"""Simulate transport of bed material through a 1-D river network.
Landlab component that simulates the transport of bed material
sediment through a 1-D river network, while tracking the resulting changes
in bed material grain size and river bed elevation. Model framework
described in Czuba (2018). Additions include: particle abrasion, variable
active layer thickness (Wong et al., 2007).
.. codeauthor:: Allison Pfeiffer, Katy Barnhart, Jon Czuba, Eric Hutton
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from typing import Literal
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from landlab.components.flow_director.flow_director_steepest import FlowDirectorSteepest
from landlab.core.model_component import Component
from landlab.data_record.aggregators import aggregate_items_as_mean
from landlab.data_record.aggregators import aggregate_items_as_sum
from landlab.data_record.data_record import DataRecord
from landlab.grid.network import NetworkModelGrid
_SUPPORTED_TRANSPORT_METHODS = frozenset(("WilcockCrowe",))
("WongParker", "GrainSizeDependent", "Constant10cm")
_SAND_SIZE = 0.002
class NetworkSedimentTransporter(Component):
"""Move sediment parcels on a river network.
Landlab component that simulates the transport of bed material
sediment through a 1-D river network, while tracking the resulting changes
in bed material grain size and river bed elevation. Model framework
described in Czuba (2018). Additions include: particle abrasion, and variable
active layer thickness (Wong et al., 2007).
This component cares about units. Its time, length, and mass units are
seconds, meters, and kilograms, by default. The horizontal unit of the
grid, and the units of the parameters ``g`` and ``fluid_density`` are
what specify the component units. In addition, the expressions used
to calculate the transport have units (Wilcock and Crowe, 2003).
There is a function that assists in plotting the output of this component.
It is called :func:`~.plot.plot_network_and_parcels`. Examples of its usage
can be found in the `NetworkSedimentTransporter` notebooks (located in the
"notebooks" folder).
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from landlab.components import FlowDirectorSteepest, NetworkSedimentTransporter
>>> from landlab import NetworkModelGrid
>>> from landlab.data_record import DataRecord
The :class:`~.NetworkSedimentTransporter` moves "parcels" of sediment down a network
based on a given flow and a given sediment transport formulation. The river
network is represented by a landlab :class:`~.NetworkModelGrid`.
Flow direction in the network is determined using a landlab flow director.
Sediment parcels are represented as items within a landlab
:class:`~.DataRecord`. The landlab :class:`~.DataRecord` is used to track
the location, grain size, sediment density, and total volume of each parcel.
Create a :class:`~.NetworkModelGrid` to represent the river channel network.
In this case, the grid is a single line of 4 nodes connected by 3 links. Each
link represents a reach of river.
>>> y_of_node = (0, 0, 0, 0)
>>> x_of_node = (0, 100, 200, 300)
>>> nodes_at_link = ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3))
>>> nmg = NetworkModelGrid((y_of_node, x_of_node), nodes_at_link)
Add required channel and topographic variables to the
>>> _ = nmg.add_field("bedrock__elevation", [3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0], at="node") # m
>>> _ = nmg.add_field("reach_length", [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], at="link") # m
>>> _ = nmg.add_field("channel_width", (15 * np.ones(nmg.size("link"))), at="link")
>>> _ = nmg.add_field("flow_depth", (2 * np.ones(nmg.size("link"))), at="link") # m
Add ``"topographic__elevation"`` to the grid because the
:class:`~.FlowDirectorSteepest` will look to it to
determine the direction of sediment transport through the network. Each
time we run the `NetworkSedimentTransporter` the topography will be
updated based on the bedrock elevation and the distribution of alluvium.
>>> _ = nmg.add_field(
... "topographic__elevation",
... np.copy(nmg.at_node["bedrock__elevation"]),
... at="node",
... )
Run :class:`~.FlowDirectorSteepest` to determine the direction of sediment
transport through the network.
>>> flow_director = FlowDirectorSteepest(nmg)
>>> flow_director.run_one_step()
Define the starting time and the number of timesteps for this model run.
>>> timesteps = 10
>>> time = [0.0]
Define the sediment characteristics that will be used to create the parcels
>>> items = {"grid_element": "link", "element_id": np.array([[0]])}
>>> variables = {
... "starting_link": (["item_id"], np.array([0])),
... "abrasion_rate": (["item_id"], np.array([0])),
... "density": (["item_id"], np.array([2650])),
... "time_arrival_in_link": (["item_id", "time"], np.array([[0]])),
... "active_layer": (["item_id", "time"], np.array([[1]])),
... "location_in_link": (["item_id", "time"], np.array([[0]])),
... "D": (["item_id", "time"], np.array([[0.05]])),
... "volume": (["item_id", "time"], np.array([[1]])),
... }
Create the sediment parcel :class:`~.DataRecord`. In this case, we are creating
a single sediment parcel with all of the required attributes.
>>> one_parcel = DataRecord(
... nmg,
... items=items,
... time=time,
... data_vars=variables,
... dummy_elements={"link": [NetworkSedimentTransporter.OUT_OF_NETWORK]},
... )
Instantiate the model run
>>> nst = NetworkSedimentTransporter(
... nmg,
... one_parcel,
... flow_director,
... bed_porosity=0.03,
... g=9.81,
... fluid_density=1000,
... transport_method="WilcockCrowe",
... active_layer_method="WongParker",
... )
>>> dt = 60 # (seconds) 1 min timestep
Run the model
>>> for _ in range(timesteps):
... nst.run_one_step(dt)
We can the link location of the parcel at each timestep
>>> one_parcel.dataset.element_id.values
array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 2.]])
**Required Software Citation(s) Specific to this Component**
Pfeiffer, A., Barnhart, K., Czuba, J., & Hutton, E. (2020).
NetworkSedimentTransporter: A Landlab component for bed material transport
through river networks. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(53).
**Additional References**
Czuba, J. A. (2018). A Lagrangian framework for exploring complexities
of mixed-size sediment transport in gravel-bedded river networks.
Geomorphology, 321, 146-152.
Wilcock, P. R., & Crowe, J. C. (2003). Surface-based transport model
for mixed-size sediment. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 129(2), 120-128.
Wong, M., Parker, G., DeVries, P., Brown, T. M., & Burges, S. J. (2007).
Experiments on dispersion of tracer stones under lower‐regime plane‐bed
equilibrium bed load transport. Water Resources Research, 43(3).
_name = "NetworkSedimentTransporter"
_unit_agnostic = False
__version__ = "1.0"
_info = {
"bedrock__elevation": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "in",
"optional": False,
"units": "m",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "elevation of the bedrock surface",
"channel_slope": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "out",
"optional": False,
"units": "m/m",
"mapping": "link",
"doc": "Slope of the river channel through each reach",
"channel_width": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "in",
"optional": False,
"units": "m",
"mapping": "link",
"doc": "Flow width of the channel, assuming constant width",
"flow_depth": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "in",
"optional": False,
"units": "m",
"mapping": "link",
"doc": "Flow depth of the channel",
"reach_length": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "in",
"optional": False,
"units": "m",
"mapping": "link",
"doc": "Length of each reach",
"topographic__elevation": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "out",
"optional": False,
"units": "m",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "Land surface topographic elevation",
#: Indicates a parcel is out of network
OUT_OF_NETWORK = NetworkModelGrid.BAD_INDEX - 1
def __init__(
grid: NetworkModelGrid,
parcels: DataRecord,
flow_director: FlowDirectorSteepest,
bed_porosity: float = 0.3,
g: float = scipy.constants.g,
fluid_density: float = 1000.0,
transport_method: Literal["WilcockCrowe"] = "WilcockCrowe",
active_layer_method: Literal[
"WongParker", "GrainSizeDependent", "Constant10cm"
] = "WongParker",
active_layer_d_multiplier: int = 2,
slope_threshold: float = 1e-4,
k_transp_dep_abr: float | None = None,
) -> None:
grid: NetworkModelGrid
A :class:`~.NetworkModelGrid` in which links are stream channel segments.
parcels: DataRecord
A landlab :class:`~.DataRecord` describing the characteristics and
location of sediment "parcels". At any given timestep, each parcel is
located at a specified point along (location_in_link) a particular link
(element_id). Each parcel has a total sediment volume (volume), sediment
grain size (D), sediment density (density), and bed material abrasion rate
(abrasion_rate). During a given timestep, parcels may be in the
"active layer" of most recently deposited sediment
(active_layer = 1), or they may be buried and not subject to
transport (active_layer = 0). Whether a sediment parcel is active
or not is determined based on flow conditions and parcel attributes
in :meth:`~.NetworkSedimentTransporter.run_one_step`.
flow_director: :class:`~.FlowDirectorSteepest`
A landlab flow director. Currently, must be :class:`~.FlowDirectorSteepest`.
bed_porosity: float, optional
Proportion of void space between grains in the river channel bed.
g: float, optional
Acceleration due to gravity [m / s^2].
fluid_density: float, optional
Density of the fluid (generally, water) in which sediment is
moving [kg / m^3].
transport_method: {"WilcockCrowe"}, optional
Sediment transport equation option.
active_layer_method: {"WongParker", "GrainSizeDependent", "Constant10cm"}, optional
Option for treating sediment active layer as a constant or variable.
slope_threshold: float, optional
Minimum channel slope at any given link. Slopes lower than this
value will default to the threshold.
k_transp_dep_abr: float, optional
Coefficient of enhanced abrasion at high bedload transport stage, as in
Pfeiffer et al. (2022)
if not isinstance(grid, NetworkModelGrid):
raise ValueError("grid must be NetworkModelGrid")
# run super. this will check for required inputs specified by _info
# check key information about the parcels, including that all required
# attributes are present.
if not isinstance(parcels, DataRecord):
raise ValueError("parcels must be an instance of DataRecord")
if rpa not in parcels.dataset:
raise ValueError(f"{rpa} must be assigned to the parcels")
# save key information about the parcels.
self._parcels = parcels
self._num_parcels = self._parcels.number_of_items
self._time_variable_parcel_attributes = frozenset(
("time_arrival_in_link", "active_layer", "location_in_link", "D", "volume")
# assert that the flow director is a component and is of type
# FlowDirectorSteepest
if not isinstance(flow_director, FlowDirectorSteepest):
raise ValueError("flow_director must be FlowDirectorSteepest.")
# save reference to flow director
self._fd = flow_director
# verify and save the bed porosity.
if bed_porosity < 0.0 or bed_porosity > 1:
raise ValueError(f"bed_porosity must be between 0 and 1 ({bed_porosity})")
self._bed_porosity = bed_porosity
# save or create other key properties.
self._g = g
self._fluid_density = fluid_density
self._time_idx = 0
self._time = 0.0
self._distance_traveled_cumulative = np.zeros(self._num_parcels)
self._slope_threshold = slope_threshold
self._k_transp_dep_abr = k_transp_dep_abr
# check the transport method is valid.
if transport_method in _SUPPORTED_TRANSPORT_METHODS:
self._transport_method = transport_method
raise ValueError(
f"{transport_method}: Valid transport method not supported."
# update the update_transport_time function to be the correct function
# for the transport method.
if self._transport_method == "WilcockCrowe":
self._update_transport_time = self._calc_transport_wilcock_crowe
if active_layer_method in _SUPPORTED_ACTIVE_LAYER_METHODS:
self._active_layer_method = active_layer_method
raise ValueError(
f"{active_layer_method}: Active layer method not supported."
if self._active_layer_method == "GrainSizeDependent":
self._active_layer_d_multiplier = active_layer_d_multiplier
# save reference to key fields
self._width = self._grid.at_link["channel_width"]
self._topographic__elevation = self._grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"]
# create field for channel_slope and topographic__elevation if they
# don't yet exist.
self._channel_slope = self._grid.at_link["channel_slope"]
# Adjust topographic elevation based on the parcels present.
# Note that at present FlowDirector is just used for network connectivity.
# get alluvium depth and calculate topography from br+alluvium, then update slopes.
def time(self) -> float:
"""Return current time."""
return self._time
def d_mean_active(self) -> float:
"""Mean parcel grain size of active parcels aggregated at link."""
return self._d_mean_active
def rhos_mean_active(self) -> float:
"""Mean parcel density of active parcels aggregated at link."""
return self._rhos_mean_active
def _create_new_parcel_time(self) -> None:
"""If we are going to track parcels through time in
:class:`~.DataRecord`, we need to add a new time column to the parcels
dataframe. This method simply copies over the attributes of the parcels
from the former timestep. Attributes will be updated over the course of
this step.
if self._time_idx != 0:
# copy parcel attributes forward in time.
for at in self._time_variable_parcel_attributes:
self._parcels.dataset[at].values[:, self._time_idx] = (
self._parcels.dataset[at].values[:, self._time_idx - 1]
self._this_timesteps_parcels = np.zeros_like(
self._parcels.dataset.element_id, dtype=bool
self._this_timesteps_parcels[:, -1] = True
parcels_off_grid = (
self._parcels.dataset.element_id[:, -1] == self.OUT_OF_NETWORK
self._this_timesteps_parcels[parcels_off_grid, -1] = False
self._num_parcels = self._parcels.number_of_items
# ^ needs to run just in case we've added more parcels
def _update_channel_slopes(self) -> None:
"""Re-calculate channel slopes during each timestep."""
for i in range(self._grid.number_of_links):
upstream_node_id = self._fd.upstream_node_at_link()[i]
downstream_node_id = self._fd.downstream_node_at_link()[i]
self._channel_slope[i] = _recalculate_channel_slope(
def _calculate_mean_D_and_rho(self) -> None:
"""Calculate mean grain size and density on each link"""
self._rhos_mean_active = aggregate_items_as_mean(
self._parcels.dataset["element_id"].values[:, -1].astype(int),
weights=self._parcels.dataset["volume"].values[:, -1],
self._d_mean_active = aggregate_items_as_mean(
self._parcels.dataset["element_id"].values[:, -1].astype(int),
weights=self._parcels.dataset["volume"].values[:, -1],
def _partition_active_and_storage_layers(self) -> None:
"""For each parcel in the network, determines whether it is in the
active or storage layer during this timestep, then updates node
self._vol_tot = aggregate_items_as_sum(
self._parcels.dataset["element_id"].values[:, -1].astype(int),
self._parcels.dataset["volume"].values[:, -1],
if self._active_layer_method == "WongParker":
# Wong et al. (2007) approximation for active layer thickness.
# NOTE: calculated using grain size and grain density calculated for
# the active layer grains in each link at the **previous** timestep.
# This circumvents the need for an iterative scheme to determine grain
# size of the active layer before determining which grains are in the
# active layer.
# calculate tau
tau = (
* self._g
* self._grid.at_link["channel_slope"]
* self._grid.at_link["flow_depth"]
# calcuate taustar
taustar = np.zeros_like(tau)
(self._rhos_mean_active - self._fluid_density)
* self._g
* self._d_mean_active,
where=self._rhos_mean_active > self._fluid_density,
# calculate active layer thickness (in units of m)
self._active_layer_thickness = (
* self._d_mean_active
* (3.09 * (taustar - 0.0549).clip(0.0, None) ** 0.56)
elif self._active_layer_method == "GrainSizeDependent":
# Set all active layers to a multiple of the lnk mean grain size
self._active_layer_thickness = (
self._d_mean_active * self._active_layer_d_multiplier
elif self._active_layer_method == "Constant10cm":
# Set all active layers to 10 cm thickness.
self._active_layer_thickness = 0.1 * np.ones_like(self._d_mean_active)
# If links have no parcels, we still need to assign them an active layer
# thickness..
links_with_no_active_layer = np.isnan(self._active_layer_thickness)
self._active_layer_thickness[links_with_no_active_layer] = np.mean(
self._active_layer_thickness[links_with_no_active_layer == 0]
) # assign links with no parcels an average value
if np.sum(np.isfinite(self._active_layer_thickness)) == 0:
# handles the case of the first timestep -- assigns a modest value
capacity = (
* self._grid.at_link["reach_length"]
* self._active_layer_thickness
) # in units of m^3
active_inactive = _INACTIVE * np.ones(self._num_parcels)
current_link = self._parcels.dataset.element_id.values[:, -1].astype(int)
time_arrival = self._parcels.dataset.time_arrival_in_link.values[:, -1]
volumes = self._parcels.dataset.volume.values[:, -1]
for i in range(self._grid.number_of_links):
if self._vol_tot[i] > 0:
# only do this check capacity if parcels are in link
# First In Last Out.
# Find parcels on this link.
this_links_parcels = np.where(current_link == i)[0]
# sort them by arrival time.
time_arrival_sort = np.flip(
parcel_id_time_sorted = this_links_parcels[time_arrival_sort]
# calculate the cumulative volume (in sorted order).
cumvol = np.cumsum(volumes[parcel_id_time_sorted])
# determine which parcels are within capacity and set those to
# active.
make_active = parcel_id_time_sorted[cumvol <= capacity[i]]
active_inactive[make_active] = _ACTIVE
self._parcels.dataset.active_layer[:, -1] = active_inactive
# set active here. reference it below in wilcock crowe
self._active_parcel_records = (
self._parcels.dataset.active_layer == _ACTIVE
) * (self._this_timesteps_parcels)
parcel_volumes = self._parcels.dataset.volume.values[:, -1].copy()
parcel_volumes[~self._active_parcel_records.values[:, -1].astype(bool)] = 0.0
self._vol_act = aggregate_items_as_sum(
self._parcels.dataset["element_id"].values[:, -1].astype(int),
self._vol_stor = (
self._vol_tot - self._vol_act
) # stored parcel rock volume (bug fix AP 4/25/24)
def _adjust_node_elevation(self) -> None:
"""Adjusts slope for each link based on parcel motions from last
timestep and additions from this timestep.
number_of_contributors = np.sum(
self._fd.flow_link_incoming_at_node() == 1, axis=1
downstream_link_id = self._fd.link_to_flow_receiving_node
upstream_contributing_links_at_node = np.where(
self._fd.flow_link_incoming_at_node() == 1, self._grid.links_at_node, -1
# Update the node topographic elevations depending on the quantity of stored sediment
for n in range(self._grid.number_of_nodes):
if number_of_contributors[n] > 0: # we don't update head node elevations
upstream_links = upstream_contributing_links_at_node[n]
real_upstream_links = upstream_links[
upstream_links != self._grid.BAD_INDEX
width_of_upstream_links = self._grid.at_link["channel_width"][
length_of_upstream_links = self._grid.at_link["reach_length"][
if downstream_link_id[n] == self._grid.BAD_INDEX:
# I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but...
length_of_downstream_link = 0
width_of_downstream_link = 0
length_of_downstream_link = self._grid.at_link["reach_length"][
width_of_downstream_link = self._grid.at_link["channel_width"][
alluvium__depth = _calculate_alluvium_depth(
self._grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"][n] = (
self._grid.at_node["bedrock__elevation"][n] + alluvium__depth
def _calc_transport_wilcock_crowe(self) -> None:
"""Method to determine the transport time for each parcel in the active
layer using a sediment transport equation.
Note: could have options here (e.g. Wilcock and Crowe, FLVB, MPM, etc)
# Initialize _pvelocity, the virtual velocity of each parcel
# (link length / link travel time)
self._pvelocity = np.zeros(self._num_parcels)
# parcel attribute arrays from DataRecord
Darray = self._parcels.dataset.D[:, self._time_idx]
Activearray = self._parcels.dataset.active_layer[:, self._time_idx].values
Rhoarray = self._parcels.dataset.density.values
Volarray = self._parcels.dataset.volume[:, self._time_idx].values
# link that the parcel is currently in
Linkarray = self._parcels.dataset.element_id[:, self._time_idx].values
R = (Rhoarray - self._fluid_density) / self._fluid_density
# parcel attribute arrays to populate below
frac_sand_array = np.zeros(self._num_parcels)
vol_act_array = np.zeros(self._num_parcels)
Sarray = np.zeros(self._num_parcels)
Harray = np.zeros(self._num_parcels)
Larray = np.zeros(self._num_parcels)
D_mean_activearray = np.full(self._num_parcels, np.nan)
active_layer_thickness_array = np.full(self._num_parcels, np.nan)
# find active sand
# since find active already sets all prior timesteps to False, we
# can use D for all timesteps here.
findactivesand = (
self._parcels.dataset.D < _SAND_SIZE
) * self._active_parcel_records
parcel_volumes = self._parcels.dataset.volume.values[:, -1].copy()
parcel_volumes[~findactivesand[:, -1].astype(bool)] = 0.0
vol_act_sand = aggregate_items_as_sum(
self._parcels.dataset["element_id"].values[:, -1].astype(int),
frac_sand = np.zeros_like(self._vol_act)
frac_sand[self._vol_act != 0.0] = (
vol_act_sand[self._vol_act != 0.0] / self._vol_act[self._vol_act != 0.0]
frac_sand[np.isnan(frac_sand)] = 0.0
# Calc attributes for each link, map to parcel arrays
for i in range(self._grid.number_of_links):
active_here = np.nonzero(
np.logical_and(Linkarray == i, Activearray == _ACTIVE)
d_act_i = Darray[active_here]
vol_act_i = Volarray[active_here]
rhos_act_i = Rhoarray[active_here]
vol_act_tot_i: float = np.sum(vol_act_i)
self._d_mean_active[i] = np.sum(d_act_i * vol_act_i) / (vol_act_tot_i)
if vol_act_tot_i > 0:
self._rhos_mean_active[i] = np.sum(rhos_act_i * vol_act_i) / (
self._rhos_mean_active[i] = np.nan
D_mean_activearray[Linkarray == i] = self._d_mean_active[i]
frac_sand_array[Linkarray == i] = frac_sand[i]
vol_act_array[Linkarray == i] = self._vol_act[i]
Sarray[Linkarray == i] = self._grid.at_link["channel_slope"][i]
Harray[Linkarray == i] = self._grid.at_link["flow_depth"][i]
Larray[Linkarray == i] = self._grid.at_link["reach_length"][i]
active_layer_thickness_array[Linkarray == i] = self._active_layer_thickness[
# Wilcock and Crowe calculate transport for all parcels (active and inactive)
taursg = _calculate_reference_shear_stress(
self._fluid_density, R, self._g, D_mean_activearray, frac_sand_array
frac_parcel = np.nan * np.zeros_like(Volarray)
frac_parcel[vol_act_array != 0.0] = (
Volarray[vol_act_array != 0.0] / vol_act_array[vol_act_array != 0.0]
b = 0.67 / (1.0 + np.exp(1.5 - Darray / D_mean_activearray))
tau = np.atleast_1d(self._fluid_density * self._g * Harray * Sarray)
taur = taursg * (Darray / D_mean_activearray) ** b
tautaur = tau / taur
self._tautaur = tautaur.copy() # use below for xport dependent abrasion
tautaur_cplx = tautaur.astype(np.complex128)
# ^ work around needed b/c np fails with non-integer powers of negative numbers
W = 0.002 * np.power(tautaur_cplx.real, 7.5)
W[tautaur >= 1.35] = 14 * np.power(
(1 - (0.894 / np.sqrt(tautaur_cplx.real[tautaur >= 1.35]))), 4.5
active_parcel_idx = Activearray == _ACTIVE
# compute parcel virtual velocity, m/s
self._pvelocity[active_parcel_idx] = (
* (tau[active_parcel_idx] ** (3.0 / 2.0))
* frac_parcel[active_parcel_idx]
/ (self._fluid_density ** (3.0 / 2.0))
/ self._g
/ R[active_parcel_idx]
/ active_layer_thickness_array[active_parcel_idx]
self._pvelocity[np.isnan(self._pvelocity)] = 0.0
if np.max(self._pvelocity) > 1:
"NetworkSedimentTransporter: Maximum parcel virtual velocity"
f" exceeds 1 m/s ({np.max(self._pvelocity)})",
# Assign those things to the grid -- might be useful for plotting
self._grid.at_link["sediment_total_volume"] = self._vol_tot
self._grid.at_link["sediment__active__volume"] = self._vol_act
self._grid.at_link["sediment__active__sand_fraction"] = frac_sand
def _move_parcel_downstream(self, dt: float) -> None:
"""Update parcel location for each parcel in the active layer."""
# determine where parcels are starting
current_link = self._parcels.dataset.element_id.values[:, -1].astype(int)
self.current_link = current_link
# determine location within link where parcels are starting.
location_in_link = self._parcels.dataset.location_in_link.values[:, -1]
# determine how far each parcel needs to travel this timestep.
distance_to_travel_this_timestep = self._pvelocity * dt
# total distance traveled in dt at parcel virtual velocity
# Note: movement in current and any DS links at this dt is at the same
# velocity as in the current link perhaps modify in the future
# Accumulate the total distance traveled by a parcel for abrasion rate
# calculations.
if np.size(self._distance_traveled_cumulative) != np.size(
dist_array = distance_to_travel_this_timestep
dist_array[: self._num_parcels] += distance_to_travel_this_timestep
self._distance_traveled_cumulative = dist_array
self._distance_traveled_cumulative += distance_to_travel_this_timestep
# ^ accumulates total distanced traveled for testing abrasion
# active parcels on the network:
in_network = (
self._parcels.dataset.element_id.values[:, self._time_idx]
active = distance_to_travel_this_timestep > 0.0
active_parcel_ids = np.nonzero(in_network * active)[0]
distance_left_to_travel = distance_to_travel_this_timestep.copy()
while np.any(distance_left_to_travel > 0.0):
# Step 1: Move parcels downstream.
on_network = current_link != self.OUT_OF_NETWORK
# Get current link lengths:
current_link_lengths = self._grid.at_link["reach_length"][current_link]
# Determine where they are in the current link.
distance_to_exit_current_link = current_link_lengths * (
1.0 - location_in_link
# Identify which ones will come to rest in the current link.
rest_this_link = (
(distance_left_to_travel < distance_to_exit_current_link)
* on_network
* (distance_left_to_travel > 0.0)
# Deal with those staying in the current link.
if np.any(rest_this_link):
# print(' {x} coming to rest'.format(x=np.sum(rest_this_link)))
# for those staying in this link, calculate the location in link
# (note that this is a proportional distance). AND change
# distance_left_to_travel to 0.0
location_in_link[rest_this_link] = 1.0 - (
- distance_left_to_travel[rest_this_link]
/ current_link_lengths[rest_this_link]
distance_left_to_travel[rest_this_link] = 0.0
# Deal with those moving to a downstream link.
moving_downstream = (
(distance_left_to_travel >= distance_to_exit_current_link)
* on_network
* (distance_left_to_travel > 0.0)
if np.any(moving_downstream):
# print(' {x} next link'.format(x=np.sum(moving_downstream)))
# change location in link to 0
location_in_link[moving_downstream] = 0.0
# decrease distance to travel.
] -= distance_to_exit_current_link[moving_downstream]
# change current link to the downstream link.
# get the downstream link at link:
downstream_node = self._fd.downstream_node_at_link()[current_link]
downstream_link = self._fd.link_to_flow_receiving_node[downstream_node]
# assign new values to current link.
current_link[moving_downstream] = downstream_link[moving_downstream]
# find and address those links who have moved out of network.
moved_oon = downstream_link == self._grid.BAD_INDEX
if np.any(moved_oon):
# print(' {x} exiting network'.format(x=np.sum(moved_oon)))
current_link[moved_oon] = self.OUT_OF_NETWORK
# assign location in link of np.nan to those which moved oon
location_in_link[moved_oon] = np.nan
distance_left_to_travel[moved_oon] = 0.0
# Step 2: Parcel is at rest... Now update its information.
# transport dependent abrasion - update alphas for xport dependence
if self._k_transp_dep_abr is not None:
self._abrasion_rate_xport_dep = _calculate_transport_dep_abrasion_rate(
self._parcels.dataset.D.values[:, self._time_idx],
abrasion_now = self._abrasion_rate_xport_dep.copy()
abrasion_now = self._parcels.dataset.abrasion_rate.copy()
# reduce D and volume due to abrasion
vol = _calculate_parcel_volume_post_abrasion(
self._parcels.dataset.volume[active_parcel_ids, self._time_idx],
D = _calculate_parcel_grain_diameter_post_abrasion(
self._parcels.dataset.D[active_parcel_ids, self._time_idx],
self._parcels.dataset.volume[active_parcel_ids, self._time_idx],
# update parcel attributes
# arrival time in link
active_parcel_ids, self._time_idx
] = self._time_idx
# location in link
self._parcels.dataset.location_in_link[active_parcel_ids, self._time_idx] = (
self._parcels.dataset.element_id[active_parcel_ids, self._time_idx] = (
# self._parcels.dataset.active_layer[p, self._time_idx] = 1
# ^ reset to 1 (active) to be recomputed/determined at next timestep
self._parcels.dataset.D[active_parcel_ids, self._time_idx] = D
self._parcels.dataset.volume[active_parcel_ids, self._time_idx] = vol
def run_one_step(self, dt: float) -> None:
"""Run :class:`~.NetworkSedimentTransporter` forward in time.
When the :class:`~.NetworkSedimentTransporter` runs forward in time
the following steps occur:
1. A new set of records is created in the Parcels that corresponds to
the new time
2. If parcels are on the network then:
a. Active parcels are identified based on entrainment critera.
b. Effective bed slope is calculated based on inactive parcel volumes.
c. Transport rate is calculated.
d. Active parcels are moved based on the tranport rate.
dt : float
Duration of time to run the :class:`~.NetworkSedimentTransporter` forward.
If no parcels remain on the grid.
self._time += dt
self._time_idx += 1
if self._this_timesteps_parcels.any():
raise RuntimeError("No more parcels on grid")
# %% Methods referenced above, separated for purposes of testing
def _recalculate_channel_slope(
z_up: float, z_down: float, dx: float, threshold: float
) -> float:
"""Recalculate channel slope based on elevation.
z_up : float
Upstream elevation.
z_down : float
Downstream elevation.
dz : float
threshold : float
Minimum channel slope threshold.
>>> _recalculate_channel_slope(10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0001)
>>> _recalculate_channel_slope(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0001)
>>> _recalculate_channel_slope(0.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0001)
chan_slope = (z_up - z_down) / dx
if chan_slope < 0.0:
chan_slope = 0.0
"NetworkSedimentTransporter: Negative channel slope"
f" encountered ({chan_slope})",
elif chan_slope < threshold:
chan_slope = threshold
return chan_slope
def _calculate_alluvium_depth(
stored_volume: float,
width_of_upstream_links: ArrayLike,
length_of_upstream_links: ArrayLike,
width_of_downstream_link: float,
length_of_downstream_link: float,
porosity: float,
) -> float:
"""Calculate alluvium depth based on adjacent link inactive parcel volumes.
stored_volume : float
Total volume of inactive parcels in this link.
width_of_upstream_links : float
Channel widths of upstream links.
length_of_upstream_link : float
Channel lengths of upstream links.
width_of_downstream_link : float
Channel widths of downstream links.
length_of_downstream_link : float
Channel lengths of downstream links.
porosity: float
Channel bed sediment porosity.
>>> _calculate_alluvium_depth(100, [0.5, 1], [10, 10], 1, 10, 0.2)
>>> _calculate_alluvium_depth(24, np.array([0.1, 3]), np.array([10, 10]), 1, 1, 0.5)
>>> _calculate_alluvium_depth(24, np.array([0.1, 3]), np.array([10, 10]), 1, 1, 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: negative alluvium depth (-1.5)
width_of_upstream_links = np.asarray(width_of_upstream_links)
length_of_upstream_links = np.asarray(length_of_upstream_links)
alluvium_depth = (
* stored_volume
/ (
np.sum(width_of_upstream_links * length_of_upstream_links)
+ width_of_downstream_link * length_of_downstream_link
/ (1 - porosity)
if alluvium_depth < 0.0:
raise ValueError(f"negative alluvium depth ({alluvium_depth})")
return alluvium_depth
def _calculate_reference_shear_stress(
fluid_density: float,
R: ArrayLike,
g: float,
mean_active_grain_size: ArrayLike,
frac_sand: ArrayLike,
) -> float:
"""Calculate reference Shields stress (taursg) using the sand content of
the bed surface, as per Wilcock and Crowe (2003).
fluid_density : float
Density of fluid (generally, water).
R: float
Excess density ratio ``(sediment_density - fluid_density) / fluid_density``
g: float
Gravitational acceleration.
mean_active_grain_size: float
Mean grain size of the 'active' sediment parcels.
frac_sand: float
Fraction of the bed surface grain size composed of sand sized parcels.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.isclose(_calculate_reference_shear_stress(1, 1, 1, 1, 0), 0.036)
>>> np.isclose(_calculate_reference_shear_stress(1000, 1.65, 9.8, 0.1, 0.9), 33.957)
taursg = (
* np.asarray(R)
* g
* np.asarray(mean_active_grain_size)
* (0.021 + 0.015 * np.exp(-20.0 * np.asarray(frac_sand)))
if np.any(np.asarray(taursg < 0)):
raise ValueError(
"NetworkSedimentTransporter: Reference Shields stress is negative"
return taursg
def _calculate_transport_dep_abrasion_rate(
alpha: ArrayLike,
k: ArrayLike,
rhos: ArrayLike,
rhow: ArrayLike,
D: ArrayLike,
tautaur: ArrayLike,
) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Calculate abrasion rate for each parcel in the network, accounting for
increases in abrasion due to high bedload transport rates.
alpha : array
Baseline abrasion rate for each parcel.
k : float
Transport-dependent coefficient. 0 = no transport-dependence. Standard
values ~15-45.
rhos : array
Sediment density for each parcel
rhow : float
density of fluid
D : array
Grain diameter for each parcel
tautaur : array
Ratio of the Shields stress to reference (critical) Shields stress for
each pacel.
ndarray of float
Abrasion rate of parcels.
>>> _calculate_transport_dep_abrasion_rate(
... [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
... 55,
... [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
... 1000.0,
... [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
... [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
... )
array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])
>>> _calculate_transport_dep_abrasion_rate(0, 55, 1, 1000.0, 1, 1)
>>> _calculate_transport_dep_abrasion_rate(1, 8, [2.0], 1, 1, [4.3])
>>> _calculate_transport_dep_abrasion_rate(1, -8, [2.0], 1, 1, 4.3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: transport dependent abrasion decreased abrasion rate (should increase)
alpha = np.atleast_1d(alpha)
rhos = np.atleast_1d(rhos)
D = np.atleast_1d(D)
tautaur = np.atleast_1d(tautaur)
abrasion_rate_xport_dep = np.asarray(alpha, dtype=float).copy()
abrasion_rate_xport_dep[tautaur > 3.3] = alpha[tautaur > 3.3] * (
+ k
* ((rhos[tautaur > 3.3] - rhow) / rhow)
* D[tautaur > 3.3]
* (tautaur[tautaur > 3.3] - 3.3)
if np.any(alpha > abrasion_rate_xport_dep):
raise ValueError(
"transport dependent abrasion decreased abrasion rate (should increase)"
return abrasion_rate_xport_dep
def _calculate_parcel_volume_post_abrasion(
starting_volume: ArrayLike, travel_distance: ArrayLike, abrasion_rate: ArrayLike
) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Calculate parcel volumes after abrasion, according to Sternberg
exponential abrasion.
starting_volume : float or array
Starting volume of each parcel.
travel_distance: float or array
Travel distance for each parcel during this timestep, in ___.
abrasion_rate: float or array
Volumetric abrasion exponent (1/m).
>>> _calculate_parcel_volume_post_abrasion(10, 100, 0.003)
>>> _calculate_parcel_volume_post_abrasion(10, 300, 0.1)
>>> _calculate_parcel_volume_post_abrasion(10, 300, -3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: parcel volume has increased due to abrasion
starting_volume = np.asarray(starting_volume)
travel_distance = np.asarray(travel_distance)
abrasion_rate = np.asarray(abrasion_rate)
volume = starting_volume * np.exp(travel_distance * (-abrasion_rate))
if np.any(volume > starting_volume):
raise ValueError("parcel volume has increased due to abrasion")
return volume
def _calculate_parcel_grain_diameter_post_abrasion(
starting_diameter: ArrayLike,
pre_abrasion_volume: ArrayLike,
post_abrasion_volume: ArrayLike,
) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Calculate parcel grain diameters after abrasion, according to Sternberg
exponential abrasion.
starting_diameter : float or array
Starting volume of each parcel.
pre_abrasion_volume: float or array
Parcel volume before abrasion.
post_abrasion_volume: float or array
Parcel volume after abrasion.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
If no abrasion happens, we should get the same value.
>>> _calculate_parcel_grain_diameter_post_abrasion(10, 1, 1)
If some abrasion happens, test the value.
>>> starting_diameter = 10
>>> pre_abrasion_volume = 2
>>> post_abrasion_volume = 1
>>> expected_value = starting_diameter * (
... post_abrasion_volume / pre_abrasion_volume
... ) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
>>> print(np.round(expected_value, decimals=3))
>>> assert_almost_equal(
... _calculate_parcel_grain_diameter_post_abrasion(10, 2, 1), expected_value
... )
starting_diameter = np.asarray(starting_diameter)
post_abrasion_volume = np.asarray(post_abrasion_volume)
pre_abrasion_volume = np.asarray(pre_abrasion_volume)
abraded_grain_diameter = starting_diameter * (
post_abrasion_volume / pre_abrasion_volume
) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
return abraded_grain_diameter