Source code for landlab.components.flexure.flexure

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Deform the lithosphere with 1D or 2D flexure.

Landlab component that implements a 1 and 2D lithospheric flexure


Create a grid on which we will run the flexure calculations.

>>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
>>> from landlab.components.flexure import Flexure
>>> grid = RasterModelGrid((5, 4), xy_spacing=(1.0e4, 1.0e4))
>>> lith_press = grid.add_zeros("lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment", at="node")

Check the fields that are used as input to the flexure component.

>>> Flexure.input_var_names

Check the units for the fields.

>>> Flexure.var_units("lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment")

If you are not sure about one of the input or output variables, you can
get help for specific variables.

>>> Flexure.var_help("lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment")
name: lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment
  Applied pressure to the lithosphere over a time step
units: Pa
unit agnostic: True
at: node
intent: in

>>> flex = Flexure(grid)

In creating the component, a field (initialized with zeros) was added to the
grid. Reset the interior nodes for the loading.

>>> dh = grid.at_node["lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment"]
>>> dh = dh.reshape(grid.shape)
>>> dh[1:-1, 1:-1] = flex.gamma_mantle

>>> flex.update()

>>> flex.output_var_names
>>> flex.grid.at_node["lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment"].reshape(grid.shape)
array([[0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 1., 0.],
       [0., 1., 1., 0.],
       [0., 1., 1., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0.]])

import numpy as np

from landlab import Component
from landlab.components.flexure._ext.flexure2d import subside_loads as _subside_loads
from landlab.components.flexure._ext.flexure2d_slow import subside_grid_in_parallel
from landlab.components.flexure.funcs import get_flexure_parameter

[docs] class Flexure(Component): """Deform the lithosphere with 1D or 2D flexure. Landlab component that implements a 1 and 2D lithospheric flexure model. Examples -------- >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> from landlab.components.flexure import Flexure >>> grid = RasterModelGrid((5, 4), xy_spacing=(1.0e4, 1.0e4)) >>> lith_press = grid.add_zeros( ... "lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment", at="node" ... ) >>> flex = Flexure(grid) >>> 'Flexure' >>> flex.input_var_names ('lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment',) >>> flex.output_var_names ('lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment',) >>> sorted(flex.units) [('lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment', 'Pa'), ('lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment', 'm')] >>> flex.grid.number_of_node_rows 5 >>> flex.grid.number_of_node_columns 4 >>> flex.grid is grid True >>> np.all(grid.at_node["lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment"] == 0.0) True >>> np.all(grid.at_node["lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment"] == 0.0) True >>> flex.update() >>> np.all(grid.at_node["lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment"] == 0.0) True >>> load = grid.at_node["lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment"] >>> load[4] = 1e9 >>> dz = grid.at_node["lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment"] >>> np.all(dz == 0.0) True >>> flex.update() >>> np.all(grid.at_node["lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment"] == 0.0) False References ---------- **Required Software Citation(s) Specific to this Component** Hutton, E., Syvitski, J. (2008). Sedflux 2.0: An advanced process-response model that generates three-dimensional stratigraphy. Computers & Geosciences. 34(10), 1319-1337. **Additional References** Lambeck, K.: Geophysical Geodesy, The Slow Deformations of the Earth, Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, 718 pp., 1988. """ _name = "Flexure" _unit_agnostic = True _cite_as = r""" @article{hutton2008sedflux, title={Sedflux 2.0: An advanced process-response model that generates three-dimensional stratigraphy}, author={Hutton, Eric WH and Syvitski, James PM}, journal={Computers \& Geosciences}, volume={34}, number={10}, pages={1319--1337}, year={2008}, publisher={Pergamon} }""" _info = { "lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment": { "dtype": float, "intent": "in", "optional": False, "units": "Pa", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Applied pressure to the lithosphere over a time step", }, "lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment": { "dtype": float, "intent": "out", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": ( "The change in elevation of the top of the lithosphere (the " "land surface) in one timestep" ), }, }
[docs] def __init__( self, grid, eet=65e3, youngs=7e10, method="airy", rho_mantle=3300.0, gravity=9.80665, n_procs=1, ): """Initialize the flexure component. Parameters ---------- grid : RasterModelGrid A grid. eet : float, optional Effective elastic thickness (m). youngs : float, optional Young's modulus. method : {'airy', 'flexure'}, optional Method to use to calculate deflections. rho_mantle : float, optional Density of the mantle (kg / m^3). gravity : float, optional Acceleration due to gravity (m / s^2). n_procs : int, optional Number of processors to use for calculations. """ if method not in ("airy", "flexure"): raise ValueError(f"{method}: method not understood") super().__init__(grid) self._youngs = youngs self._method = method self._rho_mantle = rho_mantle self._gravity = gravity self.eet = eet self._n_procs = n_procs self.initialize_output_fields() self._r = self._create_kei_func_grid( self._grid.shape, (self._grid.dy, self._grid.dx), self.alpha )
@property def eet(self): """Effective elastic thickness (m).""" return self._eet @eet.setter def eet(self, new_val): if new_val <= 0: raise ValueError("Effective elastic thickness must be positive.") self._eet = new_val self._r = self._create_kei_func_grid( self._grid.shape, (self._grid.dy, self._grid.dx), self.alpha ) @property def youngs(self): """Young's modulus of lithosphere (Pa).""" return self._youngs @property def rho_mantle(self): """Density of mantle (kg/m^3).""" return self._rho_mantle @property def gamma_mantle(self): """Specific density of mantle (N/m^3).""" return self._rho_mantle * self._gravity @property def gravity(self): """Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2).""" return self._gravity @property def method(self): """Name of method used to calculate deflections.""" return self._method @property def alpha(self): """Flexure parameter (m).""" return get_flexure_parameter( self._eet, self._youngs, 2, gamma_mantle=self.gamma_mantle ) @staticmethod def _create_kei_func_grid(shape, xy_spacing, alpha): from scipy.special import kei dx, dy = np.meshgrid( np.arange(shape[1]) * xy_spacing[1], np.arange(shape[0]) * xy_spacing[0] ) return kei(np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) / alpha)
[docs] def update(self): """Update fields with current loading conditions.""" load = self._grid.at_node["lithosphere__overlying_pressure_increment"] deflection = self._grid.at_node["lithosphere_surface__elevation_increment"] new_load = load.copy() deflection.fill(0.0) if self.method == "airy": deflection[:] = new_load / self.gamma_mantle else: self.subside_loads(new_load, out=deflection)
[docs] def subside_loads_slow(self, loads, out=None): """Subside surface due to multiple loads. Parameters ---------- loads : ndarray of float Loads applied to each grid node. out : ndarray of float, optional Buffer to place resulting deflection values. Returns ------- ndarray of float Deflections caused by the loading. """ if out is None: out = np.zeros(self._grid.shape, dtype=float) dz = out.reshape(self._grid.shape) load = loads.reshape(self._grid.shape) subside_grid_in_parallel( dz, load * self._grid.dx * self._grid.dy, self._r, self.alpha, self.gamma_mantle, self._n_procs, ) return out
[docs] def subside_loads(self, loads, row_col_of_load=None, out=None): """Subside surface due to multiple loads. Parameters ---------- loads : ndarray of float Loads applied to grid node. ``loads`` can be either an array of size ``n_nodes``, in which case the load values are applied at their corresponding nodes, or an array of arbitray length, in which case loads are applied at locations supplied through the ``row_col_of_load`` keyword. row_col_of_load: tuple of ndarray of int, optional If provided, the row and column indices where loads are applied. The first element of the tuple is an array of rows while the seconds element is an array of columns. out : ndarray of float, optional Buffer to place resulting deflection values. If not provided, deflections will be placed into a newly-allocated array. Returns ------- ndarray of float Deflections caused by the loading. """ loads = np.asarray(loads) if out is None: out = self.grid.zeros(at="node") dz = out.reshape(self.grid.shape) if row_col_of_load is None: loads, row_col_of_load = self._handle_no_row_col(loads) row_of_load, col_of_load = row_col_of_load _subside_loads( dz, self._r.reshape(self.grid.shape), loads * self.grid.dx * self.grid.dy, np.asarray(row_of_load), np.asarray(col_of_load), self.alpha, self.gamma_mantle, ) return out
def _handle_no_row_col(self, loads, tol=1e-6): """Handle the case where the row_col_of_load keyword is not provided.""" loads = loads.reshape(self.grid.shape) row_col_of_load = np.unravel_index( np.flatnonzero(np.abs(loads) > tol), self.grid.shape ) loads = loads[row_col_of_load] return loads, row_col_of_load