Source code for landlab.components.species_evolution.base_taxon

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Base Taxon of SpeciesEvolver."""
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod

[docs] class Taxon(ABC): """Base Taxon of SpeciesEvolver. A SpeciesEvolver Taxon represents a group of organisms. Examples of groups represented by this object include an analogue group (e.g., seed plants in general, a specific trout species), a taxonomic level (e.g., phylum, species, population). More generally, Taxon subclasses act as approaches to simulate evolution of biologic groups. Taxon was designed to represent biologic groups, although they could be individual organisms. This class is intended to be subclassed. Subclasses must implement the attributes and methods of this base class that are designated as abstract. The methods must take the same parameters and both the attributes and methods must return the values described in their docstrings. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Instantiate a Taxon object. A base taxon object cannot be instantiated. This initialization method can be called by `super` in the initialization method of a subclass to set initial values of required private properties. """ self._extant = True self._tid = None self._parent = None
def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}, tid={self._tid}>" @property def tid(self): """The identifier of the taxon. The identifier is an integer automatically and uniquely assigned by SpeciesEvolver once the component begins tracking the taxon. It is read-only as it should not be changed once this parameter is set. """ return self._tid @property def extant(self): """The living state of the taxon. The taxon lives at the current model time if ``True``. The taxon is extinct as of the current model time if ``False``. """ return self._extant @extant.setter def extant(self, state): """Set the living state of the taxon.""" self._extant = state @property def parent(self): """The parent taxon. The parent is the taxon object that produced this object. A value of ``None`` indicates no parent taxon. """ return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, taxon): """Set the parent taxon.""" self._parent = taxon @property @abstractmethod def range_mask(self): """A mask of the taxon geographic extent. The range mask is a boolean numpy array where True values indicate where the taxon is located in the model grid associated with a SpeciesEvolver instance. This property must be implemented in a subclass. """ # pragma: no cover @abstractmethod def _evolve(self, dt, stage, record): """Run the evolutionary processes of the taxon. SpeciesEvolver loops through the evolution processes of extant taxa in stages during the ``run_one_step`` method of the component. Therefore if a taxon type requires all other taxa to undergo some processing before an evolution process, then the taxon can evolve at a later stage using the ``stage`` parameter. Taxon subclasses should be designed with as few stages in this method as possible. This method at each stage must return both a boolean indicating if the taxon has additional stages to run and a list of child taxa produced during that evolution stage. The ``evolve`` method of child taxon will be called in stages subsequent to the stage the child taxon was produced. An empty list indicates no child taxon. See this method in ``ZoneTaxon`` for an example implementation. This method must be implemented in a subclass. Parameters ---------- dt : float The model time step duration. stage : int The evolution stage of the time step. record : defaultdict The SpeciesEvolver record. Returns ------- boolean Indicates if the taxon is still evolving. When `False` is returned, this method will not be called for the taxon in subsequent stages in the current model time step. list of Taxon The children produced by the taxon at a given stage. The ``evolve`` method of child taxon will be called in stages following the stage the child taxon was produced. An empty list indicates no child taxon. """
# pragma: no cover