Source code for landlab.grid.framed_voronoi

#! /usr/env/python
"""Python implementation of :class:`~.FramedVoronoiGrid`, a grid class used to create and
manage unstructured Voronoi-Delaunay grids for 2D numerical models, with a structured
perimeter layout

.. codeauthor:: sebastien lenard

import numpy

from ..graph import DualFramedVoronoiGraph
from .base import ModelGrid

[docs] class FramedVoronoiGrid(DualFramedVoronoiGraph, ModelGrid): """A grid of Voronoi Delaunay cells with a structured perimeter layout. This inherited class implements a irregular 2D grid with Voronoi Delaunay cells and irregular patches. It is a special type of :class:`~.VoronoiDelaunayGrid` grid in which the initial set of points is arranged in a fixed lattice (e.g. like a :class:`~.RasterModelGrid`), named here "layout", and the core points are then moved a random distance from their initial positions, bounded by a user-supplied threshold. Examples -------- Create a grid with 3 rows and 2 columns of nodes. >>> from landlab import FramedVoronoiGrid >>> grid = FramedVoronoiGrid((3, 2), xy_spacing=1.0) >>> grid.number_of_nodes 6 >>> grid = FramedVoronoiGrid( ... (4, 3), xy_spacing=(10.0, 10.0), xy_min_spacing=(5.0, 5.0), seed=200 ... ) >>> grid.status_at_node.reshape(grid.shape) array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]], dtype=uint8) >>> grid.x_of_node[3] 0.0 >>> grid.x_of_node[5] 20.0 >>> grid.y_of_node[0::3] array([ 0. , 7.499, 17.499, 30. ]) >>> grid = FramedVoronoiGrid( ... (3, 5), xy_spacing=(10.0, 10.0), xy_min_spacing=5.0, seed=None ... ) >>> grid.boundary_nodes array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) """ # Inheritance diagram: # # FramedVoronoiGrid # |-- ModelGrid # `-- DualFramedVoronoiGraph # |-- FramedVoronoiGraph (Layout: HorizontalRectVoronoiGraph) # | `-- DelaunayGraph # `-- DualGraph (use of static Graph.sort())
[docs] def __init__( self, shape, xy_spacing=(1.0, 1.0), xy_of_lower_left=(0.0, 0.0), xy_min_spacing=(0.5, 0.5), seed=200, xy_of_reference=(0.0, 0.0), xy_axis_name=("x", "y"), xy_axis_units="-", ): """Create a grid of voronoi cells with a structured perimeter. Create an irregular 2D grid with voronoi cells and triangular patches. It is a special type of :class:`~.VoronoiDelaunayGrid` in which the initial set of points is arranged in a regular lattice determined by the parameters *shape*, and *xy_spacing*. The coordinates of the core points are then randomly moved while the perimeter points remaining fixed, in a way determined by the parameters *xy_min_spacing*, and *seed*. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int Number of rows and columns of nodes. xy_spacing : float or tuple of float, optional Node spacing along x and y coordinates. If ``float``, same spacing at *x* and *y*. xy_of_lower_left : tuple, optional Minimum *x*-of-node and *y*-of-node values. Depending on the grid, there may not be a node at this coordinate. xy_min_spacing: float or tuple of float, optional Final minimal spacing between nodes. Random moves of the core nodes from their initial positions cannot be above this threshold: ``(xy_spacing - xy_min_spacing) / 2`` If ``float``, same minimal spacing for *x* and *y*. seed: int, optional Seed used to generate the random *x* and *y* moves. When set, controls the pseudo-randomness of moves to ensure reproducibility. When ``None``, the seed is random and the moves of coordinates are completely random. xy_of_reference : tuple, optional Coordinate value in projected space of the reference point, *xy_of_lower_left*. xy_axis_name: tuple of str, optional *x* and *y* axis names. xy_axis_units: str, optional *x* and *y* axis units. Returns ------- FramedVoronoiGrid A newly-created grid. Examples -------- Create a grid with 3 rows and 2 columns of nodes. >>> from landlab import FramedVoronoiGrid >>> grid = FramedVoronoiGrid((3, 2), xy_spacing=1.0) >>> grid.number_of_nodes 6 """ DualFramedVoronoiGraph.__init__( self, shape, xy_spacing=xy_spacing, xy_of_lower_left=xy_of_lower_left, sort=True, xy_min_spacing=xy_min_spacing, seed=seed, ) ModelGrid.__init__( self, xy_axis_name=xy_axis_name, xy_axis_units=xy_axis_units, xy_of_reference=xy_of_reference, ) self._node_status = numpy.full( self.number_of_nodes, self.BC_NODE_IS_CORE, dtype=numpy.uint8 ) self._node_status[self.perimeter_nodes] = self.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, kwds): args = () return cls(*args, **kwds)