import numpy as np
from landlab.components.erosion_deposition.cfuncs import calculate_qs_in
from landlab.components.erosion_deposition.generalized_erosion_deposition import (
from landlab.components.erosion_deposition.generalized_erosion_deposition import (
ROOT2 = np.sqrt(2.0) # syntactic sugar for precalculated square root of 2
TIME_STEP_FACTOR = 0.5 # factor used in simple subdivision solver
class ErosionDeposition(_GeneralizedErosionDeposition):
"""Erosion-Deposition model in the style of Davy and Lague (2009).
Erosion-Deposition model in the style of Davy and Lague (2009). It uses a
mass balance approach across the total sediment mass both in the bed and
in transport coupled with explicit representation of the sediment
transport lengthscale (the "xi-q" model) to derive a range of erosional
and depositional responses in river channels.
This implementation is close to the Davy & Lague scheme, with a few
* A fraction of the eroded sediment is permitted to enter the wash load,
and lost to the mass balance (``F_f``).
* Here an incision threshold ``omega`` is permitted, where it was not by Davy &
Lague. It is implemented with an exponentially smoothed form to prevent
discontinuities in the parameter space. See the
for more documentation.
* This component uses an "effective" settling velocity, ``v_s``, as one of its
inputs. This parameter is simply equal to Davy & Lague's ``d_star * V``
dimensionless number.
Erosion of the bed follows a stream power formulation, i.e.::
E = K * q**m_sp * S**n_sp - omega
Note that the transition between transport-limited and detachment-limited
behavior is controlled by the dimensionless ratio (``v_s / r``) where ``r`` is the
runoff ratio (``Q=Ar``). ``r`` can be changed in the flow accumulation component
but is not changed within ErosionDeposition. Because the runoff ratio ``r``
is not changed within the ErosionDeposition component, ``v_s`` becomes the
parameter that fundamentally controls response style. Very small ``v_s`` will
lead to a detachment-limited response style, very large ``v_s`` will lead to a
transport-limited response style. ``v_s == 1`` means equal contributions from
transport and erosion, and a hybrid response as described by Davy & Lague.
Unlike other some other fluvial erosion componets in Landlab, in this
component (and :py:class:`~landlab.components.SPACE`) no erosion occurs
in depressions or in areas with adverse slopes. There is no ability to
pass a keyword argument ``erode_flooded_nodes``.
If depressions are handled (as indicated by the presence of the field
``"flood_status_code"`` at nodes), then deposition occurs throughout the
depression and sediment is passed out of the depression. Where pits are
encountered, then all sediment is deposited at that node only.
Component written by C. Shobe, K. Barnhart, and G. Tucker.
**Required Software Citation(s) Specific to this Component**
Barnhart, K., Glade, R., Shobe, C., Tucker, G. (2019). Terrainbento 1.0: a
Python package for multi-model analysis in long-term drainage basin
evolution. Geoscientific Model Development 12(4), 1267--1297.
**Additional References**
Davy, P., Lague, D. (2009). Fluvial erosion/transport equation of landscape
evolution models revisited Journal of Geophysical Research 114(F3),
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
>>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
>>> from landlab.components import DepressionFinderAndRouter
>>> from landlab.components import ErosionDeposition
>>> from landlab.components import FastscapeEroder
>>> np.random.seed(seed=5000)
Define grid and initial topography:
* 5x5 grid with baselevel in the lower left corner
* All other boundary nodes closed
* Initial topography is plane tilted up to the upper right + noise
>>> nr = 5
>>> nc = 5
>>> dx = 10
>>> grid = RasterModelGrid((nr, nc), xy_spacing=10.0)
>>> grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] = (
... grid.node_y / 10
... + grid.node_x / 10
... + np.random.rand(grid.number_of_nodes) / 10
... )
>>> grid.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(
... bottom_is_closed=True,
... left_is_closed=True,
... right_is_closed=True,
... top_is_closed=True,
... )
>>> grid.set_watershed_boundary_condition_outlet_id(
... 0, grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"], -9999.0
... )
>>> fsc_dt = 100.0
>>> ed_dt = 1.0
Check initial topography
>>> grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"].reshape(grid.shape)
array([[0.02290479, 1.03606698, 2.0727653 , 3.01126678, 4.06077707],
[1.08157495, 2.09812694, 3.00637448, 4.07999597, 5.00969486],
[2.04008677, 3.06621577, 4.09655859, 5.04809001, 6.02641123],
[3.05874171, 4.00585786, 5.0595697 , 6.04425233, 7.05334077],
[4.05922478, 5.0409473 , 6.07035008, 7.0038935 , 8.01034357]])
Instantiate Fastscape eroder, flow router, and depression finder
>>> fr = FlowAccumulator(grid, flow_director="D8")
>>> df = DepressionFinderAndRouter(grid)
>>> fsc = FastscapeEroder(grid, K_sp=0.001, m_sp=0.5, n_sp=1)
Burn in an initial drainage network using the Fastscape eroder:
>>> for _ in range(100):
... fr.run_one_step()
... df.map_depressions()
... flooded = np.where(df.flood_status == 3)[0]
... fsc.run_one_step(dt=fsc_dt)
... grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"][0] -= 0.001 # uplift
Instantiate the E/D component:
>>> ed = ErosionDeposition(
... grid, K=0.00001, v_s=0.001, m_sp=0.5, n_sp=1.0, sp_crit=0
... )
Now run the E/D component for 2000 short timesteps:
>>> for _ in range(2000): # E/D component loop
... fr.run_one_step()
... df.map_depressions()
... ed.run_one_step(dt=ed_dt)
... grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"][0] -= 2e-4 * ed_dt
Now we test to see if topography is right:
>>> np.around(grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"], decimals=3).reshape(
... grid.shape
... )
array([[-0.477, 1.036, 2.073, 3.011, 4.061],
[ 1.082, -0.08 , -0.065, -0.054, 5.01 ],
[ 2.04 , -0.065, -0.065, -0.053, 6.026],
[ 3.059, -0.054, -0.053, -0.035, 7.053],
[ 4.059, 5.041, 6.07 , 7.004, 8.01 ]])
_name = "ErosionDeposition"
_unit_agnostic = True
_cite_as = """
author = {Barnhart, Katherine R and Glade, Rachel C and Shobe, Charles M
and Tucker, Gregory E},
title = {{Terrainbento 1.0: a Python package for multi-model analysis in
long-term drainage basin evolution}},
doi = {10.5194/gmd-12-1267-2019},
pages = {1267---1297},
number = {4},
volume = {12},
journal = {Geoscientific Model Development},
year = {2019},
_info = {
"flow__link_to_receiver_node": {
"dtype": int,
"intent": "in",
"optional": False,
"units": "-",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "ID of link downstream of each node, which carries the discharge",
"flow__receiver_node": {
"dtype": int,
"intent": "in",
"optional": False,
"units": "-",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "Node array of receivers (node that receives flow from current node)",
"flow__upstream_node_order": {
"dtype": int,
"intent": "in",
"optional": False,
"units": "-",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "Node array containing downstream-to-upstream ordered list of node IDs",
"sediment__influx": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "out",
"optional": False,
"units": "m3/s",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "Sediment flux (volume per unit time of sediment entering each node)",
"sediment__outflux": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "out",
"optional": False,
"units": "m3/s",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "Sediment flux (volume per unit time of sediment leaving each node)",
"surface_water__discharge": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "in",
"optional": False,
"units": "m**2/s",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "Volumetric discharge of surface water",
"topographic__elevation": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "inout",
"optional": False,
"units": "m",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "Land surface topographic elevation",
"topographic__steepest_slope": {
"dtype": float,
"intent": "in",
"optional": False,
"units": "-",
"mapping": "node",
"doc": "The steepest *downhill* slope",
def __init__(
"""Initialize the ErosionDeposition model.
grid : ModelGrid
Landlab ModelGrid object
K : str or array_like, optional
Erodibility for substrate (units vary).
v_s : str or array_like, optional
Effective settling velocity for chosen grain size metric [L/T].
m_sp : float, optional
Discharge exponent (units vary)
n_sp : float, optional
Slope exponent (units vary)
sp_crit : str or array_like, optional
Critical stream power to erode substrate [E/(TL^2)]
F_f : float, optional
Fraction of eroded material that turns into "fines" that do not
contribute to (coarse) sediment load. Defaults to zero.
discharge_field : str or array_like, optional
Discharge [L^2/T]. The default is to use the grid field
'surface_water__discharge', which is simply drainage area
multiplied by the default rainfall rate (1 m/yr). To use custom
spatially/temporally varying rainfall, use 'water__unit_flux_in'
to specify water input to the FlowAccumulator.
solver : {"basic", "adaptive"}, optional
Solver to use. Options at present include:
1. "basic" (default): explicit forward-time extrapolation.
Simple but will become unstable if time step is too large.
2. "adaptive": adaptive time-step solver that estimates a
stable step size based on the shortest time to "flattening"
among all upstream-downstream node pairs.
if solver not in {"basic", "adaptive"}:
raise ValueError(f"unknown solver ({solver} not one of 'basic', 'adaptive'")
if grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"].size != grid.size("node"):
raise NotImplementedError(
"A route-to-multiple flow director has been"
" run on this grid. The landlab development team has not"
" verified that ErosionDeposition is compatible with"
" route-to-multiple methods. Please open a GitHub Issue"
" to start this process."
# E/D specific inits.
# K's and critical values can be floats, grid fields, or arrays
# use setter for K defined below
self._K = K
self._sp_crit = sp_crit
# Handle option for solver
if solver == "basic":
self.run_one_step = self.run_one_step_basic
elif solver == "adaptive":
self.run_one_step = self.run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver
self._time_to_flat = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes)
def K(self):
"""Erodibility of substrate (units depend on m_sp)."""
if isinstance(self._K, str):
return self.grid.at_node[self._K]
return self._K
def sp_crit(self):
"""Critical stream power to erode substrate [E/(TL^2)]"""
if isinstance(self._sp_crit, str):
return self.grid.at_node[self._sp_crit]
return self._sp_crit
def _calc_erosion_rates(self):
"""Calculate erosion rates."""
omega = self.K * self._Q_to_the_m * np.power(self._slope, self._n_sp)
omega_over_sp_crit = np.divide(
omega, self.sp_crit, out=np.zeros_like(omega), where=self.sp_crit != 0
self._erosion_term = omega - self.sp_crit * (1.0 - np.exp(-omega_over_sp_crit))
def _calc_qs_in_and_depo_rate(self):
is_flooded_core_node = self._get_flooded_core_nodes()
self._erosion_term[is_flooded_core_node] = 0.0
self.sediment_influx[:] = 0.0
self._depo_rate[:] = 0.0
v_s = np.broadcast_to(self.v_s, self._q.shape)
# iterate top to bottom through the stack, calculate qs
# cythonized version of calculating qs_in
positive_q = self._q > 0.0
self._depo_rate[positive_q] = self._qs[positive_q] * (
v_s[positive_q] / self._q[positive_q]
if not self._depressions_are_handled(): # all sed dropped here
self._depo_rate[is_flooded_core_node] = (
/ self._cell_area_at_node[is_flooded_core_node]
def run_one_step_basic(self, dt=1.0):
"""Calculate change in rock and alluvium thickness for a time period
dt : float
Model timestep [T]
# topo elev is old elev + deposition - erosion
cores = self._grid.core_nodes
dzdt = self._depo_rate - self._erosion_term
self._topographic__elevation[cores] += dzdt[cores] * dt
def run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver(self, dt=1.0):
"""CHILD-like solver that adjusts time steps to prevent slope flattening.
dt : float
Model timestep [T]
# Initialize remaining_time, which records how much of the global time
# step we have yet to use up.
remaining_time = dt
z = self._grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"]
r = self._flow_receivers
dzdt = np.zeros(len(z))
cores = self._grid.core_nodes
first_iteration = True
is_flooded_core_node = self._get_flooded_core_nodes()
# Outer WHILE loop: keep going until time is used up
while remaining_time > 0.0:
# Update all the flow-link slopes.
# For the first iteration, we assume this has already been done
# outside the component (e.g., by flow router), but we need to do
# it ourselves on subsequent iterations.
if not first_iteration:
# update the link slopes
# update where nodes are flooded. This shouldn't happen bc
# of the dynamic timestepper, but just in case, we update here.
is_flooded_core_node[self._slope < 0] = True
first_iteration = False
# Rate of change of elevation at core nodes:
dzdt[cores] = self._depo_rate[cores] - self._erosion_term[cores]
# Difference in elevation between each upstream-downstream pair
zdif = z - z[r]
# Rate of change of the *difference* in elevation between each
# upstream-downstream pair.
rocdif = dzdt - dzdt[r]
# (Re)-initialize the array that will contain "time to (almost)
# flat" for each node (relative to its downstream neighbor).
self._time_to_flat[:] = remaining_time
# Find locations where the upstream and downstream node elevations
# are converging (e.g., the upstream one is eroding faster than its
# downstream neighbor)
converging = np.nonzero(rocdif < 0.0)[0]
# Find the time to (almost) flat by dividing difference by rate of
# change of difference, and then multiplying by a "safety factor"
self._time_to_flat[converging] = -(
TIME_STEP_FACTOR * zdif[converging] / rocdif[converging]
# Mask out pairs where the source at the same or lower elevation
# as its downstream neighbor (e.g., because it's a pit or a lake).
# Here, masking out means simply assigning the remaining time in
# the global time step.
self._time_to_flat[np.nonzero(zdif <= 0.0)[0]] = remaining_time
self._time_to_flat[is_flooded_core_node] = remaining_time
# From this, find the maximum stable time step. If it is smaller
# than our tolerance, report and quit.
dt_max = max(np.amin(self._time_to_flat), self._dt_min)
# Finally, apply dzdt to all nodes for a (sub)step of duration
# dt_max
z[cores] += dzdt[cores] * dt_max
# Update remaining time and continue the loop
remaining_time -= dt_max