y_radians)). If not return_components, returns an array of slope magnitudes. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from landlab import RadialModelGrid, RasterModelGrid >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((4, 5)) >>> z = mg.node_x >>> slopes = mg.calc_slope_at_node(elevs=z) >>> np.allclose(slopes, 45.0 / 180.0 * np.pi) True >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((4, 5)) >>> z = -mg.node_y >>> slope_mag, cmp = mg.calc_slope_at_node(elevs=z, return_components=True) >>> np.allclose(slope_mag, np.pi / 4.0) True >>> np.allclose(cmp[0], 0.0) True >>> np.allclose(cmp[1], -np.pi / 4.0) True >>> mg = RadialModelGrid(n_rings=3) >>> z = mg.radius_at_node >>> slope_at_node = np.round(mg.calc_slope_at_node(elevs=z), decimals=5) >>> nodes_at_ring = [ ... np.where(np.isclose(mg.radius_at_node, radius)) for radius in range(3) ... ] >>> slope_at_node[nodes_at_ring[0]] array([0.85707]) >>> slope_at_node[nodes_at_ring[1]] array([0.79417, 0.79417, 0.79417, 0.79417, 0.79417, 0.79417]) >>> slope_at_node[nodes_at_ring[2]] array([0.77542, 0.78453, 0.78453, 0.77542, 0.77542, 0.78453, 0.78453, 0.77542, 0.77542, 0.78453, 0.78453, 0.77542]) :meta landlab: info-node, gradient, surface """ if method not in ("patch_mean", "Horn"): raise ValueError("method name not understood") if not ignore_closed_nodes: patches_at_node = grid.patches_at_node == -1, grid.patches_at_node, copy=False ) else: patches_at_node = np.logical_not(grid.patches_present_at_node), grid.patches_at_node, copy=False, ) nhat = grid.calc_unit_normal_at_patch(elevs=elevs) slopes_at_patch = grid.calc_slope_at_patch( elevs=elevs, ignore_closed_nodes=ignore_closed_nodes, unit_normal=nhat ) # now CAREFUL - patches_at_node is MASKED slopes_at_node_unmasked = slopes_at_patch[patches_at_node] slopes_at_node_masked = slopes_at_node_unmasked, mask=patches_at_node.mask ) slope_mag = np.mean(slopes_at_node_masked, axis=1).data if return_components or method == "Horn": (x_slope_patches, y_slope_patches) = grid.calc_grad_at_patch( elevs=elevs, unit_normal=nhat, ignore_closed_nodes=ignore_closed_nodes, slope_magnitude=slopes_at_patch, ) x_slope_unmasked = x_slope_patches[patches_at_node] x_slope_masked =, mask=patches_at_node.mask) x_slope = np.mean(x_slope_masked, axis=1).data y_slope_unmasked = y_slope_patches[patches_at_node] y_slope_masked =, mask=patches_at_node.mask) y_slope = np.mean(y_slope_masked, axis=1).data mean_grad_x = x_slope mean_grad_y = y_slope if method == "Horn": slope_mag = np.arctan( np.sqrt(np.tan(y_slope_masked) ** 2 + np.tan(x_slope_masked) ** 2) ) return slope_mag else: return slope_mag, (mean_grad_x, mean_grad_y) else: return slope_mag
[docs] def calc_aspect_at_node( grid, slope_component_tuple=None, elevs="topographic__elevation", unit="degrees", ignore_closed_nodes=True, ): """Get array of aspect of a surface. Calculates at returns the aspect of a surface. Aspect is returned as radians clockwise of north, unless input parameter units is set to 'degrees'. If slope_component_tuple is provided, i.e., (slope_x, slope_y), the aspect will be calculated from these data. If it is not, it will be derived from elevation data at the nodes, which can either be a string referring to a grid field (default: 'topographic__elevation'), or an nnodes-long numpy array of the values themselves. If ignore_closed_nodes is False, all proximal elevation values will be used in the calculation. If True, only unclosed nodes are used. Parameters ---------- grid : ModelGrid A ModelGrid. slope_component_tuple : (slope_x_array, slope_y_array) (optional) Tuple of components of slope in the x and y directions, defined on nodes, if already known. If not, provide *elevs*. elevs : str or array (optional) Node field name or node array of elevations. If *slope_component_tuple* is not provided, must be set, but unused otherwise. unit : {'degrees', 'radians'} Controls the unit that the aspect is returned as. ignore_closed_nodes : bool If True, do not incorporate values at closed nodes into the calc. Examples -------- >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((4, 4)) >>> z = mg.node_x**2 + mg.node_y**2 >>> mg.calc_aspect_at_node(elevs=z) array([225. , 240.16585039, 255.2796318 , 258.69006753, 209.83414961, 225. , 243.54632481, 248.77808974, 194.7203682 , 206.45367519, 225. , 231.94498651, 191.30993247, 201.22191026, 218.05501349, 225. ]) >>> z = z.max() - z >>> mg.calc_aspect_at_node(elevs=z) array([45. , 60.16585039, 75.2796318 , 78.69006753, 29.83414961, 45. , 63.54632481, 68.77808974, 14.7203682 , 26.45367519, 45. , 51.94498651, 11.30993247, 21.22191026, 38.05501349, 45. ]) >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((4, 4), xy_spacing=(3.0, 2.0)) >>> z = mg.node_x**2 + mg.node_y**2 >>> mg.calc_aspect_at_node(elevs=z) array([236.30993247, 247.52001262, 259.97326008, 262.40535663, 220.75264634, 234.41577266, 251.13402374, 255.29210302, 201.54258265, 215.47930877, 235.73541937, 242.24162456, 196.69924423, 209.43534223, 229.19345757, 236.30993247]) Note that a small amount of asymmetry arises at the grid edges due to the "missing" nodes beyond the edge of the grid. :meta landlab: info-node, surface """ if slope_component_tuple: if not isinstance(slope_component_tuple, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError("slope_component_tuple must be tuple") if len(slope_component_tuple) != 2: raise ValueError("slope_component_tuple must be of length 2") else: try: elev_array = grid.at_node[elevs] except (KeyError, TypeError): assert elevs.size == grid.number_of_nodes elev_array = elevs _, slope_component_tuple = grid.calc_slope_at_node( elevs=elev_array, ignore_closed_nodes=ignore_closed_nodes, return_components=True, ) angle_from_x_ccw = np.arctan2(-slope_component_tuple[1], -slope_component_tuple[0]) if unit == "degrees": return radians_to_degrees(angle_from_x_ccw) elif unit == "radians": angle_from_north_cw = (5.0 * np.pi / 2.0 - angle_from_x_ccw) % (2.0 * np.pi) return angle_from_north_cw else: raise TypeError("unit must be 'degrees' or 'radians'")