#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Evolve life in a landscape.
Life evolves alongside landscapes by biotic and abiotic processes under complex
dynamics at Earth's surface. Researchers who wish to explore these dynamics can
use this component as a tool for them to build landscape-life evolution models.
Landlab components, including SpeciesEvolver are designed to work with a shared
model grid. Researchers can build novel models using plug-and-play surface
process components to evolve the grid's landscape alongside the life tracked by
SpeciesEvolver. The simulated life evolves following customizable processes.
Component written by Nathan Lyons beginning August 2017.
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from landlab import Component
from .record import Record
class SpeciesEvolver(Component):
"""Evolve life in a landscape.
This component tracks ``Taxon`` objects as they evolve in a landscape. The
component calls the evolutionary process methods of tracked ``Taxon``
objects. ``Taxon`` are intended to be subclassed for unique behavior,
attributes, and model approaches, including different implementations of
evolutionary processes.
The general workflow to use this component in a model is
1. Instantiate the component.
2. Instantiate taxa.
3. Introduce taxa to SpeciesEvolver using the ``track_taxon`` method.
4. Advance the component instance in time using ``run_one_step`` method.
Taxa can be introduced at model onset and later time steps. Multiple types
can be tracked by the same SpeciesEvolver instance.
The taxon type, ``ZoneTaxon`` is distributed with SpeciesEvolver. The
spatial aspect of ``ZoneTaxon`` macroevolutionary processes is determined
using ``Zone`` objects. A ``ZoneController`` is used to create and manage
zones as well as efficiently create multiple ZoneTaxon objects. See the
documentation of ``ZoneController`` and ``ZoneTaxon`` for more information.
SpeciesEvolver knows nothing about zones and their controller, meaning the
concept of zones are not required for other taxon types.
Model time and other variables can be viewed with the class attribute,
``record_data_frame``. Time is recorded to track the history of taxa
lineages. The unit of time is not considered within the component other
than the record, and can be thought of as in years or whatever unit is
needed. Time is advanced with the ``dt`` parameter of the ``run_one_step``
The geographic ranges of the taxa at the current model time are evaluated
during the ``run_one_step`` method. Each taxon object determines if it
persists or becomes extinct, and if it creates child ``Taxon`` objects.
Metadata of all taxa introduced to the component can be viewed with the
attribute, ``taxa_data_frame``.
Taxa are automatically assigned unique taxon identifiers, ``tid``.
Identifiers are used to reference and retrieve taxon objects. Identifiers
are assigned in the order taxa are introduced to SpeciesEvolver.
The evolution of a lowland taxa lineage in response to mountain range
formation is simulated using ZoneTaxon managed by ZoneController. Mountain
range formation is forced without processes for simplicity in this example.
Import modules used in the following examples.
>>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
>>> from landlab.components import SpeciesEvolver
>>> from landlab.components.species_evolution import ZoneController
Create a model grid with mountain scale resolution. The elevation is
equally low throughout the grid at model onset.
>>> mg = RasterModelGrid((3, 7), 1000)
>>> z = mg.add_ones("topographic__elevation", at="node")
>>> z.reshape(mg.shape)
array([[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])
Instantiate the component with the grid as the first parameter.
>>> se = SpeciesEvolver(mg)
ZoneController requires a function that returns a mask of the total extent
of taxa habitat. The mask is a boolean array where `True` values represent
nodes that satisfy habitat conditions. Zone objects are not created here.
The mask only maps the extent where taxa can exist. This function returns
`True` where elevation is below 100, which is where the simulated lowland
taxa of this model can inhabit.
>>> def zone_func(grid):
... return grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] < 100
Instantiate ZoneController with the grid and zone function. The initial
zones are created at controller instantiation. In this example, one zone is
created because all nodes of the zone mask are adjacent to each other.
>>> zc = ZoneController(mg, zone_func)
>>> len(zc.zones) == 1
Additional examples of controller usage are provided in ``ZoneController``
The ``mask`` of the zone is True where the conditions of the zone function
are met. All nodes of the grid are included because the elevation of each
node is below 100. The ``zones`` attribute of ``ZoneController`` returns a
list of the zones that currently exist in the model. Below we return the
mask of the single zone by indexing this list.
>>> zc.zones[0].mask
array([ True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
True, True, True])
Populate a taxon to the zone.
>>> taxon = zc.populate_zones_uniformly(1)
>>> se.track_taxa(taxon)
The attribute, ``taxa_data_frame`` indicates only the one taxon exists
because we populated each zone with one taxon, and only the one zone
>>> se.taxa_data_frame
pid type t_first t_final tid
0 <NA> ZoneTaxon 0 <NA>
The identifier of the taxon, ``tid`` is 0. The identifier of the taxon's
parent, ``pid``, is '<NA>' because it does not have a parent taxon given
that it was manually introduced using the ``track_taxa`` method. The taxon
was introduced at time, ``t_first`` and time, ``t_final`` is '<NA>'
because the taxon remains extant. See the documentation of this attribute
for further explanation of data frame columns.
Force a change in the zone mask to demonstrate component functionality.
Here we begin a new time step where topography is uplifted by 200 that
forms a ridge trending north-south in the center of the grid.
>>> z[[3, 10, 17]] = 200
>>> z.reshape(mg.shape)
array([[ 1., 1., 1., 200., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., 200., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., 200., 1., 1., 1.]])
The current elevation, the elevation following uplift, is represented here.
- - - ^ - - - elevation: - 1
- - - ^ - - - ^ 200
- - - ^ - - -
The updated zone mask is below.
. . . x . . . key: . node in zone mask
. . . x . . . x node outside of zone mask
. . . x . . .
Run a step of both the ZoneController and SpeciesEvolver. Both are run to
keep time in sync between the ``ZoneController``and ``SpeciesEvolver``
>>> delta_time = 1000
>>> zc.run_one_step(delta_time)
>>> se.run_one_step(delta_time)
Two zones exist following this time step.
>>> len(zc.zones) == 2
An additional zone was created because the zone mask was not continuous.
. . . ^ * * * key: . a zone
. . . ^ * * * * another zone
. . . ^ * * * ^ mountain range
The split of the initial zone triggered speciation of taxon 1 by taxon 0.
>>> se.taxa_data_frame
pid type t_first t_final tid
0 <NA> ZoneTaxon 0 <NA>
1 0 ZoneTaxon 1000 <NA>
The phylogenetic tree of the simulated taxa is represented below. The
number at the line tips are the taxa identifiers.
0 ──────┬── 0
└── 1
0 1000
The split of the initial zone into two zones at time 1000 triggered taxon 0
to speciate. Taxon 0 occupies a zone on one side of the mountain range, and
the child, taxon 1 occupies a zone on the other side. This outcome is the
result of the evolutionary processes programmed within ``ZoneTaxon`` as
well as the parameters used in this example (default values were used
as optional parameters were not set). Different behavior can be achieved by
subclassing ``ZoneTaxon`` or ``Taxon``.
**Required Software Citation(s) Specific to this Component**
Lyons, N.J., Albert, J.S., Gasparini, N.M. (2020). SpeciesEvolver: A
Landlab component to evolve life in simulated landscapes. Journal of Open
Source Software 5(46), 2066, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.02066
**Additional References**
Albert, J.S., Schoolmaster Jr, D.R., Tagliacollo, V., Duke-Sylvester, S.M.
(2016). Barrier displacement on a neutral landscape: Toward a theory of
continental biogeography. Systematic Biology 66(2), 167–182.
Lyons, N.J., Val, P., Albert, J.S., Willenbring, J.K., Gasparini, N.M., in
review. Topographic controls on divide migration, stream capture, and
diversification in riverine life. Earth Surface Dynamics.
_name = "SpeciesEvolver"
_unit_agnostic = True
_info = {
"taxa__richness": {
"dtype": int,
"intent": "out",
"optional": False,
"units": "-",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "The number of taxa at each node",
_cite_as = """@article{lyons2020species,
author = {Lyons, N.J. and Albert, J.S. and Gasparini, N.M.},
title = {SpeciesEvolver: A Landlab component to evolve life in simulated landscapes},
year = {2020},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
volume = {5},
number = {46},
doi = {10.21105/joss.02066},
url = {https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.02066}
def __init__(self, grid, initial_time=0):
"""Instantiate SpeciesEvolver.
grid : ModelGrid
A Landlab ModelGrid.
initial_time : float, int, optional
The initial time. The unit of time is not considered within the
component, with the exception that time is logged in the record.
The default value of this parameter is 0.
# Create data structures.
self._record = Record(initial_time)
self._record.set_value("taxa", 0)
self._taxa_data = OrderedDict(
[("tid", []), ("pid", []), ("type", []), ("t_first", []), ("t_final", [])]
self._taxon_objs = []
# Create a taxa richness field.
_ = grid.add_zeros("taxa__richness", at="node", dtype=int, clobber=True)
def record_data_frame(self):
"""A Pandas DataFrame of SpeciesEvolver variables over time.
Each row is data of a model time step. The time of the step is recorded
in the `time` column. `taxa` is the count of taxa extant at a time.
Additional columns can be added and updated by SpeciesEvolver objects
during the component ``run_one_step`` method. See documention of Taxon
objects for an explanation of these columns.
The DataFrame is created from a dictionary associated with a
SpeciesEvolver ``Record`` object. nan values in Pandas DataFrame force
the column to become float values even when data are integers. The
original value type is retained in the ``Record`` object.
return self._record.data_frame
def taxa_data_frame(self):
"""A Pandas DataFrame of taxa metadata.
Each row is the metadata of a taxon. The column, ``tid`` is the taxon
identifier assigned when SpeciesEvolver begins tracking the taxon. The
column, ``pid`` is the tid of the parent of the taxon. A pid of `<NA>`
indicates no parent taxon. ``type`` is the type of ``Taxon`` object.
``t_first`` is the initial model time the taxon was added to
SpeciesEvolver. ``t_final`` is the model time the taxon was recognized
as extinct. A t_final of `<NA>` indicates the taxon is extant.
Additional columns may be added by some taxon types. See the
documentation of these taxa for column description.
The DataFrame is created from a data structure within the component.
data = self._taxa_data
cols = list(data.keys())
df = DataFrame(data, columns=cols, index=data["tid"])
df.index.name = "tid"
# Change column number type because pandas makes a column float if it
# includes nan values.
df["pid"] = df["pid"].astype("Int64")
if all(isinstance(item, int) for item in data["t_final"] if not np.isnan(item)):
df["t_final"] = df["t_final"].astype("Int64")
return df
def run_one_step(self, dt):
"""Update the taxa for a single time step.
This method advances the model time in the component record, calls the
evolve method of taxa extant at the current time, and updates the
variables in the record and taxa dataframes.
dt : float
The model time step duration. Time in the record is advanced by the
value of this parameter.
record = self._record
# Create a dictionary of the taxa to update at the current model time.
# Keys are objects of extant taxa. Values are booleans indicating if
# stages remain for respective taxa.
time_dict = OrderedDict.fromkeys(self._taxon_objs, True)
# Iteratively call taxa ``_evolve`` method until all stages of all taxa
# have run.
stage = 0
while any(time_dict.values()):
# Run evolution stage.
stage_dict = OrderedDict([])
evolving_taxa = filter(time_dict.get, time_dict)
for taxon in evolving_taxa:
# Run evolution stage of taxon with remaining stages.
stages_remain, taxon_children = taxon._evolve(dt, stage, record)
if taxon_children:
OrderedDict.fromkeys(taxon_children, stages_remain)
stage_dict[taxon] = stages_remain and taxon.extant
stage += 1
def track_taxa(self, taxa):
"""Add taxa to be tracked over time by SpeciesEvolver.
The taxon/taxa are introduced at the latest time in the record and
also tracked during following model times. Each taxon is assigned an
identifier and then can be viewed in ``taxa_data_frame``.
taxa : Taxon or list of Taxon
The taxa to introduce.
ZoneTaxon are used to demonstrate this method.
Import modules used in the following examples.
>>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
>>> from landlab.components import SpeciesEvolver
>>> from landlab.components.species_evolution import ZoneController
Create a model grid with flat topography.
>>> mg = RasterModelGrid((3, 7), 1000)
>>> z = mg.add_ones("topographic__elevation", at="node")
Instantiate SpeciesEvolver and a ZoneController. Instantiate the
latter with a function that masks the low elevation zone extent. Only
one zone is created.
>>> se = SpeciesEvolver(mg)
>>> def zone_func(grid):
... return grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] < 100
>>> zc = ZoneController(mg, zone_func)
>>> len(zc.zones) == 1
Track the taxon of the one zone.
>>> taxon = zc.populate_zones_uniformly(1)
>>> se.track_taxa(taxon)
The one taxon is now tracked by SpeciesEvolver as indicated by the taxa
>>> se.taxa_data_frame
pid type t_first t_final tid
0 <NA> ZoneTaxon 0 <NA>
if not isinstance(taxa, list):
taxa = [taxa]
def _update_taxa_data(self, taxa_at_time):
"""Update the taxa data structure, set identifiers, and taxa statistics.
This method sets identifiers and metadata for the newly introduced
taxa. For the previously introduced, this method updates the
'latest_time` value of the taxa metadata.
taxa_at_time : list of Taxon
The taxa at the current model time.
time = self._record.latest_time
data = self._taxa_data
objs = self._taxon_objs
t_recorded = self._taxon_objs
t_introduced = [taxon for taxon in taxa_at_time if taxon in t_recorded]
t_new = [taxon for taxon in taxa_at_time if taxon not in t_recorded]
# Update previously introduced taxa.
for taxon in t_introduced:
if not taxon.extant:
idx = data["tid"].index(taxon.tid)
data["t_final"][idx] = time
# Set the data of new taxa.
for taxon in t_new:
# Set identifier.
if data["tid"]:
taxon._tid = max(data["tid"]) + 1
taxon._tid = 0
# Append taxon data.
if taxon.parent is not None:
if taxon.extant:
# Update taxa stats.
self._record.set_value("taxa", len(objs))
self._grid.at_node["taxa__richness"] = self._get_taxa_richness_map()
def get_extant_taxon_objects(self, tids=np.nan, ancestor=np.nan, time=np.nan):
"""Get extant taxon objects filtered by parameters.
This method returns all taxon objects tracked by the component when no
optional parameters are included. The objects returned can be limited
using one or more parameters.
tids : list of int, optional
The taxa with these identifiers will be returned. A list is
returned even if only one object is contained within the list. By
default, when `tids` is not specified, extant taxa with any
identifier can be returned.
ancestor : int, optional
Limit the taxa returned to those descending from the taxon
designated as the ancestor. The ancestor is designated using its
``tid``. By default, taxa with any or no ancestors are returned.
time : float, int, optional
Limit the taxa returned to those that were extant at the time
designated by this parameter as well as extant at the current model
time. By default, extant taxa at all of the times listed in the
component record can be returned.
taxa : a list of Taxon
The Taxon objects that pass through the filter. The list is sorted
by ``tid``. An empty list is returned if no taxa pass through the
ZoneTaxon are used to demonstrate this method.
Import modules used in the following examples.
>>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
>>> from landlab.components import SpeciesEvolver
>>> from landlab.components.species_evolution import ZoneController
Create a model grid.
>>> mg = RasterModelGrid((3, 7), 1000)
>>> z = mg.add_ones("topographic__elevation", at="node")
Instantiate SpeciesEvolver and a ZoneController. Instantiate the latter
with a function that masks the low elevation zone extent. Only one zone
is created.
>>> se = SpeciesEvolver(mg)
>>> def zone_func(grid):
... return grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] < 100
>>> zc = ZoneController(mg, zone_func)
>>> len(zc.zones) == 1
Introduce two taxa to the zone.
>>> taxa = zc.populate_zones_uniformly(2)
>>> se.track_taxa(taxa)
Force north-south mountain ranges over two time steps that drives taxa
>>> z[mg.x_of_node == 2000] = 200
>>> zc.run_one_step(1000)
>>> se.run_one_step(1000)
>>> z[mg.x_of_node == 4000] = 200
>>> zc.run_one_step(1000)
>>> se.run_one_step(1000)
Display taxa metadata.
>>> se.taxa_data_frame
pid type t_first t_final tid
0 <NA> ZoneTaxon 0 <NA>
1 <NA> ZoneTaxon 0 <NA>
2 0 ZoneTaxon 1000 <NA>
3 1 ZoneTaxon 1000 <NA>
4 0 ZoneTaxon 2000 <NA>
5 1 ZoneTaxon 2000 <NA>
Objects of all extant taxon are returned when no parameters are
>>> se.get_extant_taxon_objects()
[<ZoneTaxon, tid=0>,
<ZoneTaxon, tid=1>,
<ZoneTaxon, tid=2>,
<ZoneTaxon, tid=3>,
<ZoneTaxon, tid=4>,
<ZoneTaxon, tid=5>]
The returned objects of extant species can be limited using parameters.
Here, get the taxon objects with identifiers, 4 and 5.
>>> se.get_extant_taxon_objects(tids=[4, 5])
[<ZoneTaxon, tid=4>, <ZoneTaxon, tid=5>]
Extant taxon objects descending from a taxon can be obtained using the
``ancestor`` property. Here, get the taxa that descended from taxon 0.
>>> se.get_extant_taxon_objects(ancestor=0)
[<ZoneTaxon, tid=2>, <ZoneTaxon, tid=4>]
Taxa can be limited to those that were extant ``time``.
>>> se.get_extant_taxon_objects(time=1000)
[<ZoneTaxon, tid=0>,
<ZoneTaxon, tid=1>,
<ZoneTaxon, tid=2>,
<ZoneTaxon, tid=3>]
The returned taxa can be further limited by including multiple
method properties.
>>> se.get_extant_taxon_objects(ancestor=0, time=1000)
[<ZoneTaxon, tid=2>]
An empty list is returned when no extant taxa match parameter criteria.
>>> se.get_extant_taxon_objects(tids=[11])
# Create `results` that contains tids of the taxa matching parameter
# criteria.
extant_tids = [taxon.tid for taxon in self._taxon_objs]
results = set(extant_tids)
data = self._taxa_data
# Query by identifiers.
if isinstance(tids, list):
results = results.intersection(tids)
# Query by ancestor.
if not np.isnan(ancestor) and ancestor in data["tid"]:
df = self.taxa_data_frame
df["pid"] = df["pid"].fillna(-1)
taxon = ancestor
descendants = []
stack = [taxon]
while stack:
children = df.index[df["pid"] == taxon].tolist()
if children:
if stack:
taxon = stack[0]
results = results.intersection(descendants)
elif not np.isnan(ancestor):
results = []
# Query by time.
if not np.isnan(time):
t_first = np.array(data["t_first"])
t_latest = np.nan_to_num(data["t_final"], nan=self._record.latest_time)
mask = np.all([time >= t_first, time <= t_latest], 0)
results = results.intersection(np.array(data["tid"])[mask].tolist())
# Get the Taxon objects that match all parameter query results.
taxa = [taxon for taxon in self._taxon_objs if taxon.tid in results]
taxa.sort(key=lambda taxon: taxon.tid)
return taxa
def _get_taxa_richness_map(self):
"""Get a map of the number of taxa."""
objs = self._taxon_objs
if objs:
masks = np.stack([taxon.range_mask for taxon in objs])
richness_mask = masks.sum(axis=0).astype(int)
richness_mask = np.zeros(self._grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=int)
return richness_mask