Source code for landlab.cmd.landlab

import contextlib
import inspect
import itertools
import os
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import textwrap
from collections import Counter
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import rich_click as click

from landlab import FramedVoronoiGrid
from landlab import HexModelGrid
from landlab import ModelGrid
from landlab import RadialModelGrid
from landlab import RasterModelGrid
from landlab import VoronoiDelaunayGrid

from .authors import AuthorList
from .authors import AuthorsConfig
from .authors import AuthorsSubprocessError
from .authors import GitLog



click.rich_click.ERRORS_SUGGESTION = (
    "Try running the '--help' flag for more information."
click.rich_click.ERRORS_EPILOGUE = (
    "To find out more, visit"
click.rich_click.STYLE_ERRORS_SUGGESTION = "yellow italic"
click.rich_click.SHOW_ARGUMENTS = True
click.rich_click.GROUP_ARGUMENTS_OPTIONS = False
click.rich_click.SHOW_METAVARS_COLUMN = True
click.rich_click.USE_MARKDOWN = True

out = partial(click.secho, bold=True, file=sys.stderr)
err = partial(click.secho, fg="red", file=sys.stderr)  # chain=True)
    type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, readable=True),
    help="chage to directory, then execute",
    help="Suppress status status messages, including the progress bar.",
    "-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Also emit status messages to stderr."
def landlab(cd, silent, verbose) -> None:

def _list():
    for cls in get_all_components():

@click.argument("component", type=str, nargs=-1)
def used_by(component):
    for name in _used_by(get_components(component)):

@click.argument("component", type=str, nargs=-1)
def provided_by(component):
    for name in _provided_by(get_components(component)):

@click.argument("var", type=str)
def uses(var):
    for name in get_users_of(var):

@click.argument("var", type=str)
def provides(var):
    for name in get_providers_of(var):

@click.argument("component", type=str, nargs=-1)
def validate(component):
    failures = 0
    classes = get_components(component)
    for cls in classes:
        errors = _validate_component(cls)
        if errors:
            failures += 1
            for error in errors:
                err(f"Error: {cls.__name__}: {error}")
    if failures:
        out("💥 All good! 💥")
    type=click.Path(exists=False, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True),
    help="existing authors file",
    type=click.Path(exists=False, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True),
    help="The file that contains a list of authors",
def authors(ctx, authors_file, credits_file):
    """Commands for working with lists of authors."""
    verbose = ctx.parent.params["verbose"]
    silent = ctx.parent.params["silent"]

    config = AuthorsConfig(**{k: v for k, v in ctx.params.items() if v})

    for k, v in config.items():
        ctx.params[k] = v

    if verbose and not silent:
        config_str = textwrap.indent(str(config), prefix="  ")
        out("using the following configuration:")

@click.option("--update-existing/--no-update-existing", default=True)
def create(ctx, update_existing):
    """Create a database of contributors."""
    verbose = ctx.parent.parent.params["verbose"]
    silent = ctx.parent.parent.params["silent"]
    credits_file = pathlib.Path(ctx.parent.params["credits_file"])

    git_log = GitLog("%an, %ae")
        names_and_emails = git_log()
    except AuthorsSubprocessError as error:
        raise click.Abort() from error
        if verbose and not silent:

    if not silent and update_existing:
        if not credits_file.is_file():
            err(f"nothing to update ({credits_file})")
            out(f"updating existing author credits ({credits_file})")

    authors = (
        if update_existing and credits_file.is_file()
        else AuthorList()

    lines = [author.to_toml() for author in sorted(authors, key=lambda item:]

    print((2 * os.linesep).join(lines))

def build(ctx):
    """Build an authors file."""
    verbose = ctx.parent.parent.params["verbose"]
    silent = ctx.parent.parent.params["silent"]
    exclude = ctx.parent.params["exclude"]
    authors_file = pathlib.Path(ctx.parent.params["authors_file"])
    author_format = ctx.parent.params["author_format"]
    credits_file = pathlib.Path(ctx.parent.params["credits_file"])
    start_string = ctx.parent.params["start_string"]

    git_log = GitLog("%aN")
        commit_authors = git_log()
    except AuthorsSubprocessError as error:
        raise click.Abort() from error
        if verbose and not silent:

    intro = (
        _read_until(authors_file, until=start_string) if authors_file.is_file() else ""
    if len(intro) == 0:
        err(f"empty or missing authors file ({authors_file})")

    authors = (
        AuthorList.from_toml(credits_file) if credits_file.is_file() else AuthorList()

    if len(authors) == 0:
        err(f"missing or empty credits file ({credits_file})")

    commits = Counter()
    for author in commit_authors.splitlines():
        canonical_name = authors.find_author(author.strip()).name
        commits[canonical_name] += 1

    lines = [intro]
    for author in sorted(authors, key=lambda a: commits[], reverse=True):
        github = _guess_github_user(author)
        if github is None:
            github = "landlab"
        author.github = github
        if not exclude_matches_any(author.names, exclude):
          , github=author.github,


def _read_until(path_to_file, until=None):
    """Read a file until a line starting with a given string.

    path_to_file : str or path-like
        The file to read.
    until : str, optional
        Read lines until reaching a line that starts with ``until``.
        If not provided, read the entire file.

        The contents of the file up to, and including, the search
    with open(path_to_file) as fp:
        if until is None:

        lines = []
        for line in fp.readlines():
            if line.startswith(until):
    return "".join(lines)

def _guess_github_user(author):
    """Guess an author's github username."""
    github = None

        github = author.github
    except AttributeError:

        github = author._extras["github"]
    except KeyError:

    if github is None:
        for email in sorted(author.emails):
            if email.endswith(""):
                github, _ = email.split("@")
                if "+" in github:
                    _, github = github.split("+")

    if github is None:
        for name in sorted(author.names):
            if name.isalnum():
                github = name

    return github

def mailmap(ctx):
    """Create a mailmap file from an author list."""
    verbose = ctx.parent.parent.params["verbose"]
    silent = ctx.parent.parent.params["silent"]
    credits_file = ctx.parent.params["credits_file"]

    if verbose and not silent:
        out(f"reading author list: {credits_file}")
            # Prevent git from showing duplicate names with commands like "git shortlog"
            # See the manpage of git-shortlog for details.
            # The syntax is:
            #   Name that should be used <email that should be used> Bad name <bad email>
            # You can skip Bad name if it is the same as the one that should be used,
            # and is unique.
            # This file is up-to-date if the command,
            #   git log --format="%aN <%aE>" | sort -u
            # gives no duplicates.
    authors = AuthorList.from_toml(credits_file)
    for author in authors:
        good_name, good_email =,
        for bad_name, bad_email in itertools.product(
            sorted(author.names), sorted(author.emails)
            print(f"{good_name} <{good_email}> {bad_name} <{bad_email}>")

    type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True),
    help="existing authors file",
def authors_list(ctx, file):
    verbose = ctx.parent.parent.params["verbose"]
    silent = ctx.parent.parent.params["silent"]
    exclude = ctx.parent.params["exclude"]

    git_log = GitLog("%aN")
        commit_authors = git_log()
    except AuthorsSubprocessError as error:
        raise click.Abort() from error
        if verbose and not silent:

    if verbose and not silent:
        out(f"reading authors from {file}")
    authors = AuthorList.from_toml(file)

    commits = Counter()
    for author in commit_authors.splitlines():
        canonical_name = authors.find_author(author.strip()).name
        commits[canonical_name] += 1

    for name, n_commits in sorted(commits.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
        author = authors.find_author(name)
        if not exclude_matches_any(author.names, exclude):
            print(f"{} <{}> ({n_commits})")

[docs] def exclude_matches_any(names: Iterable[str], exclude: str): exclude_re = re.compile(exclude) for name in names: if return True return False @click.pass_context def index(ctx): pass @index.command() @click.pass_context def grids(ctx): verbose = ctx.parent.parent.params["verbose"] silent = ctx.parent.parent.params["silent"] index = {"grids": {}} for cls in GRIDS: index["grids"][cls.__name__] = _categorize_class(cls) index["grids"][cls.__name__]["field-io"] += [ f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}.at_node", f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}.at_link", f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}.at_patch", f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}.at_corner", f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}.at_face", f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}.at_cell", ] print("") print("# Generated using `landlab index grids`") print("[grids]") for grid, cats in sorted(index["grids"].items()): print("") print(f"[grids.{grid}]") for cat, funcs in sorted(cats.items()): print(f"{cat} = [") print( textwrap.indent( os.linesep.join([repr(f) + "," for f in sorted(funcs)]), " " ) ) print("]") if verbose and not silent: summary = Counter() for cats in index["grids"].values(): for cat, funcs in cats.items(): summary[cat] += len(funcs) out("[summary]") out(f"grids = [{', '.join(sorted(index['grids']))}]") out(f"entries = {sum(summary.values())}") out("") out("[summary.categories]") for cat in sorted(summary): out(f"{cat} = {summary[cat]}") @index.command() @click.pass_context def components(ctx): verbose = ctx.parent.parent.params["verbose"] silent = ctx.parent.parent.params["silent"] from sphinx.util.docstrings import prepare_docstring index = {"components": {}} for cls in get_all_components(): if verbose and not silent: out(f"indexing: {cls.__name__}") index["components"][cls.__name__] = { "name": f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}", "unit_agnostic": cls._unit_agnostic, "info": cls._info, "summary": prepare_docstring(cls.__doc__)[0], } print("") print("# Generated using `landlab index components`") print("[components]") for component, info in sorted(index["components"].items()): print("") print(f"[components.{component}]") print(f"name = {info['name']!r}") print(f"unit_agnostic = {'true' if info['unit_agnostic'] else 'false'}") print(f"summary = {info['summary']!r}") for name, values in sorted(info["info"].items()): print("") print(f"[components.{component}.info.{name}]") print(f"doc = {values['doc']!r}") print(f"dtype = {str(np.dtype(values['dtype']))!r}") print(f"intent = {values['intent']!r}") print(f"mapping = {values['mapping']!r}") print(f"optional = {'true' if values['optional'] else 'false'}") print(f"units = {values['units']!r}") if not silent: out("[summary]") out(f"count = {len(index['components'])}") @index.command() @click.pass_context def fields(ctx): verbose = ctx.parent.parent.params["verbose"] silent = ctx.parent.parent.params["silent"] fields = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for cls in get_all_components(): if verbose and not silent: out(f"checking {cls.__name__}... {len(cls._info)} fields") for name, desc in cls._info.items(): fields[name]["desc"].append(desc["doc"]) if desc["intent"].startswith("in"): fields[name]["used_by"].append(f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}") if desc["intent"].endswith("out"): fields[name]["provided_by"].append(f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}") print("") print("# Generated using `landlab index fields`") print("[fields]") for field, info in sorted(fields.items()): print("") print(f"[fields.{field}]") print(f"desc = {info['desc'][0]!r}") if info["used_by"]: # used_by = [repr(f) for f in info["used_by"]] # print(f"used_by = [{', '.join(used_by)}]") print("used_by = [") for component in sorted(info["used_by"]): print(f" {component!r},") print("]") else: print("used_by = []") if info["provided_by"]: print("provided_by = [") for component in sorted(info["provided_by"]): print(f" {component!r},") print("]") else: print("provided_by = []") if not silent: out("[summary]") out(f"count = {len(fields)}")
[docs] def get_all_components(): from landlab.components import COMPONENTS from landlab.core.model_component import Component components = [] for cls in COMPONENTS: if issubclass(cls, Component): components.append(cls) return components
[docs] def get_all_components_by_name(): return {cls.__name__: cls for cls in get_all_components()}
[docs] def get_components(*args): """Get components by name. Parameters ---------- names : list of str, optional Component names. Returns ------- list of class Components with any of the given names. """ if len(args) == 0 or len(args[0]) == 0: components = get_all_components() else: components_by_name = get_all_components_by_name() components = [] for name in args[0]: try: components.append(components_by_name[name]) except KeyError: print(f"{name}: not a component", file=sys.stderr) return components
[docs] def get_users_of(var): """Get components that use a variable.""" users = [] for cls in get_all_components(): try: if var in cls.input_var_names: users.append(cls.__name__) except (AttributeError, TypeError): print( f"Warning: {cls.__name__}: unable to get input vars", file=sys.stderr, ) return users
[docs] def get_providers_of(var): """Get components that provide a variable.""" providers = [] for cls in get_all_components(): try: if var in cls.output_var_names: providers.append(cls.__name__) except (AttributeError, TypeError): print( f"Warning: {cls.__name__}: unable to get output vars", file=sys.stderr, ) return providers
def _used_by(classes): """Get variables used by components.""" used = [] for cls in classes: with contextlib.suppress(TypeError): used += cls.input_var_names return used def _provided_by(classes): """Get variables provided by components.""" provided = [] for cls in classes: with contextlib.suppress(TypeError): provided += cls.output_var_names return provided def _test_input_var_names(cls): errors = [] try: names = cls.input_var_names except AttributeError: errors.append("no input_var_names attribute") else: if not isinstance(names, tuple): errors.append("input_var_names is not a tuple") return errors def _test_output_var_names(cls): errors = [] try: names = cls.output_var_names except AttributeError: errors.append("no output_var_names attribute") else: if not isinstance(names, tuple): errors.append("output_var_names is not a tuple") return errors def _validate_component(cls): from landlab.core.model_component import Component errors = [] if not issubclass(cls, Component): errors.append("not a subclass of Component") else: errors += _test_input_var_names(cls) errors += _test_output_var_names(cls) return errors def _validate(args): failures = 0 classes = get_components( for cls in classes: errors = _validate_component(cls) if errors: failures += 1 for error in errors: print(f"Error: {cls.__name__}: {error}") return failures def _categorize_class(cls): funcs = {cat: [] for cat in CATEGORIES} for name, func in inspect.getmembers(cls): if not name.startswith("_"): full_name = ".".join([cls.__module__, cls.__name__, name]) for cat in _extract_landlab_category(inspect.getdoc(func)): funcs[cat].append(full_name) return funcs def _extract_landlab_category(s: str): from sphinx.util.docstrings import separate_metadata return [ cat.strip() or "uncategorized" for cat in separate_metadata(s)[1].get("landlab", "").split(",") ]