import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg as linalg
from landlab import Component
# Things to add: 1. Explicit stability check.
# 2. Implicit handling of scenarios where kappa*dt exceeds critical step -
# subdivide dt automatically.
class PerronNLDiffuse(Component):
"""Nonlinear diffusion, following Perron (2011).
This module uses Taylor Perron's implicit (2011) method to solve the
nonlinear hillslope diffusion equation across a rectangular, regular grid
for a single timestep. Note it works with the mass flux implicitly, and
thus does not actually calculate it. Grid must be at least 5x5.
Boundary condition handling assumes each edge uses the same BC for each of
its nodes.
This component cannot yet handle looped boundary conditions, but all others
should be fine.
This component has KNOWN STABILITY ISSUES which will be resolved in a
future release; use at your own risk.
The primary method of this class is :func:`run_one_step`.
>>> from landlab.components import PerronNLDiffuse
>>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
>>> import numpy as np
>>> mg = RasterModelGrid((5, 5))
>>> z = mg.add_zeros("topographic__elevation", at="node")
>>> nl = PerronNLDiffuse(mg, nonlinear_diffusivity=1.0)
>>> dt = 100.0
>>> nt = 20
>>> uplift_rate = 0.001
>>> for i in range(nt):
... z[mg.core_nodes] += uplift_rate * dt
... nl.run_one_step(dt)
>>> z_target = [
... [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
... [0.0, 0.00778637, 0.0075553, 0.00778637, 0.0],
... [0.0, 0.0075553, 0.0078053, 0.0075553, 0.0],
... [0.0, 0.00778637, 0.0075553, 0.00778637, 0.0],
... [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
... ]
>>> np.allclose(z.reshape(mg.shape), z_target)
**Required Software Citation(s) Specific to this Component**
None Listed
**Additional References**
Perron, J. (2011). Numerical methods for nonlinear hillslope transport laws.
Journal of Geophysical Research 116(F2), 23 - 13.
_name = "PerronNLDiffuse"
_unit_agnostic = True
_info = {
"topographic__elevation": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "inout",
"optional": False,
"units": "m",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "Land surface topographic elevation",
def __init__(
S_crit=33.0 * np.pi / 180.0,
grid : RasterModelGrid
A Landlab raster grid
nonlinear_diffusivity : float, array or field name
The nonlinear diffusivity
S_crit : float (radians)
The critical hillslope angle
rock_density : float (kg*m**-3)
The density of intact rock
sed_density : float (kg*m**-3)
The density of the mobile (sediment) layer
self._bc_set_code = self._grid.bc_set_code
self._values_to_diffuse = "topographic__elevation"
self._kappa = nonlinear_diffusivity
self._rock_density = rock_density
self._sed_density = sed_density
self._S_crit = S_crit
self._uplift = 0.0
self._delta_x = grid.dx
self._delta_y = grid.dy
self._one_over_delta_x = 1.0 / self._delta_x
self._one_over_delta_y = 1.0 / self._delta_y
self._one_over_delta_x_sqd = self._one_over_delta_x**2.0
self._one_over_delta_y_sqd = self._one_over_delta_y**2.0
self._b = 1.0 / self._S_crit**2.0
ncols = grid.number_of_node_columns
self._ncols = ncols
nrows = grid.number_of_node_rows
self._nrows = nrows
nnodes = grid.number_of_nodes
self._nnodes = nnodes
ninteriornodes = grid.number_of_interior_nodes
ncorenodes = ninteriornodes - 2 * (ncols + nrows - 6)
self._ninteriornodes = ninteriornodes
self._interior_grid_width = ncols - 2
self._core_cell_width = ncols - 4
self._interior_corners = np.array(
[ncols + 1, 2 * ncols - 2, nnodes - 2 * ncols + 1, nnodes - ncols - 2]
_left_list = np.array(range(2 * ncols + 1, nnodes - 2 * ncols, ncols))
# ^these are still real IDs
_right_list = np.array(range(3 * ncols - 2, nnodes - 2 * ncols, ncols))
_bottom_list = np.array(range(ncols + 2, 2 * ncols - 2))
_top_list = np.array(range(nnodes - 2 * ncols + 2, nnodes - ncols - 2))
self._left_list = _left_list
self._right_list = _right_list
self._bottom_list = _bottom_list
self._top_list = _top_list
self._core_nodes = self._coreIDtoreal(np.arange(ncorenodes, dtype=int))
self._corenodesbyintIDs = self._realIDtointerior(self._core_nodes)
self._ncorenodes = len(self._core_nodes)
self._corner_interior_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(self._interior_corners)
# ^i.e., interior corners as interior IDs
self._bottom_interior_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(np.array(_bottom_list))
self._top_interior_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(np.array(_top_list))
self._left_interior_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(np.array(_left_list))
self._right_interior_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(np.array(_right_list))
# build an ID map to let us easily map the variables of the core nodes
# onto the operating matrix:
# This array is ninteriornodes long, but the IDs it contains are
operating_matrix_ID_map = np.empty((ninteriornodes, 9))
self._interior_IDs_as_real = self._interiorIDtoreal(np.arange(ninteriornodes))
for j in range(ninteriornodes):
i = self._interior_IDs_as_real[j]
operating_matrix_ID_map[j, :] = np.array(
(i - ncols - 1),
(i - ncols),
(i - ncols + 1),
(i - 1),
(i + 1),
(i + ncols - 1),
(i + ncols),
(i + ncols + 1),
self._operating_matrix_ID_map = operating_matrix_ID_map
self._operating_matrix_core_int_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(
operating_matrix_ID_map[self._corenodesbyintIDs, :]
# ^shape(ncorenodes,9)
# see below for corner and edge maps
# Build masks for the edges and corners to be applied to the operating
# matrix map.
# Antimasks are the boundary nodes, masks are "normal"
self._topleft_mask = [1, 2, 4, 5]
topleft_antimask = [0, 3, 6, 7, 8]
self._topright_mask = [0, 1, 3, 4]
topright_antimask = [2, 5, 6, 7, 8]
self._bottomleft_mask = [4, 5, 7, 8]
bottomleft_antimask = [0, 1, 2, 3, 6]
self._bottomright_mask = [3, 4, 6, 7]
bottomright_antimask = [0, 1, 2, 5, 8]
self._corners_masks = np.vstack(
# ^(each_corner,mask_for_each_corner)
self._corners_antimasks = np.vstack(
# ^so shape becomes (4,5)
self._left_mask = [1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8]
self._left_antimask = [0, 3, 6]
self._top_mask = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
self._top_antimask = [6, 7, 8]
self._right_mask = [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7]
self._right_antimask = [2, 5, 8]
self._bottom_mask = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
self._bottom_antimask = [0, 1, 2]
self._antimask_corner_position = [0, 2, 2, 4]
# ^this is the position w/i the corner antimasks that the true corner
# actually occupies
self._modulator_mask = np.array(
[-ncols - 1, -ncols, -ncols + 1, -1, 0, 1, ncols - 1, ncols, ncols + 1]
def updated_boundary_conditions(self):
"""Call if grid BCs are updated after component instantiation."""
grid = self._grid
nrows = self._nrows
ncols = self._ncols
# ^Set up terms for BC handling (still feels very clumsy)
bottom_edge = grid.nodes_at_bottom_edge[1:-1]
top_edge = grid.nodes_at_top_edge[1:-1]
left_edge = grid.nodes_at_left_edge[1:-1]
right_edge = grid.nodes_at_right_edge[1:-1]
self._bottom_flag = 1
self._top_flag = 1
self._left_flag = 1
self._right_flag = 1
# self._corner_flags = [1,1,1,1] #In ID order, so BL,BR,TL,TR
if np.all(grid.status_at_node[bottom_edge] == 4):
# ^This should be all of them, or none of them
self._bottom_flag = 4
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[bottom_edge] == 3):
self._bottom_flag = 3
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[bottom_edge] == 2):
self._bottom_flag = 2
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[bottom_edge] == 1):
raise NameError(
"Different cells on the same grid edge have "
"different boundary statuses"
# Note this could get fraught if we need to open a cell to let
# water flow out...
if np.all(grid.status_at_node[top_edge] == 4):
self._top_flag = 4
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[top_edge] == 3):
self._top_flag = 3
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[top_edge] == 2):
self._top_flag = 2
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[top_edge] == 1):
raise NameError(
"Different cells on the same grid edge have "
"different boundary statuses"
if np.all(grid.status_at_node[left_edge] == 4):
self._left_flag = 4
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[left_edge] == 3):
self._left_flag = 3
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[left_edge] == 2):
self._left_flag = 2
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[left_edge] == 1):
raise NameError(
"Different cells on the same grid edge have "
"different boundary statuses"
if np.all(grid.status_at_node[right_edge] == 4):
self._right_flag = 4
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[right_edge] == 3):
self._right_flag = 3
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[right_edge] == 2):
self._right_flag = 2
elif np.all(grid.status_at_node[right_edge] == 1):
raise NameError(
"Different cells on the same grid edge have "
"different boundary statuses"
self._fixed_grad_BCs_present = (
self._bottom_flag == 2
or self._top_flag == 2
or self._left_flag == 2
or self._right_flag == 2
self._looped_BCs_present = (
self._bottom_flag == 3
or self._top_flag == 3
or self._left_flag == 3
or self._right_flag == 3
if (
and self._values_to_diffuse != grid.fixed_gradient_of
raise ValueError(
"Boundary conditions set in the grid don't "
"apply to the data the diffuser is trying to "
"work with"
if np.any(grid.status_at_node == 2):
self._fixed_grad_offset_map = np.empty(nrows * ncols, dtype=float)
self._fixed_grad_anchor_map = np.empty_like(self._fixed_grad_offset_map)
] = grid.fixed_gradient_node_properties["values_to_add"]
self._corner_flags = grid.status_at_node[[0, ncols - 1, -ncols, -1]]
op_mat_just_corners = self._operating_matrix_ID_map[
self._corner_interior_IDs, :
op_mat_cnr0 = op_mat_just_corners[0, self._bottomleft_mask]
op_mat_cnr1 = op_mat_just_corners[1, self._bottomright_mask]
op_mat_cnr2 = op_mat_just_corners[2, self._topleft_mask]
op_mat_cnr3 = op_mat_just_corners[3, self._topright_mask]
op_mat_just_active_cnrs = np.vstack(
(op_mat_cnr0, op_mat_cnr1, op_mat_cnr2, op_mat_cnr3)
self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(
# ^(4corners,4nodesactivepercorner)
self._operating_matrix_bottom_int_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._bottom_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._bottom_mask
# ^(nbottomnodes,6activenodeseach)
self._operating_matrix_top_int_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._top_interior_IDs, :][:, self._top_mask]
self._operating_matrix_left_int_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._left_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._left_mask
self._operating_matrix_right_int_IDs = self._realIDtointerior(
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._right_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._right_mask
def _gear_timestep(self, timestep_in, new_grid):
"""This method allows the gearing between the model run step and the
component (shorter) step.
The method becomes unstable if S>Scrit, so we test to prevent
this. We implicitly assume the initial condition does not
contain slopes > Scrit. If the method persistently explodes,
this may be the problem.
extended_elevs = np.empty(self._grid.number_of_nodes + 1, dtype=float)
extended_elevs[-1] = np.nan
node_neighbors = self._grid.active_adjacent_nodes_at_node
extended_elevs[:-1] = new_grid["node"][self._values_to_diffuse]
max_offset = np.nanmax(
- extended_elevs[:-1].reshape((self._grid.number_of_nodes, 1))
if max_offset > np.tan(self._S_crit) * min(self._grid.dx, self._grid.dy):
# ^using S not tan(S) adds a buffer - but not appropriate
self._internal_repeats = (
// (np.tan(self._S_crit) * min(self._grid.dx, self._grid.dy))
+ 1
# now we rig it so the actual timestep is an integer divisor
# of T_in:
self._delta_t = timestep_in / self._internal_repeats
self._uplift_per_step = (
- self._grid["node"][self._values_to_diffuse]
) / self._internal_repeats
if self._internal_repeats > 10000:
raise ValueError(
"""Uplift rate is too high; solution is not
self._internal_repeats = 1
self._delta_t = timestep_in
self._uplift_per_step = (
- self._grid["node"][self._values_to_diffuse]
return self._delta_t
def _set_variables(self, grid):
"""This function sets the variables needed for update().
Now vectorized, shouold run faster. At the moment, this method
can only handle fixed value BCs.
n_interior_nodes = grid.number_of_interior_nodes
# Initialize the local builder lists
_mat_RHS = np.zeros(n_interior_nodes)
elev = grid["node"][self._values_to_diffuse]
except KeyError as exc:
raise NameError("elevations not found in grid!") from exc
_delta_t = self._delta_t
except AttributeError as exc:
raise NameError(
"Timestep not set! Call _gear_timestep(tstep) "
"after initializing the component, but before running it."
) from exc
_one_over_delta_x = self._one_over_delta_x
_one_over_delta_x_sqd = self._one_over_delta_x_sqd
_one_over_delta_y = self._one_over_delta_y
_one_over_delta_y_sqd = self._one_over_delta_y_sqd
_kappa = self._kappa
_b = self._b
_S_crit = self._S_crit
_core_nodes = self._core_nodes
corenodesbyintIDs = self._corenodesbyintIDs
operating_matrix_core_int_IDs = self._operating_matrix_core_int_IDs
operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs
_interior_corners = self._interior_corners
corners_antimasks = self._corners_antimasks
corner_interior_IDs = self._corner_interior_IDs
modulator_mask = self._modulator_mask
corner_flags = self._corner_flags
bottom_interior_IDs = self._bottom_interior_IDs
top_interior_IDs = self._top_interior_IDs
left_interior_IDs = self._left_interior_IDs
right_interior_IDs = self._right_interior_IDs
bottom_antimask = self._bottom_antimask
_bottom_list = self._bottom_list
top_antimask = self._top_antimask
_top_list = self._top_list
left_antimask = self._left_antimask
_left_list = self._left_list
right_antimask = self._right_antimask
_right_list = self._right_list
# Need to modify the "effective" values of the edge nodes if any of
# the edges are inactive:
if self._bottom_flag == 4:
bottom_edge, inside_bottom_edge = grid.nodes[(0, 1), :]
elev[bottom_edge] = elev[inside_bottom_edge]
# corners are special cases, and assumed linked to the bottom and
# top edge BCs...
elev[bottom_edge[0]] = elev[inside_bottom_edge[1]]
elev[bottom_edge[-1]] = elev[inside_bottom_edge[-2]]
if self._top_flag == 4:
top_edge, inside_top_edge = grid.nodes[(-1, -2), :]
elev[top_edge] = elev[inside_top_edge]
# corners are special cases, and assumed linked to the bottom and
# top edge BCs...
elev[top_edge[0]] = elev[inside_top_edge[1]]
elev[top_edge[-1]] = elev[inside_top_edge[-2]]
if self._left_flag == 4:
left_edge = grid.nodes[1:-1, 0]
inside_left_edge = grid.nodes[1:-1, 1]
elev[left_edge] = elev[inside_left_edge]
if self._right_flag == 4:
right_edge = grid.nodes[1:-1, -1]
inside_right_edge = grid.nodes[1:-1, -2]
elev[right_edge] = elev[inside_right_edge]
# replacing loop:
cell_neighbors = grid.active_adjacent_nodes_at_node
# ^E,N,W,S
cell_diagonals = grid.diagonal_adjacent_nodes_at_node # NE,NW,SW,SE
# ^this should be dealt with by active_neighbors... (skips bad nodes)
_z_x = (
(elev[cell_neighbors[:, 0]] - elev[cell_neighbors[:, 2]])
* 0.5
* _one_over_delta_x
_z_y = (
(elev[cell_neighbors[:, 1]] - elev[cell_neighbors[:, 3]])
* 0.5
* _one_over_delta_y
_z_xx = (
elev[cell_neighbors[:, 0]] - 2.0 * elev + elev[cell_neighbors[:, 2]]
) * _one_over_delta_x_sqd
_z_yy = (
elev[cell_neighbors[:, 1]] - 2.0 * elev + elev[cell_neighbors[:, 3]]
) * _one_over_delta_y_sqd
_z_xy = (
elev[cell_diagonals[:, 0]]
- elev[cell_diagonals[:, 1]]
- elev[cell_diagonals[:, 3]]
+ elev[cell_diagonals[:, 2]]
* 0.25
* _one_over_delta_x
* _one_over_delta_y
_d = 1.0 / (1.0 - _b * (_z_x * _z_x + _z_y * _z_y))
_abd_sqd = _kappa * _b * _d * _d
_F_ij = -2.0 * _kappa * _d * (
_one_over_delta_x_sqd + _one_over_delta_y_sqd
) - 4.0 * _abd_sqd * (
_z_x * _z_x * _one_over_delta_x_sqd + _z_y * _z_y * _one_over_delta_y_sqd
_F_ijminus1 = (
_kappa * _d * _one_over_delta_x_sqd
- _abd_sqd * _z_x * (_z_xx + _z_yy) * _one_over_delta_x
- 4.0
* _abd_sqd
* _b
* _d
* (_z_x * _z_x * _z_xx + _z_y * _z_y * _z_yy + 2.0 * _z_x * _z_y * _z_xy)
* _z_x
* _one_over_delta_x
- 2.0
* _abd_sqd
* (
_z_x * _z_xx * _one_over_delta_x
- _z_x * _z_x * _one_over_delta_x_sqd
+ _z_y * _z_xy * _one_over_delta_x
_F_ijplus1 = (
_kappa * _d * _one_over_delta_x_sqd
+ _abd_sqd * _z_x * (_z_xx + _z_yy) * _one_over_delta_x
+ 4.0
* _abd_sqd
* _b
* _d
* (_z_x * _z_x * _z_xx + _z_y * _z_y * _z_yy + 2.0 * _z_x * _z_y * _z_xy)
* _z_x
* _one_over_delta_x
+ 2.0
* _abd_sqd
* (
_z_x * _z_xx * _one_over_delta_x
+ _z_x * _z_x * _one_over_delta_x_sqd
+ _z_y * _z_xy * _one_over_delta_x
_F_iminus1j = (
_kappa * _d * _one_over_delta_y_sqd
- _abd_sqd * _z_y * (_z_xx + _z_yy) * _one_over_delta_y
- 4.0
* _abd_sqd
* _b
* _d
* (_z_x * _z_x * _z_xx + _z_y * _z_y * _z_yy + 2.0 * _z_x * _z_y * _z_xy)
* _z_y
* _one_over_delta_y
- 2.0
* _abd_sqd
* (
_z_y * _z_yy * _one_over_delta_y
- _z_y * _z_y * _one_over_delta_y_sqd
+ _z_x * _z_xy * _one_over_delta_y
_F_iplus1j = (
_kappa * _d * _one_over_delta_y_sqd
+ _abd_sqd * _z_y * (_z_xx + _z_yy) * _one_over_delta_y
+ 4.0
* _abd_sqd
* _b
* _d
* (_z_x * _z_x * _z_xx + _z_y * _z_y * _z_yy + 2.0 * _z_x * _z_y * _z_xy)
* _z_y
* _one_over_delta_y
+ 2.0
* _abd_sqd
* (
_z_y * _z_yy * _one_over_delta_y
+ _z_y * _z_y * _one_over_delta_y_sqd
+ _z_x * _z_xy * _one_over_delta_y
_F_iplus1jplus1 = _abd_sqd * _z_x * _z_y * _one_over_delta_x * _one_over_delta_y
_F_iminus1jminus1 = _F_iplus1jplus1
_F_iplus1jminus1 = -_F_iplus1jplus1
_F_iminus1jplus1 = _F_iplus1jminus1
_equ_RHS_calc_frag = (
_F_ij * elev
+ _F_ijminus1 * elev[cell_neighbors[:, 2]]
+ _F_ijplus1 * elev[cell_neighbors[:, 0]]
+ _F_iminus1j * elev[cell_neighbors[:, 3]]
+ _F_iplus1j * elev[cell_neighbors[:, 1]]
+ _F_iminus1jminus1 * elev[cell_diagonals[:, 2]]
+ _F_iplus1jplus1 * elev[cell_diagonals[:, 0]]
+ _F_iplus1jminus1 * elev[cell_diagonals[:, 1]]
+ _F_iminus1jplus1 * elev[cell_diagonals[:, 3]]
# NB- all _z_... and _F_... variables are nnodes long, and thus use
# real IDs (tho calcs will be flawed for Bnodes)
# RHS of equ 6 (see para [20])
_func_on_z = self._rock_density / self._sed_density * self._uplift + _kappa * (
(_z_xx + _z_yy) / (1.0 - (_z_x * _z_x + _z_y * _z_y) / _S_crit * _S_crit)
+ 2.0
* (_z_x * _z_x * _z_xx + _z_y * _z_y * _z_yy + 2.0 * _z_x * _z_y * _z_xy)
/ (
* _S_crit
* (1.0 - (_z_x * _z_x + _z_y * _z_y) / _S_crit * _S_crit) ** 2.0
# Remember, the RHS is getting wiped each loop as part of
# self._set_variables()
# _mat_RHS is ninteriornodes long, but were only working on a
# ncorenodes long subset here
_mat_RHS[corenodesbyintIDs] += elev[_core_nodes] + _delta_t * (
_func_on_z[_core_nodes] - _equ_RHS_calc_frag[_core_nodes]
low_row = (
np.vstack((_F_iminus1jminus1, _F_iminus1j, _F_iminus1jplus1)) * -_delta_t
mid_row = np.vstack(
(-_delta_t * _F_ijminus1, 1.0 - _delta_t * _F_ij, -_delta_t * _F_ijplus1)
top_row = np.vstack((_F_iplus1jminus1, _F_iplus1j, _F_iplus1jplus1)) * -_delta_t
nine_node_map = np.vstack((low_row, mid_row, top_row)).T
# ^Note shape is (nnodes,9); it's realID indexed
core_op_mat_row = np.repeat(corenodesbyintIDs, 9)
core_op_mat_col = operating_matrix_core_int_IDs.astype(int).flatten()
core_op_mat_data = nine_node_map[_core_nodes, :].flatten()
# Now the interior corners; BL,BR,TL,TR
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs] += elev[_interior_corners] + _delta_t * (
_func_on_z[_interior_corners] - _equ_RHS_calc_frag[_interior_corners]
corners_op_mat_row = np.repeat(self._corner_interior_IDs, 4)
corners_op_mat_col = operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs.astype(int).flatten()
corners_op_mat_data = nine_node_map[_interior_corners, :][
(np.arange(4).reshape((4, 1)), self._corners_masks)
# ^1st index gives (4,9), 2nd reduces to (4,4), then flattened
for i in range(4): # loop over each corner, as so few
# The sides get done in the edge tests, below.
if corner_flags[i] == 1:
true_corner = self._antimask_corner_position[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, true_corner]
* elev[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, true_corner]]
elif corner_flags[i] == 4 or corner_flags[i] == 3:
# ^inactive boundary cell
# Actually the easiest case! Equivalent to fixed gradient,
# but the gradient is zero, so material only goes in the linked
# cell. And because it's a true corner, that linked cell
# doesn't appear in the interior matrix at all!
elif corner_flags[i] == 2:
true_corner = self._antimask_corner_position[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, true_corner]
* self._fixed_gradient_offset_map[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, true_corner]]
raise NameError(
"""Sorry! This module cannot yet handle fixed
gradient or looped BCs..."""
# Todo: handle these BCs properly, once the grid itself works with
# them.
# Can follow old routines; see self.set_bc_cell() commented out
# method below.
# Now the edges
_mat_RHS[bottom_interior_IDs] += elev[_bottom_list] + _delta_t * (
_func_on_z[_bottom_list] - _equ_RHS_calc_frag[_bottom_list]
_mat_RHS[top_interior_IDs] += elev[_top_list] + _delta_t * (
_func_on_z[_top_list] - _equ_RHS_calc_frag[_top_list]
_mat_RHS[left_interior_IDs] += elev[_left_list] + _delta_t * (
_func_on_z[_left_list] - _equ_RHS_calc_frag[_left_list]
_mat_RHS[right_interior_IDs] += elev[_right_list] + _delta_t * (
_func_on_z[_right_list] - _equ_RHS_calc_frag[_right_list]
bottom_op_mat_row = np.repeat(bottom_interior_IDs, 6)
top_op_mat_row = np.repeat(top_interior_IDs, 6)
left_op_mat_row = np.repeat(left_interior_IDs, 6)
right_op_mat_row = np.repeat(right_interior_IDs, 6)
bottom_op_mat_col = self._operating_matrix_bottom_int_IDs.astype(int).flatten()
top_op_mat_col = self._operating_matrix_top_int_IDs.astype(int).flatten()
left_op_mat_col = self._operating_matrix_left_int_IDs.astype(int).flatten()
right_op_mat_col = self._operating_matrix_right_int_IDs.astype(int).flatten()
bottom_op_mat_data = nine_node_map[_bottom_list, :][
:, self._bottom_mask
top_op_mat_data = nine_node_map[_top_list, :][:, self._top_mask].flatten()
left_op_mat_data = nine_node_map[_left_list, :][:, self._left_mask].flatten()
right_op_mat_data = nine_node_map[_right_list, :][:, self._right_mask].flatten()
if self._bottom_flag == 1:
# goes to RHS only
_mat_RHS[bottom_interior_IDs] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_bottom_list, :][:, bottom_antimask]
* elev[
_bottom_list.reshape((len(_bottom_list), 1))
+ (modulator_mask[bottom_antimask]).reshape((1, 3))
# ^note the broadcasting to (nedge,3) in final fancy index
# ...& the corners
edges = [(1, 2), (0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0)]
for i in [0, 1]:
edge_list = edges[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]
* elev[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]]
# make dummy array objects for the x,y coords in coo creation of
# _operating_matrix
bottom_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(0)
bottom_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(0)
bottom_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(0)
elif self._bottom_flag == 4 or self._bottom_flag == 2:
# ^i.e., fixed zero gradient (4) or more general case...
bottom_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
bottom_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
bottom_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
# Equivalent to fixed gradient, but the gradient is zero, so
# material only goes in the linked cell(i.e., each cell in the
# op_mat edges points back to itself).
bottom_op_mat_row_add[: (bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = np.repeat(
bottom_interior_IDs, 3
bottom_op_mat_col_add[: (bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._bottom_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._bottom_mask[0:3]
bottom_op_mat_data_add[: (bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
* (nine_node_map[_bottom_list, :][:, bottom_antimask]).flatten()
# ...& the corners
this_corner_coords = np.array([0, 1])
# order is bottom 2 lower left, bottom 2 lower right, lower left
# true corner, lower right true corner.
bottom_op_mat_row_add[-6:-2] = np.repeat(
corner_interior_IDs[this_corner_coords], 2
bottom_op_mat_col_add[-6:-2] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
this_corner_coords.reshape((2, 1)), this_corner_coords
bottom_op_mat_row_add[-2:] = corner_interior_IDs[this_corner_coords]
bottom_op_mat_col_add[-2:] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
(this_corner_coords[0], this_corner_coords[0]),
(this_corner_coords[1], this_corner_coords[1]),
bottom_op_mat_data_add[-6:-4] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[0], :][
corners_antimasks[0, [1, 2]]
bottom_op_mat_data_add[-4:-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[1], :][
corners_antimasks[1, [0, 1]]
bottom_op_mat_data_add[-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[0], :][corners_antimasks[0, 0]]
bottom_op_mat_data_add[-1] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[1], :][corners_antimasks[1, 2]]
if self._bottom_flag == 2:
# Read the offsets from the map we made in the __init__,
# use them as constant terms, incorporated into RHS
_mat_RHS[bottom_interior_IDs] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_bottom_list, :][:, bottom_antimask]
* self._fixed_gradient_offset_map[
_bottom_list.reshape((len(_bottom_list), 1))
+ (modulator_mask[bottom_antimask]).reshape((1, 3))
# ^note the broadcasting to (nedge,3) in final fancy index
# ...& the corners
edges = [(1, 2), (0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0)]
for i in [0, 1]:
edge_list = edges[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]
* self._fixed_gradient_offset_map[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]]
elif self._bottom_flag == 3:
# This will handle both top and bottom BCs...
bottom_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
bottom_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
bottom_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
bottom_op_mat_row_add[: (bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = np.repeat(
bottom_interior_IDs, 3
# ^...put the values in the same places in the operating matrix...
bottom_op_mat_col_add[: (bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._top_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._top_mask[3:6]
bottom_op_mat_data_add[: (bottom_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
* (nine_node_map[_bottom_list, :][:, bottom_antimask]).flatten()
# ^...but the values refer to the TOP of the grid
top_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(top_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
top_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(top_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
top_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(top_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
top_op_mat_row_add[: (top_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = np.repeat(
top_interior_IDs, 3
top_op_mat_col_add[: (top_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = self._realIDtointerior(
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._bottom_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._bottom_mask[0:3]
top_op_mat_data_add[: (top_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
_delta_t * (nine_node_map[_top_list, :][:, top_antimask]).flatten()
# & the corners
bottom_corner_coords = np.array([0, 1])
top_corner_coords = np.array([2, 3])
bottom_op_mat_row_add[-6:-2] = np.repeat(
corner_interior_IDs[bottom_corner_coords], 2
bottom_op_mat_col_add[-6:-2] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
top_corner_coords.reshape((2, 1)), top_corner_coords
bottom_op_mat_row_add[-2:] = corner_interior_IDs[bottom_corner_coords]
bottom_op_mat_col_add[-2:] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
(top_corner_coords[0], top_corner_coords[0]),
(top_corner_coords[1], top_corner_coords[1]),
bottom_op_mat_data_add[-6:-4] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[0], :][
corners_antimasks[0, [1, 2]]
bottom_op_mat_data_add[-4:-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[1], :][
corners_antimasks[1, [0, 1]]
bottom_op_mat_data_add[-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[0], :][corners_antimasks[0, 0]]
bottom_op_mat_data_add[-1] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[1], :][corners_antimasks[1, 2]]
top_op_mat_row_add[-6:-2] = np.repeat(
corner_interior_IDs[top_corner_coords], 2
top_op_mat_col_add[-6:-2] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
bottom_corner_coords.reshape((2, 1)), bottom_corner_coords
top_op_mat_row_add[-2:] = corner_interior_IDs[top_corner_coords]
top_op_mat_col_add[-2:] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
(bottom_corner_coords[0], bottom_corner_coords[0]),
(bottom_corner_coords[1], bottom_corner_coords[1]),
top_op_mat_data_add[-6:-4] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[2], :][
corners_antimasks[2, [3, 4]]
top_op_mat_data_add[-4:-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[3], :][
corners_antimasks[3, [2, 3]]
top_op_mat_data_add[-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[2], :][corners_antimasks[2, 2]]
top_op_mat_data_add[-1] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[3], :][corners_antimasks[3, 4]]
raise NameError(
"""Something is very wrong with your boundary
if self._top_flag == 1:
# goes to RHS only
_mat_RHS[top_interior_IDs] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_top_list, :][:, top_antimask]
* elev[
_top_list.reshape((len(_top_list), 1))
+ (modulator_mask[top_antimask]).reshape((1, 3))
# ...& the corners
edges = [(0, 0), (0, 0), (3, 4), (2, 3)]
for i in [2, 3]:
edge_list = edges[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]
* elev[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]]
top_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(0)
top_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(0)
top_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(0)
elif self._top_flag == 4 or self._top_flag == 2:
top_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(top_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
top_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(top_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
top_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(top_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 6)
# Equivalent to fixed gradient, but the gradient is zero, so
# material only goes in the linked cell(i.e., each cell in the
# op_mat edges points back to itself).
top_op_mat_row_add[: (top_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = np.repeat(
top_interior_IDs, 3
top_op_mat_col_add[: (top_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = self._realIDtointerior(
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._top_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._top_mask[3:6]
top_op_mat_data_add[: (top_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
_delta_t * (nine_node_map[_top_list, :][:, top_antimask]).flatten()
# ...& the corners
this_corner_coords = np.array([2, 3])
top_op_mat_row_add[-6:-2] = np.repeat(
corner_interior_IDs[this_corner_coords], 2
top_op_mat_col_add[-6:-2] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
this_corner_coords.reshape((2, 1)), this_corner_coords
top_op_mat_row_add[-2:] = corner_interior_IDs[this_corner_coords]
top_op_mat_col_add[-2:] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
(this_corner_coords[0], this_corner_coords[0]),
(this_corner_coords[1], this_corner_coords[1]),
top_op_mat_data_add[-6:-4] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[2], :][
corners_antimasks[2, [3, 4]]
top_op_mat_data_add[-4:-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[3], :][
corners_antimasks[3, [2, 3]]
top_op_mat_data_add[-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[2], :][corners_antimasks[2, 2]]
top_op_mat_data_add[-1] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[3], :][corners_antimasks[3, 4]]
if self._top_flag == 2:
_mat_RHS[top_interior_IDs] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_top_list, :][:, top_antimask]
* self._fixed_gradient_offset_map[
_top_list.reshape((len(_top_list), 1))
+ (modulator_mask[top_antimask]).reshape((1, 3))
# ...& the corners
edges = [(0, 0), (0, 0), (3, 4), (2, 3)]
for i in [2, 3]:
edge_list = edges[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]
* self._fixed_gradient_offset_map[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]]
elif self._top_flag == 3:
pass # dealt with above
raise NameError(
"""Something is very wrong with your boundary
if self._left_flag == 1:
# goes to RHS only
_mat_RHS[left_interior_IDs] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_left_list, :][:, left_antimask]
* elev[
_left_list.reshape((len(_left_list), 1))
+ (modulator_mask[left_antimask]).reshape((1, 3))
# ...& the corners
edges = [(3, 4), (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0)]
for i in [0, 2]:
edge_list = edges[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]
* elev[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]]
left_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(0)
left_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(0)
left_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(0)
elif self._left_flag == 4 or self._left_flag == 2:
left_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(left_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
left_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(left_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
left_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(left_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
# Equivalent to fixed gradient, but the gradient is zero, so
# material only goes in the linked cell(i.e., each cell in the
# op_mat edges points back to itself).
left_op_mat_row_add[: (left_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = np.repeat(
left_interior_IDs, 3
left_op_mat_col_add[: (left_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._left_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._left_mask[::2]
left_op_mat_data_add[: (left_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
_delta_t * (nine_node_map[_left_list, :][:, left_antimask]).flatten()
# ...& the corners
this_corner_coords = np.array([0, 2])
left_op_mat_row_add[-4:] = np.repeat(
corner_interior_IDs[this_corner_coords], 2
left_op_mat_col_add[-4:] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
this_corner_coords.reshape((2, 1)), this_corner_coords
left_op_mat_data_add[-4:-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[0], :][
corners_antimasks[0, [3, 4]]
left_op_mat_data_add[-2:] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[2], :][
corners_antimasks[2, [0, 1]]
if self._left_flag == 2:
_mat_RHS[left_interior_IDs] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_left_list, :][:, left_antimask]
* self._fixed_gradient_offset_map[
_left_list.reshape((len(_left_list), 1))
+ (modulator_mask[left_antimask]).reshape((1, 3))
# ...& the corners
edges = [(3, 4), (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0)]
for i in [0, 2]:
edge_list = edges[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]
* self._fixed_gradient_offset_map[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]]
elif self._left_flag == 3:
left_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(left_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
left_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(left_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
left_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(left_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
left_op_mat_row_add[: (left_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = np.repeat(
left_interior_IDs, 3
left_op_mat_col_add[: (left_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._right_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._right_mask[1::2]
left_op_mat_data_add[: (left_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
_delta_t * (nine_node_map[_left_list, :][:, left_antimask]).flatten()
right_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(right_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
right_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(right_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
right_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(right_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
right_op_mat_row_add[: (right_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = np.repeat(
right_interior_IDs, 3
right_op_mat_col_add[: (right_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._left_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._left_mask[::2]
right_op_mat_data_add[: (right_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
_delta_t * (nine_node_map[_right_list, :][:, right_antimask]).flatten()
# & the corners
left_corner_coords = np.array([0, 2])
right_corner_coords = np.array([1, 3])
left_op_mat_row_add[-4:] = np.repeat(
corner_interior_IDs[left_corner_coords], 2
left_op_mat_col_add[-4:] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
right_corner_coords.reshape((2, 1)), right_corner_coords
left_op_mat_data_add[-4:-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[0], :][
corners_antimasks[0, [3, 4]]
left_op_mat_data_add[-2:] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[2], :][
corners_antimasks[2, [0, 1]]
right_op_mat_row_add[-4:] = np.repeat(
corner_interior_IDs[right_corner_coords], 2
right_op_mat_col_add[-4:] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
left_corner_coords.reshape((2, 1)), left_corner_coords
right_op_mat_data_add[-4:-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[1], :][
corners_antimasks[1, [3, 4]]
right_op_mat_data_add[-2:] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[3], :][
corners_antimasks[3, [0, 1]]
raise NameError(
"""Something is very wrong with your boundary
if self._right_flag == 1:
# goes to RHS only
_mat_RHS[right_interior_IDs] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_right_list, :][:, right_antimask]
* elev[
_right_list.reshape((len(_right_list), 1))
+ (modulator_mask[right_antimask]).reshape((1, 3))
# ...& the corners
edges = [(0, 0), (3, 4), (0, 0), (0, 1)]
for i in [1, 3]:
edge_list = edges[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]
* elev[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]]
right_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(0)
right_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(0)
right_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(0)
elif self._right_flag == 4 or self._right_flag == 2:
right_op_mat_row_add = np.empty(right_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
right_op_mat_col_add = np.empty(right_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
right_op_mat_data_add = np.empty(right_interior_IDs.size * 3 + 4)
# Equivalent to fixed gradient, but the gradient is zero, so
# material only goes in the linked cell(i.e., each cell in the
# op_mat edges points back to itself).
right_op_mat_row_add[: (right_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = np.repeat(
right_interior_IDs, 3
right_op_mat_col_add[: (right_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
self._operating_matrix_ID_map[self._right_interior_IDs, :][
:, self._right_mask[1::2]
right_op_mat_data_add[: (right_interior_IDs.size * 3)] = (
_delta_t * (nine_node_map[_right_list, :][:, right_antimask]).flatten()
# ...& the corners
this_corner_coords = np.array([1, 3])
right_op_mat_row_add[-4:] = np.repeat(
corner_interior_IDs[this_corner_coords], 2
right_op_mat_col_add[-4:] = self._operating_matrix_corner_int_IDs[
this_corner_coords.reshape((2, 1)), this_corner_coords
right_op_mat_data_add[-4:-2] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[1], :][
corners_antimasks[1, [3, 4]]
right_op_mat_data_add[-2:] = (
* nine_node_map[_interior_corners[3], :][
corners_antimasks[3, [0, 1]]
if self._right_flag == 2:
_mat_RHS[right_interior_IDs] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_right_list, :][:, right_antimask]
* self._fixed_gradient_offset_map[
_right_list.reshape((len(_right_list), 1))
+ (modulator_mask[right_antimask]).reshape((1, 3))
# ...& the corners
edges = [(0, 0), (3, 4), (0, 0), (0, 1)]
for i in [1, 3]:
edge_list = edges[i]
_mat_RHS[corner_interior_IDs[i]] -= _delta_t * np.sum(
nine_node_map[_interior_corners[i], :][
corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]
* self._fixed_gradient_offset_map[
+ modulator_mask[corners_antimasks[i, edge_list]]
elif self._top_flag == 3:
pass # dealt with above
raise NameError(
"""Something is very wrong with your boundary
# new approach using COO sparse matrix requires we build the matrix
# only now...
self._operating_matrix = sparse.coo_matrix(
shape=(n_interior_nodes, n_interior_nodes),
self._mat_RHS = _mat_RHS
# These methods translate ID numbers between arrays of differing sizes
def _realIDtointerior(self, ID):
ncols = self._ncols
interior_ID = (ID // ncols - 1) * (ncols - 2) + (ID % ncols) - 1
if np.any(interior_ID < 0) or np.any(interior_ID >= self._ninteriornodes):
raise NameError(
"""One of the supplied nodes was outside the
interior grid!"""
return interior_ID.astype(int)
def _interiorIDtoreal(self, ID):
IGW = self._interior_grid_width
real_ID = (ID // IGW + 1) * self._ncols + (ID % IGW) + 1
assert np.all(real_ID < self._nnodes)
return real_ID.astype(int)
def _realIDtocore(self, ID):
ncols = self._ncols
core_ID = (ID // ncols - 2) * (ncols - 4) + (ID % ncols) - 2
if np.any(core_ID < 0) or np.any(core_ID >= self._ncorenodes):
raise NameError(
"""One of the supplied nodes was outside the
core grid!"""
return core_ID.astype(int)
def _coreIDtoreal(self, ID):
CCW = self._core_cell_width
real_ID = (ID // CCW + 2) * self._ncols + (ID % CCW) + 2
assert np.all(real_ID < self._nnodes)
return real_ID.astype(int)
def _interiorIDtocore(self, ID):
IGW = self._interior_grid_width
core_ID = (ID // IGW - 1) * (self._ncols - 4) + (ID % IGW) - 1
if np.any(core_ID < 0) or np.any(core_ID >= self._ncorenodes):
raise NameError(
"""One of the supplied nodes was outside the
core grid!"""
return core_ID.astype(int)
def _coreIDtointerior(self, ID):
CCW = self._core_cell_width
interior_ID = (ID // CCW + 1) * (self._ncols - 2) + (ID % CCW) + 1
assert np.all(interior_ID < self._ninteriornodes)
return interior_ID.astype(int)
def run_one_step(self, dt):
"""Run the diffuser for one timestep, dt.
This is the primary method of the class.
dt : float (time)
The imposed timestep.
if self._bc_set_code != self._grid.bc_set_code:
self._bc_set_code = self._grid.bc_set_code
self._gear_timestep(dt, self._grid)
for _ in range(self._internal_repeats):
# Initialize the variables for the step:
# Solve interior of grid:
_interior_elevs = linalg.spsolve(self._operating_matrix, self._mat_RHS)
# this fn solves Ax=B for x
# Handle the BC cells; test common cases first for speed
] = _interior_elevs
# if BC==1 or BC==4, don't need to take any action; in both
# cases the values are unchanged.
if self._fixed_grad_BCs_present:
] = (
+ self._grid.fixed_gradient_node_properties["values_to_add"]
if self._looped_BCs_present:
] = self._grid["node"][self._values_to_diffuse][