Source code for landlab.graph.dual

"""Define a graph of nodes-links-patches and its dual.

This class should not be used directly. Instead, it should be used as a
base class when defining other types of graphs.

import inspect
from functools import cached_property

import numpy as np

from ..core.utils import as_id_array
from .graph import Graph
from .graph_convention import ConventionConverter
from .sort.sort import reverse_one_to_one

[docs] class DualGraphMeta(type):
[docs] def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): type.__init__(cls, name, bases, dct) converter = ConventionConverter("cfc") # for name, prop in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.isdatadescriptor): for name, prop in inspect.getmembers( cls, lambda o: inspect.isdatadescriptor(o) or inspect.ismethoddescriptor(o) ): new_name = converter.conform(name, "nlp") if hasattr(cls, new_name): continue fdoc = inspect.getdoc(prop) if fdoc: fdoc = inspect.cleandoc( """{} See Also -------- :attr:`~{}` """.format( converter.conform(fdoc.splitlines()[0], "nlp"), name ) ) setattr( cls, new_name, property(lambda x, name=name: getattr(x._dual, name), None, None, fdoc), )
[docs] class DualGraph(metaclass=DualGraphMeta): @property def dual(self): return self._dual @property def node_at_cell(self): return self.ds["node_at_cell"].values @property def nodes_at_face(self): return self.ds["nodes_at_face"].values @cached_property def cell_at_node(self): return reverse_one_to_one(self.node_at_cell, minlength=self.number_of_nodes) @cached_property def link_at_face(self): return self._create_link_at_face() def _create_link_at_face(self): link_at_nodes = {} for link, pair in enumerate(self.nodes_at_link): # pair.sort() link_at_nodes[tuple(np.sort(pair))] = link link_at_face = np.full((self.number_of_faces,), -1, dtype=int) # for face, pair in enumerate(self._nodes_at_face): for face, pair in enumerate(self.nodes_at_face): # pair.sort() link_at_face[face] = link_at_nodes[tuple(np.sort(pair))] self._link_at_face = link_at_face return self._link_at_face @cached_property def face_at_link(self): return reverse_one_to_one(self.link_at_face, minlength=self.number_of_links)
[docs] def sort(self): from .sort.ext.remap_element import remap_graph_element sorted_nodes, sorted_links, sorted_patches = Graph.sort(self) sorted_corners, sorted_faces, sorted_cells = self.dual.sort() with self.thawed(): self.node_at_cell[:] = self.node_at_cell[sorted_cells] self.nodes_at_face[:] = self.nodes_at_face[sorted_faces] remap_graph_element( as_id_array(self.node_at_cell), as_id_array(np.argsort(sorted_nodes)) ) remap_graph_element( as_id_array(self.nodes_at_face).reshape((-1,)), as_id_array(np.argsort(sorted_nodes)), )